Wednesday, January 05, 2005

NPC's of Asheri1 and Prophecies & Legends of Asheri

Posted by: Ezra Al'Teyr

Name: Tiranus Stromguard
Affiliation: Nilian Empire
Position: High Emperor of Niliam
Weapon: Stromguard's family sword (although he is skilled in the use of many weapon types)
Accessories: The Imperial Seal and Scepter
Armor: Imperial Plate Armor (handcrafted and tailored to him)
Primary Sphere: Body
Appearance: For Member to decide
Background: When he learned of his father's plot to unite the land by giving up his power as King, he killed him and assumed the position. After realizing the constraints of monarchy, he proclaimed himself emperor at age twenty.

Things to consider when requesting character: As an emperor, he is known for being power-hungry and ruthless. He killed his own father for the power he holds, and won't hesitate to end the life of anyone who disobeys him.

Posted by: Salamander Armada

Name: Kobold Neitos
Affiliation: Associated Republics of Lunis
Position: Commander of Troops in Callendar
Weapon: Save Blade (A long, slightly curved sword)
Accessories: None
Armor: Elite Guard Armor
Primary Sphere: Fire
Secondary Sphere: Air/Water/Earth
Tertiary Sphere: None

Appearance: For Member to decide
Background: For Member to decide

Things to consider:
Kobold is very aggressive in battle, but due to his respect for his troops, he joins the troops only when needed. He is not politically inclined, and tends not to follow politics. He leads by instinct, but will obey orders from his superiors.


Posted by: Salamander Armada

Name: Dester Quadros
Affiliation: Associated Republics of Lunis
Position: Commander of Troops in Helilal
Weapon: For Member to decide
Accessories: None
Armor: Elite Guard Armor
Primary Sphere: Holy
Secondary Spheres: Air/Water
Tertiary Spheres: Body
Appearance: For Member to decide
Background: For Member to decide

Things to Consider:
No special requirements

Posted by: Salamander Armada

Name: Pharys Pathora
Affiliation: Free Knights
Position: Head of Free Knights

From now on, fields that are up to the member won't be included. You will have to post them when you move them to the character section, though.

Background: When his parents died, he joined a group of thieves. He spent many years on the wrong side of the law, but always escaped capture. Slowly, he transformed the band of thieves into a mercenary army. Contrary to the name, the Free knights are known for overcharging for their services when they are most needed. Some call it shrewd, Pharys calls it good business.

Consider: Pharys and the Free Knights are wanderers, though they can be found usually on the losing side. After all, the winners aren't going to pay for mercenaries. He is a very calculating man, and takes no unnecessary risks, unless a substantial amount of money is involved. Money is also his weakness, and he'll do anything - For a price.

Posted by: Ezra Al'Teyr

Name: Kaliam "Kal" Rublicam
Affiliation: Lunis
Position: Bodyguard and long time friend to Ezra Al'Teyr
Weapon: A Broadsword with a lightly glowing steel blue hilt and quillons, with a crystalline blade. The hilt and quillons resemble an hourglass (quillons) passing through an intricately woven braid (hilt), this is supposed to symbolize time. The name of the sword is "Eternity's Heart"
Accessories: A magical ring given to him and crafted by Ezra that allows him to recall his sword to his hand if he is ever disarmed. Also, a grey cloak that shifts colors to blend with any type of background the wearer might be standing against.
Armor: A shirt of mail made of blue scales with gold flecks. It is fortified against elemental magic attacks.
Secondary Sphere: Body
Tertiary Spheres: Water and Earth
Appearance: Kal is quite tall, even for a Lunari, standing 6'7" tall. He has blue eyes and blonde hair, as well as sharply defined features.
Background: Kal and Ezra have been friends for almost ten years, since Ezra began his training at the grand college in Fayre, whrer they met. Kal had been studying swordsmanship under the masters at the school. They became fast friends and have been close ever since.

Things to consider: Kal is a true friend to Ezra, just as Ezra is to him. He would never betray Ezra, and Ezra would never him.
Posted by:
Ezra Al'Teyr

Name: Linerin Gheral
Affiliation: None, other than himself and the Shadow
Position: Shadowseeker
Weapon: A spear, much like a Japanese yari, with a long black metal blade on the top, and a twisted shaft crafted from the shadow. The wounds inflicted by the spear's blade cause horrible disease, quick infection and rapid decay.
Accessories: A ring that allows him to detect the use of shadow magic, and another ring that allows him to command the undead he creates.
Armor: People with magical talents can see his body faintly surrounded by dark barbed wires that seem to be rapidly spinning about him. These can protect him from magical attacks slightly, and physical attacks quite well.
Priamry Sphere: Shadow
Secondary Spheres: Fire and Earth
Teritary Sphere: Body
Appearance: Linerin stands short for a male Lunari, at 5'8". He is a slight figure and is quite attractive. His face seems as if all made of hard plains and angles. He has blue eyes and blonde hair past his waist. He seems to be nearly thirty years old.
Background: Linerin studied Shadow from an unknown source, becoming quite powerful even in his early years. He once attempted to become active in the politics of Lunis, but was shunned because of his Shadowseeker title. He became a rucluse after that for some time before resurfacing. He has plagued Lunis literally ever since by relasing magically enhanced diseases within major cities, and raising the dead from their graves on more than one occation. The council tried to have him killed by Lunar Knight Zeravan Al'Teyr, but he was killed on the mission. He currently is working on something quite strange. A powerful magic that he will use to destroy Lunis. But what are his motives? And why has he taken such an interest in the Al'Teyr family line?

Posted by:

figured I'd post him just in case:

Name: Cadwallon the grey
Affiliation: Unkown
Primary Sphere: Spirit
Secondary Spheres: Fire, Air
Tertiary Sphere: Shadow
Appearance: Cadwallon the grey is an aged man, though he still remains hale and hearty in his old age. He is clean shaven with close cropped black hair. He is blind though reports say that this does not impair him as might be expected. He is of average height and build.

Background: Very little is known about Cadwallon the Grey. His race is as much a mystery to circles in Lunis as his affiliation. It IS known that he is strong in the spirit sphere although many say that his talents run more towards mind control and communion with animals and the spirit world than Summoning. Rumors abound of Cadwallon's current location in Asheri along with debates over whether or not he is still alive or ever was.

ooc: I can't think of any objections you guys might have towards everyone's favorite sage archetype, but I'm biased. Thumbs up?

Posted by:

Name: Stankel
Affiliation: Senior Mariner aboard the Crimzadwire
Weapons: A trusty sabre
Armor: None
Accessories: Sleeping powder. Acquired as a novelty from a Lunarian merchant in Kenoblious long ago. Has been used once to escape an overly-talkative shipwench. He knows nothing of its effectiveness though, but, if used properly, the vial could put many a man (including himself) under for quite a while
Appearance: Tall and fit. Brown hair, a few gray strands. In his forties. Horribly wrinkled and yellow faced: he is a terrible smoker, pipe always between his teeth. Very much a bum.
Skills: He is one of the best navigators a captain could hope to find. He is respectful and, for the most part, loyal to his superiors, but he would never martyr his life for another individual. He is a smooth-talker when such a skill is needed.
Background: One of the few men left who can still claim to have served Trokkard when Bhulenpazzen was the Admiral Overseer.

Posted by:

Salamander, I am finally going to start posting, so i'll follow your sugestion and take Pharys Pathora
Nemesis will now be know as Pharys Pathora.
The Following is me merging the character into one. I am also going to edit my profile. Here we go

Name: Pharys Pathora
Affiliation: Free Knights
Position: Head of Free Knights

Background: When his parents died, he joined a group of thieves. He spent many years on the wrong side of the law, but always, miraculously escaped capture. Slowly, he transformed the band of thieves into a mercenary army. Contrary to the name, the Free knights are known for overcharging for their services when they are most needed. Some call it shrewd, Pharys calls it good business.

Consider: Pharys and the Free Knights are wanderers, though they can be found usually on the losing side. After all, the winners aren't going to pay for mercenaries. He is a very calculating man, and takes no unnecessary risks, unless a substantial amount of money is involved. Money is also his weakness, and he'll do anything - For a price.

Prophecies & Legends of Asheri
This is here to help with back ground as well its more information

All posted by: Ezra Al'Teyr

OOC: This is where I'm going to post some legends and prophecies of Asheri. I appriciate comments and input, but once one of the legends is finished, that's it, and its the way that its been for at least a thousand years.

The Cycle of Til'Endral

In the years of the great war,
A seeker will seek the stones,
Holy, Shadow, Body, Spirit,
Fire, Earth, Water, Air,
The essences of the Archangels,
That were born unto the world,
Combined atop the the peak,
Of the mountain of the dragon,
And the moment shall be called Til'Endral,
It shall call to Asheri,
The Creator's light,
Or the creator's bane,
Ushering in ages of peace,
Or inumerable lengths of chaos,

-Tabbed in clay, by unknown author, circa 3,000 BL, in an area near present day Rysend. Document preserved in the national library of Balanum-

OOC: Each of the stones is an artifact that acts as a magnifier for the sphere that it represents. These are extremely powerful artifacts, and most of them have been long lost. The location of three are known, one is held by the Nylian Royal Family, one is held in the Crozious Arcanum in Fayre, and the other is owned by an independently wealthy family that owns an estate near Rysend, in Farai.

The legend of En'Drizuil

In the Age of Dreams, far in the past, the best weaponsmiths in all of Asheri gathered and created a blade under the light of the moon. The smiths had used the finest blend of platinum and mithril to create a special metal for the blade and but a few other weapons, and the creation of the metal, Dralar, has been lost since. It seemed as if it were crafted from a web of spider silk, even the blade itself was nearly invisible when turned sideways, and yet the blade could slice through most others, even without its magical imbument. It was taken to the eight most powerful mages that existed at the time, and imbued with a power by each of them. What these powers are still unknown, for when the blade was finished being enchanted, each of the mages and craftmen that created the blade dropped dead, and their life essences were absorbed into the blade. The blade rose into the air and drove itself into the ground, uprooting trees and creating a crater nearly fifty feet deep, and in the center, it fashioned a monument for itself, several lines of prophecy being engraved into the moument itself. It stands there till this day, deep within the Enchanted Forest, in its crater and clearing, where nothing grows to this day.

The inscription reads, in ancient Lunari:

To battle the final battle,
To fight the final fight,
To undo what must not come to be,
One will come to wield the blade,
When the shadow falls,
The the curtain draws,
So will En'Drizuil,
From its tomb of stone.

OOC: NOBODY can draw this blade. Nope, nobody. If I say so, then you try. Period. Plus, I'm the only one that really knows what it does.

Three other items were created from Dralar in the Age of Dreams.

Kar'Larien: A swallow, (A double bladed sword, What Serge uses in Chrono Cross)Its blades are broad and shaped like wide scimitars, facing opposite driections. The blades hold their edge indefinately, because of the Dralar. The sides of the blades are roughened in an unknown symbol of the past. It has been enchanted to grant the user the speed and agility of a blademaster, or enhance to impossible levels it if the user is a true master of the swallow.

Mor'Darien: A long spear, nearly ten feet in length, forged in the likeness of a dragon breathing flame. Made completely from Dralar, it could be used as a light horse lance, or a pike. It has been enchanted to aim for the heart of its target every time.

Ulitian: Another sword, simple in make, with a lightning bolt as the hilt, it seems to be a normal longsword, other than its resistance to rust and its eternal sharpness. It has an enchantment that makes storms follow the one that carries it. Occationally when an enemy is struck with the blade, lightning will strike from the sky onto the enemy. The sword confers protection from the lightning it calls.

The location of one of these items is known. Mor'Darien lies within the National Museum of Balanum, within a warded case,and is guarded at all times.

OOC: Hope you guys like these things. I think they add life and flavor to the world.. Enjoy!


I thought I'd list the names of the archangels and give a brief explanation of the Archangel wars.

Body: Tulouse Delgriad (male)
Spirit: Reyna Rainiel (f)
Holy: Crismor Haiil (m)
Shadow: Linerin Ferox (f)
Fire: Lithos Mitos (f)
Water: Jarin De'Milan (m)
Earth: Leigaia Orimaln (f)
Air: Deremon Linia (m)

The Archangel wars took place in the Age of Dreams, the time of legends. The most powerful of the Creator's servants were each given a sphere to protect and cultivate. Eventually, the guardians became covetous of their power, and began to war amoungst themselves trying to get others powers. Other angels joined in these wars and the landscape of Asheri was remade daily. Eventually, after many years of war, the Creator tired of the distuirbances, and cast the Archangels to live the rest of their natural lives, and the rest of their existances, on Asheri. The fallen angels banded together the primitive Asherians and battled even as mortals whilst on Asheri. The majority of the fallen died naturally, as onbly two were killed in the actual wars. Crimsor and Linerin died at the hands of the elemental fallen in a large battle near the middle of where Lake Asheri lies today. Eventually, the fallen all lived out their lives. When the fallen perished as mortals, their powerful souls became the stones destined to change the world, according to the legendary Cycle of Til'Endral. The Sphere Stones act as magnifiers for magical energy of their sphere. The stones possess phenomenal power, boosting the power of a user that possesses the sphere to the levels of the Archangels themselves, and granting those with no magical talent whatsoever meidocre competence in the sphere.


On the Sevron, written by a Nylian prince circe 445 AL

Ones raised in the Light,
Corrupted by Shadow,
Shall come to be known,
Only as the Sevron,

They shall live in the night,
Under the cities of men,
Lurking in the shadow,

They are the ignorance of the Creator,
They are the flaws of men,

They are the cause of strife, War, and Disease,

They are the shield that makes us not of the light,

But creatures in shade,corrupted by the Sevron,

The Sevron, that serve the Shadow.

OOC: Sevron is a term for anyone thet serves the Master of the Shadow, like Linerin. They are universally blamed for mostly any problem that could be explained by superstition. Sheep died, Sevron. Too much rain.. Sevron. I think you get the point.

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