Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Rune Aeterna 6

Rune Aeterna (
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Posted by Keiru Silver on 11-24-2001 11:49 PM


Started 11/24/01

Good work, let's see some involvement with Gran Adageros. Last chapter amounted to about 9 GA posts.

Welcome to my world...

Posted by Keiru Silver on 11-24-2001 11:49 PM


Started 11/24/01

Good work, let's see some involvement with Gran Adageros. Last chapter amounted to about 9 GA posts.

Welcome to my world...

Posted by Scarlet Rosenblade on 11-25-2001 02:05 AM

As soon as the bands were shot off, her memories, though vague and distant started to return. But something was still wrong. Something else was blocking them….She turned to Xarou, who now lay near death.

“What did you do to me? Xarou, please tell me..”

“Lethesbane…..I gave it to you after you tried to escape….Scarlet…” He began to cough up blood and his breath became ragged.

“Why…?” He looked up at her with tears in his eyes.

“I only wanted you. Please forgive a man for loving you.” Scarlet brushed a piece of hair out of his eyes.

“You wanted what was never yours…” she replied softly. His eyes flickered, then gazed on her for the last time.

“I love you….ever since that day…under the tree….. you made me happy…” The last words he ever spoke came out in a whisper that only Scarlet could hear. Even in his death she could feel no remorse or real affection for him. Only pity. Pity for the man who wanted what was never his. She bowed her head and whispered to Alexandros.

“Please bless him….He at least deserves that. Even after all he’s done..” A lone tear fell from her eye and onto his motionless body. A groan came from Indigo as he tried to sit up.

“Indy….” She crawled over to where he lay and stared at him, trying to remember. He leaned forward so that now she was caught in his embrace. Several images came, but only one stood out clearly in her mind. She gasped and held onto it with all her might.

“You’re the boy I kissed in the tavern!! The Frosted Glass!” She didn’t understand why this caused him to cry and hug her tightly.


Another image came, not so much an image, but a knowledge. She held onto Indigo as it formed itself into words.

“We’re lovers…aren’t we?”


“I love you, Indigo. Please don’t let go.”

“I’ll never let you go again, Scarlet.”

[OOC] Umm.....okay, I apologize for keeping everyone waiting, but I don't have the time or creativity to type something up right now so I guess...

CUE: Everyone


"When one forgets to put the emotions that overflow in her heart to rest, they burn the color of passion."

Posted by Mavi Denn on 11-25-2001 09:04 PM

Mt. Karovon

Frost clung to the branches and a thin layer of snow blanketed the earth as Mavi woke that cold morning. She looked outside and watched the snowflakes gently fall from the heavens. Blinking, she began to wonder where the days of summer had gone. The small hospital was quiet as the sun rose into the sky. Sighing, she lifted herself up on her elbows and searched the room. Kans was sprawled out unconfortably on the chair next to her bed with his mouth gaping. She giggled softly as she slid from the bed onto the cold floor. The hospital gown crinkled as she walked to the window across the room.

Steam gently floated from the snow as the still-warm sun floated into the sky. Blue sky periodically peeked through the clouds as the snow occumualated on the window sill.

Grinning and fighting the urge to jump out the window and play in the snow, Mavi walked back to the hospital bed and sat on it, giggling at the sight of Kans drooling on his shoulder.

Shaking Kans gently, Mavi watched as his eyes flickered open. Grinning she whispered,

"Look...outside! It's snowing!"

Kans blinked the sleep from his eyes as he twisted around in his chair, grinning as well as he saw the snow falling onto the ground.

"Your up Mavi. This is good!"

Mavi grinned and looked around for her clothes. On a chest at the end of the bed in the small room, was her tunic and breeches, nicely folded and clean. On the floor was her shoes neatly set next to each other.

She dressed and walked out into the lobby with Kans. The secretary was sitting at the desk, her head in her hands sleeping. She gently tapped the woman who snapped awake like sleeping was a crime. Seeing the two children there, she forced a smile on her weary face. Her nursing outfit was crinkled with being in one unfolded position too long. She readusted her cap square on her head and sighed.

"What can I do fer ya kids?"

The woman's voice was thick with a foreign accent and Mavi could barely understand her.

" do we get outta here?"

"Well, do ya have a pass or an adult with ya?"

Mavi and Kans both shook their head solemnly and the woman inspected them carefully.

"You really shouldn't go out there. Your not properly dressed for this," The woman leaned back to look out a window and she gasped in shock at the weather,"wonderfully gastly weather!"

Mavi and Kans looked at each other then back at the lady at the desk. The woman took one more peek out the window as she stood up and walked to a cubboard behind her. She opened the doors and took out a set of warm clothes. She handed a warm woolen shawl and fur-lined boots to Mavi and a Poncho and leather boots to Kans. Her size guesses were nearly perfect, the boots and shawl fitting snuggly on Mavi and Kans' boots fit him perfectly. Kans' poncho however, was a bit too large but it was a good thing, being extra warm.

"They're ya're children. That way ya'll keep warm."

The children thanked the woman as they walked out the door into the cold weather.

Mavi told Kans the voice that still echoed in her mind and he shrugged and then suggested they actually GO to mt Karovon.

That night, even though she thought her dreams in the beginning of her quest to Rysend had stopped, They began again. That night, She dreamed that she was on a boat on the sea. She saw a massive mountain behind a cloak of fog. The dreamt that the boat gradually approached the island and she got off. The boat, she noticed, was piloted by no one.

When she got off, there was something waiting for her. Something so evil, so menasing, that even the most daring of men could not defeat it.

God Bless America

Posted by Leo Saotome on 11-25-2001 09:51 PM

Question The Captain

Leo leapt his arm's length between the shore and the ship, and nearly collided with a rather large frame. He did, however, trip over his own feet and land face flat on the obsidian deck. "Ow!"

"You're not too bright, are you, son?" requested a gruff-sounding voice.

"I don't know my father, but I'm sure I'm not your son. And my name is Leo. Furthermore-" responded Leo, quite irritated. He paused as he rolled over onto his back, seeing a frame that would have provided enough shade for three of Leo on a late sunny afternoon. The frame wore pants, the same general style as the other men, but no shirt. It had shoulders nearly as broad as it was tall, which was about six feet at the top of the head. Leo noticed the furry outline of the man as he sat up. The frame offered a hand, which Leo took gratefully, and easily lifted Leo to his feet. Looking down now at the frame, Leo inspected the Kulb's face. It was that of a bull's, with its previously bloodshot eyes, as if his anger at something were now subsided. He had a flattened ok's nose, pieced, and the floppy felt ears, one of which was also pierced. Finally, this Kulb had black-tipped horns, the rest being oddly yellowed, which were rather large for his species.

"Furthermore, eh? Well, Leo Furthermore, my name is Tavey Nelek. The other men call me Bucer, Brutus, or Waring, depending on what they want from me. But you'll be calling me Sir." The ox seemed pleased with himself at his joke, and it showed. "So how'd you get here? Thought the Captain sed we'd get no bothers?"

"Arna brought me. Where is she?" responded Leo as he brushed himself off.

"Arna? Oh, the Captain's baby! She's with the Captain in his office. Here, I'll bring you." Here, the ox picked Leo up, quite easily, Leo noticed, before he could protest. He was slung over on shoulder like a sack filled with so many potatoes. Leo gave up the struggle before he started, giving the ox his credit in strength.

Atleast I'm getting there, I suppose,he thought. Through one door, down one, two, three flights of stairs, twenty, twenty-five, thirty steps down a corridor, and through a final door.

"Captain! Captain, yer baby's finally brought in a lover boy! And he's a big one, like ya said she ought to get! Captain!" bellowed the great Kulb.

"What? Lover boy? But I haven't even-waitase-ACK!" protested Leo as he was flung from the shoulder of the ox. He landed on an unexpededly comfortable couch, looking up at the ceiling. A second door, which must have lead to the Captain's office, opened swiftly, and in came the Captain.

He was a relatively tall man, just under Bucer's height, and he too was broad, not broad of shoulder like Leo or Bucer, but stout and rather paunchy. He wore a red bandana over his greying hair and balding scalp, and tugged comfortably at his black, now greying beard. He wore a thin white shirt and infunctional straight-legged black pants.

"A lover boy?! Where's the sea man!?" Leo was sitting up now, looking oddly at the Captain. He spun about and examined Leo closely, "My, you'd give me some fine sailing grandsons!"

"Sir, all due respect, sir, but I'm not nor do I want to be your daughter's consort." Leo looked up at the Captain.

"Nonsense, who wouldn't? Well, not I, of course, I'm her father. But naturally you get thoughts, eh? Don't worry, it's normal!" the Captain sat down and gave Leo a prod in the side. "And my name's Captain Arild Afi. Hey, Arna tells me you were at the Temple when she was Dedicated. What'd ya Dedicate to, and what's your name?"

"His name's Leo Furthermore, or so he tells me-"offered Bucer. The Captain glared at him, and Bucer left.

"Cast. I failed." Leo sighed. He felt the urge to change the subject, "Where's Arna?"

"She retired, and you ought to, too. I'll find a spare room for ya, if you're sure you don't want to spend the night with my Arna."

"I'm sure, sir. And I'm sure your daughter feels the same about me." Leo shook his head.

"Suit yourself and you're probably right. Brutus!" the Captain, who shrewdly guessed Bucer remained behind to listen, responded. He entered again.

"Yes, Cap'n?"

"Show the boy to a quarters."

With that, Leo got up and followed the large ox off to his quarters, shaking his head and rubbing his neck, "Insane.."

(OOCly: There's two more on the way, but I'm not happy with them yet. Maybe I'll post them tomorrow.)

~Leo Saotome

Intelligent, soft-spoken, and aggreeable.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Posted by Stefen Shatterstar on 11-26-2001 03:13 AM

OOC: My first post was in Chapter 5, cause i haven't been able to get near a computer for a while. So if anyone's confused about the storyline of my character, check out the archives.


After securing the roof, Stefen cupped his hands together and gave a raven call to signal to the others. He then selected a vantage point at the corner of the building from which he could observe the movements of all his teamates. Everything was going according to plan. There were two guards standing on the dock of the primary entrance. They would be disposed of next.

In the space of a heartbeat, two hands rose from the murky water surrounding the dock, one on each side. They each clenched firmly around the ankle of their respective guard. Before the men could cry out in warning, they had been pulled beneath the surface of the water. After a few seconds two men from Stefen's team, Dargon and Gareth emerged from the water and climbed onto the dock. The guards did not.

Dargon was the taller of the two, six and a half feet of sheer muscle. He was an experienced mercenary and had a missing eye and hand to show for it. His left hand he had replaced with a shortsword which attatched directly to his forearm. He had converted a potential loss into a deadly weapon. He wielded a wicked scimitar in his remaining hand. His face was hardened and showed his experience but not his years. He had flowing black hair and a lush goatee. Most prominent of all was the black patch he war over his left eye. He was an introverted warrior who had never paid any heed to Stefen. Stefen knew he had to earn the man's respect in order to be treated as an equal. That was not going to be an easy job.

What Gareth lacked in height he made up for by far in girth. Stefen wondered if the man was as wide as he was tall. The man was nearing the middle of his life and his brown stringy hair was beginning to gray. He wore a shaggy full beard and usually a jolly smile. Gareth had treated Stefen like a son and had indulged him in many stories of exploits past. Of all the members of Amber's team, Gareth was the one he felt the closest to.

These two veteran warriors comprised the muscle of the group. They would enter through the front and take out whatever guards stood in their way, allowing Amber to enter from the servants door and cut directly to her quarry. The team had followed this system several times and it always worked without fail.

Around the corner Amber had just finished picking the lock to the servant's door. She was a strikingly beautiful woman who appeared timeless. Her wavy auburn hair was pulled back from her faultless face into a pony tail for the mission. The woman carried an aura of radiance and grace about her.

At her side was Stalyn, the head of Amber's intelligence network. He had scoped out the mansion ahead of time. It was his job to know every nook and cranny by heart, along with the schedules of the guards and almost every last detail of the lifestyle of the target. He had already briefed the rest of the group, and now his job was to follow Amber in part to protect her and in part for ad hoc information in an emergency. His blonde hair fell in curly locks about his shoulders. he was a slim man, but elegant. Stefen believed that he had close ties to high society.

Everyone was in place; on to the next phase. Stefen sounded the call of a crow, and that is when everything went terribly wrong.

Dargon and Gareth entered the building first. Sounds of a scuffle. everything was as it should be. Second went Amber followed by Stalyn.

Dead silence from their end of the building. Good.

His job was over. Now all that was left was to wait until his team completed the mission and facilitate the escape.

Dead silence. Suddenly, The building burst into shouts and commotion. Before Stefen's brain had time to compute the new development, the trap door on the floor of the roof burst open. What was happening? An ambush? impossible, Stalyn's intelligence network was one of the best. Amber Darkheart was impossible to ambush.

One by one three armed soldiers climbed onto the roof. These were no routine guards. They were equipped in full plate armor of the highest quality. Their shields carried crests that signified all of them as knights. It was an ambush! From the sounds of the battle downstairs, there was an entire cadre of knights waiting in the mansion for the express purpose of capturing or killing Amber Darkheart.

The knights unsheathed their swords and began casually walking towards Stefen in an unguarded stance. Apparently they underestimated, seeing only an apparently unarmed nineteen year old whelp, where in reality stood a streetsmart assassin who just happened to have a fair knowledge of poisons and great skill with a dirk.

In a flurry of motion, Stefen whipped a dirk from it's sheath at his calf and stabbed it into a pouch of Hemersbane, a temporary but instant poison with debilitating effects. All he needed was one scratch for victory. Unfortunately for Stefen, the thought was easier than the task. Each knight was covered in full body armor. The only clear opening was in the face through a visor. Might as well not even have the poison.

The knights were beginning to back him into a corner. They still only saw a child with a pigsticker. Oh, how easy it would be to dive over the edge and into the water below. But if Stefen wanted to make a difference in the battle below, he would have to enter through the roof where he would not be expected. The ambushers knew which entrances Amber's team would use. They had a knowledge of the plan of attack. Surely with that much information, they would have gained knowledge of the members of the team. They knew Stefen, the rookie of the group was stationed on the roof. That's why they only sent three men. They would not be expecting him to survive. They would consider the job done. The last thing they would expect was an attack from above. Stefen swore that their underestimation would be their undoing. It was time to attack.

Posted by Kawaii Moon on 11-26-2001 06:50 PM

Its been a while...

It had been a really dull, boring day as Kawaii climbed into bed that night. She let out a heavy sigh as she relaxed her worked muscles onto the downy confort. She let her eyes wander to the small window across the room as the sun began to set behind the endless sea. The sky was clear, except for the few clouds that dotted the darkening sky. Light played off the water as the sun finally dipped into the sea and the moon began its watch over the night. The moon was almost full, a few days to go till then. Kawaii's mind wandered and skipped from subjects until sleep enveloped her. She slipped into a dreamless slumber until her mind began to whirl with a terrifying dream.

She was standing at the base of an immense mountain, smoke steadily rising from the tip. The mountain itself was almost a complete cone, except for the surrounding cliffs and jutting stone. Around her there was jungle. The thick canopy almost blocked out any light from reaching the damp ground below her. From what she could see above, the sky was cloudless except for the one accumualating from the smoke rising into the heavens. She was calm, even when she heard distant voices. Mechanically, she walked toward the voices, making no attempt to sneak upon them. When she reached the a good distance, she watched as a small boat was dragged onto the sandy shore. A large ship was anchored off the coast and shouts were shared between the large boat and the small rowboat. The shouts ceased when the man on the bow of the large boat left the three men and two children on the shore.

Oddly enough, the young girl standing beside a young boy about the same age looked familiar. She was small, shorter than the boy, with dark hair and skin. She was wearing a simple green tunic with breeches and shoes. She and the boy were staring awe-struck at the massive mountain looming ahead of them. Behind them, the three burly, sea-hardened men were pulling the small boat onto the shore and were loading sacks of food onto their backs and handed the children each a smaller gunny sack bulging and lumpy with food and other essentials. The children were eager to begin.

From her vantage point, Kawaii watched the small group walk towards the mountain. Suddenly, she felt a most horrific feeling of evil in her presence. She whirled around and saw a shapless form of the purest evil approach her. The shapless thing suddenly began to take the ghastly shape of a ogre. Still black as pitch, the shadow being opened its eyes. Fire seemed to leap inside the orbs of light as it looked down opon her. She looked up and watched as it opened its mouth to display teeth of iron glinting in a ray of sunlight. As the ogre continued to shape, it lifted its muscled arms and armed claws of bronze. The ogre was encased in a long, flowing robe of fire. The ogre reached behind its back and pulled forth a ball blackened with evil. She looked at it and saw inside a vision of hell. Even though it was only a vision, the scent of sulfur and burning flesh filled her nostrils. From the horrid smell she coughed and fell to the ground, supressed by the terror. She struggled to wake from the dream but could not.

The ogre suddenly changed shape yet again instead to take the shape of a bear, with the head of a lion. Standing, the creature spun its head to the side to reveal another, just as menacing head on its massive shoulders. The head was of man's, but when it opened the mouth the fangs of a tiger were shown with all its deadly glory.

Kawaii snapped upright, her night clothes sticking to her sweating body. She swung her legs out of the covers and sat on the bed, leaning forward in terrified disbelief. She looked out the window into the night sky dotted with stars. The only sound was the gentle lapping of the ocean onto the shore. Breathing heavily, she tried to recall the face of the girl.

The girl...Why did she look so familiar? And the evil creature? What was it and what was it going to do to the small party of people on that island? Was the island real?

The questions whirled in her weary mind as she collapsed onto her bed, letting her feet dangle.

Closing her eyes, she drifted back to sleep.......
°Kawaii Moøn°

Posted by Akalah Shei on 11-26-2001 07:14 PM



The frantic voice of the ship "Juna" echoed in the cold night air. The ship was going down.

Aboard the ship was a crew of freshies who knew next to nothing about saving an injured ship. They scrambled around just to find something to hold onto as they lept from the deck into the sea, just waiting to decour them in its cold, watery depths. Thunder clapped in the dark clouds as the salty waves struggled to overturn and sink the trustworthy ship.

Although the captain was a veteran of the sea, but he had never seen a storm quite like this one. Those crew who knew what to do ran up and down the narrow stairway to the cargo hold and hauled crates of fruit, vegitables, gold, silver, precious stones, live animals like dogs and threw them into the waiting sea, waiting for the sacrifice to "appease the gods" without care.

Hidden behind several large crates, a stowaway huddled. She struggled to keep her lunch in her stomach as the ship tossed and turned in the wayward ship. Suddenly, a crate was lifted and her hiding place was discovered. The man was shocked to see her there but was so frantic to live he paid her no mind. The young girl scrambled up onto the deck wet with the ocean's water. As she cleared the doorway, a tall wave lifted the ship and tossed it several feet. With that, The young girl was thrown from the deck into the churning sea. She managed to keep her head above the water as she saw a crate with an animal struggling against the cage floating toward her. She swam to it and was bashed against her in the torent. With the impact the crate opened and a dog plunged forth. On impulse, she grabbed the dog by its neck and pulled it toward her. She clung with the other hand to the floating crate and helped the dog stay alive.

As the sun rose over the now calmed sea, the young girl found herself floating on a bashed crate, her hand clinging to a side in a death grip. With the other hand she held onto a dog which was clinging onto her in every way that it could. The girl could remember nothing as she and the dog floating slowly to a distant land.

The two reached the shore of the foreign land and both the girl and dog collapsed with weariness.

The girl floated in and out of conciousness as her eyes gradually came into focus.

Sprawled there on the beach, the waves gently lapping at her legs, The girl stared up at the sky, wrestling with her mind and memories, struggling for any memory, anything at all. But her mind was blank, with no memories, no knowledge of her name, age, family, friends. She could barely remember the color of the sky, her hair or the beach. She tried to lift her head, but a searing pain shot up her spine. She bit back a scream of pain as she moved her left leg. It was clearly broken and she knew not of what else was broken or injured. She lifted her head once more but fainted from the pain.

Her own voice echoed in her mind....

Who am I? Where am I?
Keep your Friends near,
and your enemies nearer

Posted by Stefen Shatterstar on 11-26-2001 07:41 PM

Stefen had three knights backing him steadily into a corner of the roof of the mansion. Surrounding the mansion was a lake. He could easily dive into the lake and escape, but Stefen knew he had to save his team. The only way to do that was enter through the roof. That meant getting past the knights, his only weapon a pointed dirk. Stefen was clearly overmatched. He had to find a way to even the odds. One of the knights had just untied the guard that Stefen had earlier disabled. That didn't help his odds. Four on one.

He couldn't match these men in hand to hand combat, his only shot was to lure them over the edge of the roof and into the water below. Suddenly an idea struck him.

"I will go peacefully," Stefen set his poison dirk on the ground and held out his hands to be cuffed. The men had underestimated him from the beginning. They did not suspect a trap. With swords lowered, two of the knights casually strolled towards him.

"Spineless little whelp isn't he?" One knight sheathed his sword and removed steel cuffs from his belt.

"I would have expected better from one of Amber Darkheart's retinue," The other knight held his sword semi-guardedly, not really expecting any trouble but feeling obligated to follow procedure.

As the first knight extended his hands to cuff Stefen, Stefen extended his in compliance. However, rather than accepting the cuffs, Stefen grabbed the other man's wrists. Stefen could see a look of shock register on the knight's face through his vizor. Before the man could pull away, Stefen extended a leg to his left and pulled the knight by his wrists in the same direction. As expected the man stumbled in a semicircle around Stefen, tripping over Stefen's outstreched leg and crashing into his partner. The momentum generated by the man's trip sent both men tumbling towards the edge of the roof. Stefen followed this maneuver with a simple shove. The two armored men cried out as they toppled over the edge and into the water below. Stefen doubted if either man could get out of his armor in time to survive.

The odds were a little more even now. One night and one guard. The only problem was that neither underestimated him now. Both had swords drawn and were inching carefully closer to Stefen.

Stefen kicked his dirk back up into his hand. He could maybe stab one of the two and debilitate them with the poison, but by then the other would have already stabbed him. Unless . . .

Stefen hurled the dagger with deadly accuracy into the guard's chest. Immediately the man fell to the ground in convulsions from the Hemersbane. The knight in turn was startled for a matter of seconds and turned to look at the fallen man. Those seconds were costly.

In the blink of an eye, Stefen sprinted across the roof, grabbing the rope he had used to tie up the guard and diving into the trap door. He quickly locked it from the inside. The knight would easily be able to break through with his sword, but by that time, hopefully Stefen and his team would be gone.

Stefen was in a stairwell which seemed to be unguarded. He followed the sounds of battle.

"Hold on Amber I'll be there soon, just stay alive"

Posted by Mavi Denn on 11-26-2001 08:27 PM

The Journey Begins

With Kans by her side, Mavi gathered enough information to determine the location of Mt. Karovon. Strangely enough, even the strongest, bravest looking man seem terrified of Mt. Karovon. They told them both not to venture there, for fear of the "Evil One" that lives there. Mavi looked at Kans with fear etched in her face. Equally afraid, Kans turned pale as they both left the man to his booth.

It took the entire day to even collect the money needed to go on the trip to Mt. Karovon. They asked around if anybody knew where the fabled mountain in and a secretive man heard their question when he was leaving his shop. He ushered them into a small, shadowed room and set them down on rickety stools.

"Now listen here kids...Mt. Karovon is a magical place, a place where Unicorns romp in the sunshine, but beware of the shadow of the mountain, for there lives the Devil himself! I actually sawr him once! I was nappin in a tree when the sun set and the mountain's shadow fell onto me...I woke to the sound of evil commin my way! I fell silent, watching as a shapeless being floated in my general direction." The man added a long pause to prevoke fear in the children, which he did very well. He smiled inwardly at the pale-faced children. He continued.

"Suddenly, a stupid rabit crossed the shadow to retrieve a delectible morsal of food...Once it did so, the demon took the form of a massive ogre! he skin was black as the shadows themself as he pounced onto the unsuspecting rabbit! He then opened his mouth and displayed his iron teeth! then, he bit the rabbit's head completely off! In one bite! I knew that he'd spot me soon so i took off, jumping out of the tree, breaking my leg but i managed to get into the fading sunlight. I dragged myself further into the sunlight and watched as the ogre plunged into the sunlight and completely disappeared, of course he let out a blood curdling scream!"

The strange man succeeded in his attempt to frighten the children. Little did the man know, he was more right than he thought.
God Bless America

Posted by Akalah Shei on 11-27-2001 12:13 AM


Sprawled awkwardly on the golden sand of a beach, Akalah began to remember vital information. She did discover her name from a small tag attached to her belt that read her name. It took her a while to remember how to read the tag in the first place, but when she did manage to read it, she rediscovered her name, and with that discovery came more information.

Now that she new her name, the names of colors, words and places flooded her mind. The sun beat down on her form as she tried to straighten out into a decidedly more confortable position. Laying beside her was the dog. The dog was a simple mutt, nothing special about him really, but Akalah could sense there was something deeper there, something more profound.

Once she completed the painfull task of straightening out, she then focused the energy remaining on yelling for help. She opened her mouth and struggled to have a sound louder than a whisper escape her lips. Her left leg throbbed with pain and her neck was stiff.

The beach surround was littered with the remains of the ship "Juno". Barrels, planks of wood and shattered crates lined the shore as far as her unfocused eyes could see. Gulls flew circles in the sky and a lone crab scuttled across the beach to a large clump of seaweed. The dog beside her lifted its head and looked at her, its eyes a peircing blue. The dog blinked and sat up, scanning the beach line. It stood up and stretched as it trotted along the beach for food. Akalah watched the dog's gait and noticed that it had something special about the walk. The dog barely seemed to touch the sand as it skipped and literaly flew at a full run. The dog chased the gulls and harrassed the crabs.

By nightfall, the pangs of hunger began. The dog was still searching their little plot of sand as she lifted her stiff body to a sitting position. From her vantage point, she could see nothing of interest, just a long stretch of golden brown sand with the ocean lapping at the beach, as if it was trying to envelope the beach and its surrounding countryside. She twisted her head and gritted her teeth as to see behind her. The beach extended several feet before a cliff jutted from the flat surface. Roots and grasses protruded from the dark soil. She craned her sore neck to see over the top but was unable to do so. Sighing, she called the dog to her.

The dog came to her obediently and told him to fetch some seaweed from the shore beyond. She knew that the dog couldn't understand her but she had to try.

Remarkably, the dog seemed to know exactly what Akalah was saying. The dog obediently trotted over to the clump of seaweed and sniffed it, then gently took it up in his mouth and brought it to her where he dropped it to her side. She sat there, staring at both the dog and the seaweed. Her mouth gaping, she gasped in acknowledgment that the dog understood her.

Taking the seaweed, she wrapped it around her swelling left shin, which was clearly broken, although not displaced. She secured the cool, moist plant and sighed in relief as the pain subsided.

Now her thoughts focused on two things:

Finding shelter, and figuring out her canine companion.
Keep your Friends near,
and your enemies nearer

Posted by Alexander on 11-27-2001 01:06 PM

Alex stood at the enterance to the temple at Mt. Karovon, leaning on his walking staff with a little worry in his mind as he watched Janus push the doors to the temple open.


"Yes?" His friend turned around halfway to look at him as he prepared to step inside.

"Your sure you want to do this?" He could not shake a feeling of dread.


"I just can't shake this feeling of dread."

Janus grinned. "Then why don't you come in and help me through this trial, which I obviously can't finish myself?"

Alex sighed. "Forget it. Just go, get it over with."

Janus dissapeared into the temple, the doors swinging shut behind him. Alex looked down at his own palm quietly, imagining the rune he thought his friend would come out bearing.


Janus quietly made his way to the inner room and sat down in the center silently. I am ready, he thought to himself. His senses faded away slowly.


The first thing he felt was wind whirling around his face, through his hair and cloths. Janus slowly opened his eyes, and found himself in blackness. He stood, and his vision slowly began to fade in. Black walls were on three sides, a barred door behind him. In front, the two walls stretched out a distance befor branching away in a T. The sky above was a dark tempust, throwing thunderbolts and wind everywhere. Janus sighed softly and suddenly wished he had Alexander's cloak.

"Alexander?" Janus called softly, spinning around to look at his small corner carefully. The words echoed into nothingness. "I'm alone, then." He faced forward again and drew his kami, and stepped forward carefully twords the intersection. Being carefull, he glanced once each way and then, decideing that since he had no idea where he was going, he sliced a nick in the corner of the left wall and headed that way. He did not hear the crying from the wall as he walked away.

Eventually Janus found himself underground. The wind was blowing terrible here, it was as if someone had channeled the wind down the corrider just for him. He growled softly, and called upon his darkvision as the shadows grew deeper and deeper as he continued through the corrider. Deeper and deeper the maze went, Janus could sort of sense the downward slant as it tunneled into the earth. He kept moveing, each time a branch came up he marked the edge with a slash from his kami.

And gradualy he could feel he was getting closer to.. something. The wind had died down, but now it carried screams and tears. Janus stopped in his tracks silently as he listened. Alexander's voice is in there, he found himself thinking. "Alex?" Janus looked around a little once more, wondering if his friend was anywhere near. The faint screams continued, echoing through the tunnels from somewhere far away. Janus steeled his grip on his kami and gradualy started takeing steps forward again. The screams had un-nerved him a little, be he would not admit it to himself. He had killed his own father, why should the screams of others, or his friend, bother him? They grew louder as he continued.

After an eternity of counting the moments pass Janus felt the wind grow as he stepped out into an open area. The screams were loud, he could tell they could not be very far away. Dry grass crunched under his feet as he stepped forward, a black sky overhead. In the distance he saw.. a tree? Yes, a giant tree. It was larger than any other he had seen, the trunk looked miles in diameter and miles high. The raw shape got clearer as he approched, and he saw first that it had no leaves.. it looked dead like most did in the middle of winter. Second, as lightning struck the tree shined like it was metal and not wood. He approched the trunk and slowly looked up. It was indeed made of a shiny, razor sharp metal. The branches started at his shoulder level and stabbed out from the trunk like jagged spears. Then the source of the screams was apparant. On each tip of the branches thier was a creature impaled. Human, demi-human, animal, they were all thier. Janus's eye went wide and he backed away slowly, dropping his weapons to the ground in shock. He saw his father up thier, mouth open in a everlasting scream, his voice allmost gone by now, and stareing at him with empty eyes. Look what you've done. He dropped to the ground, hands over his ears, tears slipping down his face in torrents. Be strong, he kept telling himself. But he could not be strong. Not now. The Tree. His father. He knew Alex would be up thier too. He could not take it.. too much.. maybe if he could just reach his weapons.. but the wind grew strong again and threw his body back like a rag doll now that he had no strength to continue.

Be Strong.
Black Wind!
Terrible Purpose!
Be Strong.

Words echoed through his head as Janus woke from his trance. Sweat trickled down his face and mixed with tears. For long minutes he sat thier as his visions faded to a dream-like quality. But The Tree still remained. He would not be able to forget it for a long time. Janus stood slowly, and forced his body to calm. After a moment, on pure instict, he held his left palm up. The rune of air was slowly etching itself onto his palm. He smiled slowly and wiped his eyes and forehead off with one sleeve then left the room silently, barely noticeing the soft breeze that followed in his wake.

Posted by Alexandros Fatali on 11-27-2001 02:20 PM

Alex knelt on the ground beside Xarou and drew a small vial of holy water from an interior pocket of his jacket. He sprinkled it on the dead man and drew the Meshai on his forehead with it, he wispered a small prayer and rose to assess the situation. Orocia stood over Scarlet and Indigo, who were crouching together in an embrace. Caliph stood in some shadows of the hedge maze, silently watching the spectacle.

Alexandros walked slowly from Xarou to Indigo, slowly and silently pushing Scarlet away from Indigo while looking into her eyes with an expression of utter sadness. He moved her gently so that he could examine the wound on Indigo's leg. It was just a flesh wound, but it was deep, and long. Alexandros wished that he had brought his regular supplies, but they had not seemed nessecary at the time. Conflict was not his objective in coming here.

"Does anyone have some cloth to bind this with?" He asked aloud to nobody in particular.

Caliph rummaged about in his pack and tossed some cotton cloth to Alex. He slowly lifted Indigo's leg and bound the wound with the thick cloth. He helped Indigo to his feet, and Scarlet ran to help him walk. Alexandros looked to Orocia, and then to Caliph, then back to the pair. He was somewhat irritated with the way the situation had turned out.

"Well, now that this is all over, I have to go find some Princess. And I have no clue where to even start," Alexandros grumbled.

Indigo held back a laugh, Scarlet looked at him as if puzzled, then a large grin broke across her face and she began to laugh as well.. Caliph chuckled in the shadows. Orocia just stood, looking as confused as Alexandros. Caliph walked slowly towards Alex, and whispered to him.

"I'll give you a hint. It's a girl with firey red hair," Looking towards Orocia, he laughed, "And no tatoos,"

Alexandros was stunned. He was right after all. How odd. He smoothed his coat down and knelt on one knee, "Majesty,"

Scarlet blushed a bit, "Get up, Alexandros,"

Alexandros rose, biting his lip. How was he to explain that she was part of something he didn't even understand, and that he was supposed to protect her, as well as return to Fayre in time to help defend the city. Not that the Council had taken him seriously when he had spoken with them, but he had tried to convince them. He had to make it back there to be sure that he could help.

"Majesty" Alex addressed Scarlet as she and Indigo began to limp towards the back exit of the estate.

"Just Scarlet, Alexandros," She replied.

Alex nodded. "I have to make my way back to Fayre to help defend the city from attack by the forces that have been based in Dargent. I was told that you, Maj.. er.. Scarlet, are integral to this effort. I don't know how or why, I just know what I've been told,"

Scarlet looked seriously at Alex, and nodded softly, "We'll talk later, Alexandros, but I do have to ask, who told you this?"

"Ezra Al'Teyr and Salamander Armada" Alex wondered if they'd believe him.

Orocia nearly jumped, so startled she was to hear that name. Her name. Caliph simply looked uncaring. Indigo and Scarlet seemed quite surprised, but, of course, still concerned for Indigo's welfare.

"You can find us at the Platinum Ray," Indigo spoke weakly.

Alexandros nodded. Orocia and Caliph both began to accompany the pair out the back, leaving Alexandros to deal with this mess.

Kaliva peered over the rooftop of Vannemeyre manor. The time was coming.. The time was soon...

Cue... Whoever wants it...


May the Creator shield you and light your path...

Posted by Mavi Denn on 11-29-2001 06:28 PM

The mountain Journey

Leaving the old man's home in Nevyel, armed with a map and some money, Mavi and Kans walked into the bright sunlight. The squinted until their eyes adjusted.

"Kans, did you hear what the old guy said? He said that there's a monster there, one that eats little children...but why did he give us a map of this place; and some money to go there? Does he hate us?"

Kans shrugged at Mavi's observation. They walked through crowds, several times getting seperated but finding each other soon enough. They both wondered why so many people were congregation in such a small town. Through the hustle and bustle, they barely managed to keep hold of their newfound possetions. The slowly made their ways through the hordes of people and safely reached the dock lined with ships, some being loaded and some being unloaded. The stench of fresh fish being skinned and packaged in snow filled the air, and there was little hope of the smell disipating any time soon, despite a chilly breeze that nipped at the children's noses. They walked down the worn wooden deck slippery with melted snow and salty spray from the ocean. Men scrambled around, shouting and working under the winter sun. The day was warm for winter, the snow melting made the earth muddy and most of the common folk's feet and hems were dirty. The little snow remaining was slushy and made the movement of carts and carriages a tough endeavor. Puddles lined the cobbled streets and the sky became overcast suddenly. Rain that tried to be snow fell gently from the gray, overcast sky as Mavi and Kans slipped and struggled to find a ship that will take them to the island with Mt. Karovon on it. The map showed that there was no human population and no sailor or captain would allow passage to the cursed island.

They were turning to leave when a large, unkept man walked up to them, almost colliding with a barrel of fish grease as he slipped on a patch of melting snow. The rain began to quicken and the air was very cold. Mavi shivered in her woolen cloak, even though none of the water seeped through the heavy garment. Kans stood next to her, his poncho draping heavy over his shoulders, gradually filling with water. Despite the soaked poncho, Kans stood still and attentative as the bearded man spoke.

"So i hear that ye wuld' like ta go ta the," the man paused for affect before he continued,"Forbidden Isle."

The children nodded and he gave them a toothless grin. The man had to be old enough to have seen the entire ocean and whatever worlds were there. He slapped Kans hard on the back and led them to his ship, where men stood on the deck and the dock, lifting crates and barrels onto the ship. The men turned to see the man and yelled to him, "CAPT'N!" to him and continued their work. The man showed the two children to a ladder propped onto the side of the ship and let Mavi go first up it than Kans. Taking up the end, the man clammered up, shaking the ladder and making it shudder and bend.

Upon reaching the deck, the captain led them to the raised steering portion. They passed the wooden cliff lined with six thin doors, one propped open leading down to the cargo hold. They passed the door and turned left to the stairway that led up to the upper deck that held a small shed-like building with the steering inside. The Captain opened the small door and they all stepped inside. They walked downward a couple steps and Mavi looked about with slight awe at the beauty of the steering wheel and a strange manifold of odd dials and bubbles holding a needle, each pointing different directions. A long, winding tube extended slightly from the right wall that connected with a funnel shaped thing propped outside on the back of the room facing the deck. She figured that it was used for yelling orders to the crewmen. On ceiling nearest to the glass window above the steering wheel was a short rope that opperated the foghorn. On the opposite side of the room was a man sitting on a chair bolted to the floor behind a desk, also bolted to the floor. The man was thin and lanky dressed in simple cotton shirt and pants, which were held up with suspenders. He wore a simple, white, stained cap and underneath it his hair departed in every which way.

The captain was standing in the center, facing the wall opposite of the steering wheel reading maps tacked up everywhere on the wall.

"Eh, Mt. Karovon...hmmm..." The captain mumbled. On the desk of which the skinny man sat was also lined with maps, some roled up in a basket and three stacked on each other. The man held a device that measured the distances, he was obviously the navigator.

Soon, the captain grunted and walked over to the winding tube and bellowed into it his orders.


She heard a yell of agreement from outside. Mavi and Kans were given seats on the wall to the right of the door.

After several minutes, a sailor entered the steering room and said that everything was loaded.

The captain nodded and spoke in the tube.


The captain's voice was thick with accent and some of the words sounded quite funny. Mavi felt the boat begin to move and clung to the sides of the seat, memories of the last boat ride flooded her memory.

Several hours passed and Mavi could see the island ahead, Kans was sitting beside her, his face white with fear. He remembered the story told by the old man, and plus, this was his first ship ride.

Despite being filled with fear, Mavi was excited to see the island.

Suddenly, a terrible scream of pain was heard from outside...
God Bless America

Posted by Aramus VanVehementi on 11-30-2001 01:23 AM


"Imperial Highness, all preparations are complete. Both our siege troops and the newly arrived reinforcements from Militus are armored, packed, and ready to march."

"Are you certain that our men will succeed against so large an advisairy Bjorn?"

"General Oneuss and I have great confidence in this stage of operations. We have consolidated what would have been seperate invasion forces. Men that were originally slated to sack Nevyel, Callendar, and Teyr are now all marching to Fayre. Also, if we can truly depend on this Linerin character, his forces will arrive to aid us. There is something disturbing about that man's seeming... shall we say claravoyance."

"I was thinking the same thing. Its a good thing he's on our side then, wouldn't you say?"

"Of course Highness." Bjorn looked upon the Emperor with childlike anticipation.

"Very well, send our troops. But make no mistake, I want the ENTIRE council eliminated. If any portion of the council remains, you shall pay foreit."

"Understood Highness. Victory to the Empire!"

"For your sake General Bjorn, let us hope so."

General Onuess calmly walked to the front of his company. Never before had he stood before such a large body of soldiers before. He had had large commands before but nothing to this magnitude. The mass of troops stretched for nearly a mile. As excited as he was, he kept his countenance and made his way to the platform at the head of the company. Unlike Aramus' style, he would give no speech. Their purpose was his men's sole inspiration and only needed motivation. As he stepped onto the small wooden stoop, the entirety of the Nylian Empire's soldiers stood sharply at attention, their strict lines moving in unison. The time had come. The council was the last significant obstacle to overcome. Bjorn spoke, his men listened.

"Men, you know who I am. You know why we're here. You don't need me to tell you what we're fighting for. The time has come. Let us now do what we have longed to do for such a great time. GLORY TO THE NYLIAN EMPIRE. MARCH!!"

Salutes flew into the air in rigid formation. Just as quickly as they had been executed, hand after hand dropped to the soldiers sides. As if all men were a singular organism, they rounded about to face the road leading away from New Dargent. Once more in a synchronised fashion, the men began their march to Fayre. There route had long been planned. They would remain on the road for only a short while. To avoid detection, they would stray well out of the range of Nevyel so as to not allow alarm to reach their target. The thunder of their footsteps would hopefully equate to the rumbling might of the Nylian Empire, unless General Bjorn was to suffer the consequences.
"Unlike my fool of a father, I don't just talk of ambition... I realize it!"

Posted by Stefen Shatterstar on 11-30-2001 04:51 PM

Stefen had memorized the blueprints of the mansion that Stalyn had supplied the team. Amber's team was never ambushed, but they always had an escape plan prepared ahead of time. Amber valued being prepared above all else. In this case it looked like it was up to Stefen to follow through with the abort plan.

Sprinting down a stairwell he came to a door. It would be locked. Luckily, Stefen was one of the best theives in all of Fayre. He removed a set of small wires, lock picking tools, from his belt. He had the door open in a matter of seconds. "Still got it," Stefen grinned as he hurtled across what appeared to be a Servants' quarters to a small archway which led to the master bedroom of William Welsley. The room was empty and a fire was burning in the hearth. Good. The knights that had ambushed his team must have cleared the servants and masters of the house out of the mansion before the attack. The room was ornately furnished with wood and carpeted. "This Welsley must be filthy rich."

Another day, Stefen would have been happy as a drunkard on a feast day to be surrounded by so much unguarded wealth. Today he had a job to do. With a mighty tug, Stefen ripped four bundles of drapes from the windows, bundling them in his arms. He then put the ends in the fire, leading the other side out into the room. The drapes should be highly flammable, turning the mansion into an inferno and causing panic with the knights. Amber and her team would be prepared for this occurence. It was part of the plan.

Stefen fled from the growing blaze through several empty corridors before coming to an imposing set of double doors. Another lock to pick with the fire gaining on him. He would have to be as good as Amber thought he was if he was to survive this.

Again he removed the wires from his belt. He had seen a lock like this only once before. Very expensive. It was supposed to be thief-proof. Last time he had encountered this lock it was in the summer home of a wealthy baron guarding his treasury. It had taken him almost two hours then to unlock it. This time he had two minutes. This room was Stefen's own variation of the plan. Armed with only a dirk, he couldn't possibly hope to be much help to Amber and the others. This door would take him to William Welsley's world famous collection of antique weapons.

Stefen inserted two wires into the lock. It helped that he had encountered this lock before, but not much. He had to use these wires to find the first guard mechanism, a layer of metal which covered the actual lock, pull it back, and hold it in place. Found it. Using the wires as a lever, Stefen slid the mechanism open. While praying it would not slip past his wires and back into place, he removed a small quanitity of Gwekyr's Gum, an adhesive substance from his kit, and used it to stick the two wires together and hold them to the lock.

The fire was getting closer. The heat from the blaze was forming droplets of perspiration on his forehead. He had to remain calm. One more guard mechanism to go. Removing two more wires, he felt around inside the lock. This was taking too long! Where was it? The tapestries that lined the walls of the hallway were beginning to ignite. Calm. His chances of completing this operation in time were slim, if he panicked they were next to nil. There was the mechanism. He pulled it back. In his distraction as he reached for the gum, he felt the wires give and the mechanism slide back into place. NO! Lost time.

If he moved flawlessly from here on out, he still had a shot at survival. He once again trapped the mechanism and quickly replaced the gum.

The tapestries were entirely disintigrated and the fire had spread to the wooden beams on the ceiling. Now for the hard part. Two more wires, each one held between a thumb and an idex finger. Working between the wires on each side of the lock that held the mechanisms in place, he inserted the wires into specific holes in the lock and twisted.


CLICK! He did it, leaving precious little time to grab a weapon. Recovering his wires Stefen kicked the double doors open. He was confronted with an array of weapons from every age. It was beautiful, with the contents of this room he could buy an estate, and more land than he had ever dreamed of. "Get your head out of the clouds, or you won't live to see tomorrow!" Stefen muttered to himself. Axes, Claymores, Shields, full suits of antique armor, a crossbow, jewel-encrusted daggers . . . A crossbow! It was within arms reach.

Grabbing the crossbow and a bag of antique bolts displayed next to it, Stefen hurtled out of the room. The hallway was hell incarnate, fire everywhere. He tried to gasp for air, but could only breath smoke. His throat burned, his lungs felt like they were about to explode. All he could see was black. And pain. He shut his eyes, but that didn't slow the stinging. Don't pass out. If you pass out they're all dead. Stay in reality.

Stefen dropped to all fours. He couldn't see. He couldn't hear. All he could feel was pain. Luckily, one of the skills that came with the job of theivery was an infallible memory, and Stefen had memorized every inch of the mansion. The stairs leading to the battle were 6 yards down the hall, straight ahead. He hoped his friends were still alive. In Stefen's mind, the ten minutes since the beginning of the attack had stretched into an eternity. Desperation. Stefen took a deep breath of the semi-clean air near the floor, stood up, and sprinted toward the stairs.

Posted by Mavi Denn on 12-01-2001 12:34 AM

The horror...

The scream was heard throughout the entire ship. Mavi, the captain, Kans and the navigator ran for the door and swung it wide. Outside, on the main deck was a man, sprawled out, blood pooling around his midsection and head. The sight was stomach wrenching - The sailor's face was ripped open as if a massive beast had swiped him with its clawed hand. His midsection was sliced up, and his leg was bent backward.

Mavi gagged at the sight and turned, her face green and her thoughts haunted by the sight. Kans collapsed next to her, both their faces pointing down at the deck, the other direction of the dead man. The captain stood gawking and finally had to lower his eyes and look at the floor, his sea-hardened face etched with disgust. All of the sailors were muttering in the silence of disbelief. Even though all of the sailors were present on the deck, with only a few below in the cargo hold, no one saw the creator of such destruction. There was no sign of a struggle, and no sign of the killer on board. The sailors and passengers alike milled around, jumpy and frightened. Mavi and Kansivan were no exeption.

"Kans...did you know...that?"

"Yeah. I wonder what happened."

Their voices were hushed in the silent steering room. The door was fastened shut as securely as possible, with only a wire clasp seperating them from the outside. Mavi stared ahead at the island, her face pale. Her instincts told her to stay away from the island, that there was no meaning, only destruction to her going there. However, as much as she wanted to leave, something was pushing her to go, the voice echoing in her mind,

"Mt. Karovon...Mt. Karovon..." The voice would echo.

Only the sheer determination and some strange force pulling her to the island kept her from diving from the small boat that left the anchored mother ship. The dead man was wrapped in cloth and thrown overboard in standard sailor's burial at sea. When Mavi, Kans and two brave men reached the shore, they felt safer on the boat than on dry land. The island was strangly warmer than the frigid air on the boat, and that cought her off guard. The island seemed to have its own climate!

In their slow, painstaking steps, Mavi's heart seemed to jump from within its cage of bones. Her hands felt clammy and the warmth was lost from her cheeks. She warily found Kans' forearm and gripped it, her knuckles white. It took Kans several tries to pry her fingers from his arm in order for the circulation to be regained in her fingers. Kansivan was scared, downright petrified for sure, but he had a strange determination that Mavi was envious of. He seemed to be the only cool head in a group of the most fearless men and she admired, and envied his lack of panic. She was strong and brave but she paled in comparison.

They reached the base of the immense stone cliffs barring them from accending to a cave with an overhand jutting from the surface, blocking them from easy access even if they did scale the cliffs. Sighing with fear and frustration, Mavi sat down on a large rock, making sure she was in the sunlight, remembering the man's story. She told Kans that the sunlight would be their protection until nightfall, then the reall terror would begin.

Standing at the bottom of the cliff, Mavi stared up it with anger. She and the others had to scale it in order to be fully safe, although the way to do so was almost impossible, unless...

Mavi ran to Kansivan and dragged him along the base, looking for a certain way up. When they did see the way, they were terrified to see that it was blocked by shadows, the harbor of the mythical beast of destruction.

Suddenly, from behind them Mavi and Kans heard two blood curdling screams, they spun around and bolted for the camp, just to find the mutilated corpses of the other two men.

Mavi felt her heart skip a beat then reside in her throat. she felt her hand clasp onto Kans's without thinking and clenched her hand until the knuckles again turned white.



"What happened?"

Kansivan didn't answer, he just turned his head the other way and stayed silent.

"Should we go to the one place before the shadows come further?"

Kans nodded at Mavi's suggestion. They started off slow at first but soon took off in a run toward the more gentle rising. They reached the edge of the shadow and gripped each others hand before plundging into the shadows....
God Bless America

Posted by Mavi Denn on 12-01-2001 12:41 AM

The Shadow

They raced through the impeding shadows and reached the gently slop upwards, they clammered up quickly. Just before reaching the sunlight again, Mavi felt something rake at her shin and screamed in pain as she felt claws sinking into her skin. Kans turned and heroically grabbed her arm and hauled her up into the sunlight.

Sitting in the disapearing sunlight, Mavi and Kans panted as she looked down at her wounded showing through her ruined pants. Biting back the pain, Mavi felt the tears forcing their way out.

" was THAT?"

Kans looked down at the deep gash. He tore off a large chunk of his clothing and wrapped it around the tender muscle. Mavi was too consentrated on biting back the pain that she noticed little of what he was doing. At this point, they were acting more like 15 year olds than almost 10 year olds. When Mavi's wound was given the makshift bandage that did little for the bleeding, they both struggled up the slope to the cave. When the reached the cave, the shadows followed them menacingly.

Mavi turned once and could have sworn she saw a pair of glowing red eyes looking back at her and the sudden glint of light on metal...
God Bless America

Posted by Akalah Shei on 12-03-2001 06:33 PM

The discovery

Akalah pulled herself to an overhang jutting out of the cliffs long the beach. Her leg ached and bruised. She splinted it with two pieces of flat wood and strapped it there with cloth torn from her breeches. She leaned against the wall and stared at the ocean lapping against the shore.

The dog that had floated ashore with her trotted to her side with a mouthfull of dry wood, which he dropped on the ground beside her. Smiling, she thanked Sivan, the dog whom she named after her father and let him trot off in the failing light. Akalah struggled to light the fire, but when she did succeed, she was diappointed to see that the fire was small and gave little heat. Sighing, she poked at the fire listlessly and dreamed of what her life was before the wreck. She watched Sivan as he walked along the sands, his nose down and his ears perked forward. Suddenly, he stopped and lifted his head. He saw something which she couldn't see and lunged into a clump of wet twigs and seaweed and emerged with a large red crap fastened securely in his mouth. Sivan brought it over to Akalah as she gingerly plucked at the crab, quickly transfering it to a large rock and bashed it with another, killing it in one blow. She cracked and peeled away the hard shell and felt her mouth dampen with saliva as she took the suculent meat and put it on a stick to roast over the fire. Sivan continued in his search and brought back another, which she killed and let Sivan tear it apart, his tail wagging. Watching Sivan with his comical attacks of the crab, Akalah nibbled at the delicious white meat and felt her empty stomach growl in satisfaction. She finished the crab and watched Sivan meander along the shore until his sensitive nose detected something of interest. He pawed at the ground and began to dig, periodically sniffing for his quarry.

"Sivan? What is it?"

Sivan answered her only in a bark, directed into the hole. She lifted herself up gingerly and crawled over to him. Curious, she dug in the ground and watched Sivan in his attempts to comunicate. She dug further and felt something hard. In the failing light of evening, she dug out the thing buried in the sand. A box.

Akalah fumbled with the rusted padlock. Turning, she picked up a large rock and bashed the lock, which broke with ease. Smiling with pleasure and intrigue she lifted the lid and looked inside.

Inside the box was a golden lyre. The frame was a simple curved piece of gold in the shape of a mermaid, resting on a curved bar, her tail and body curving in a half oval along it, her hands folded near her head. The mermaid's face was looking down along the tip of the bar, which formed a curl. The base was made of a rare blue crystal in the form of water. The tail was specked with emeralds and her hair was of flowing gold inlaid with precious stones. Her back was specked with silver and topaz stones in a curving line. Akalah was awed at the sight of such a treasure.

She plucked at the strings and smiled at the beautifull sound it made. Suddenly, the mermaid on the lyre stirred and looked at her...She immediatly dropped it when the mermaid spoke.

"Hello there...Why are you frightened? Do you want to hear music?"

Akalah just stared. A talking Lyre?
Keep your Friends near,
and your enemies nearer

Posted by Mavi Denn on 12-03-2001 06:51 PM

The monster

Kansivan and Mavi peered in the cave, their hearts thumping in their chests as the shadows gradually creeped up the hill towards them, the menacing glowing eyes looking up at them.

"Kans...Do you see those eyes?"

"Yeah. Do you think it'll get us up here?"

"Well the light is disappearing...the shadows follow. We need to make a fire, a BIG fire."

Kans nodded and dragged a huge log and placed it between the shadows and them. Stacking dried moss and twigs against it, Kans eventually lit the fire and by the time the shadows were only a few feet from them the fire roared to life. By then, Kans had surrounded them with fire, logs and practically whole trees lined the edge of the ledge and the fire roared to life and the shadows receded. With the shadows the beast retreated with them, growling its displeasure. Mavi gripped Kans' hand and Kans gripped her arm, both keeping an eye on the shadows as the sun dipped below the horizon.
God Bless America

Posted by Keiru Emerald on 12-03-2001 11:14 PM

OOC: As Alexandros

Alexandros had left Kenoblious several days ago. He had left alone, without telling anyone, save Scarlet, who was somehow all wrapped up in this, of his destination or his goals. He had to stop whatever was to happen in Fayre from happening. He had arived in Fayre and sat in with the council two days in a row now, waiting for them to come to a decision on wether or not they were to believe Alexandros' tales of an invisible army.

Alex was dressed as he had dressed so often in the past, in his demon-hunting attire. He looked the part of a Holy Knight, if he did not look a bit tormented by the Council's indecision. Alex stood and walked out of the room, searching the confines of the Council chambers for a garden where he could get some fresh air. He came across a walled garden filled with trees from the south of Nyliam, called Griin Trees. They had trifold leaves and were particualrly pretty in this time of year, as the leaves began to change. It was then that Alex decided to leave the Council chambers and seek out the old Crozious Arcanum.

He made his way towards the Chora tree in the center of the city, which was near to the old Crozious Arcanum, and he saw the old dormiory that Salamander had described to him. He made his way towards the building and was stopped by a pair of guards. They asked his business, and when he explained that he just wanted a look around the old dormitories, becasue he wanted to see where Salamander had lived when he attended the school, they allowed him to pass through their posts.

Alexandros wandered through the dormitories for nearly three hours until he found the hallway that Salamander had described to him nearly two weeks ago. He pushed the door to the room open and as he did, it broke from its rusty hinges and fell to the floor. As he entered the room, a sudden calmness filled him. He turned about and saw an etheral Salamander standing near a corner.

"You've come, that proves something, that you have faith. Not that I didn't already know, but this just goes farther," Salamander spoke in his deep voice.

Salamander raised his hands and a great calmness swept over Alexandros. It felt to him as if a great burden had been lifted off of his shoulders, and as it happened, a globe of white light appeared above Salamander's head. It passed slowly towards Alexandros, and entered his body. A expression of both happiness and pain come across Salamander's face as he withdrew a ball of dark energy from Alex, and it coalesed above Salamander in his hands. He strained for but a moment, and the darkness scattered.

"You are completely cleansed, Son of Darkness, Raised in the Light, You no longer are chained by your dark heritage. Your own taint, that you have never been able to rid yourself of, is gone," Salamander smiled for but a moment, and then was gone.

"Thank you both, Salamander, Ezra" Alex spoke softly, and he left the dormritories, heading back to the Council chambers.

He had to convince the council soon, or else Fayre would be lost when Aramus' army did attack.

OOC: Will update soon.

Back in Kenoblious... At the Platinum Ray

The time had come, finally. Kaliva peered through the second story window and could see Scarlet sleeping in a large bed with Indigo at her side. How sweet. It appeared that the boy had gotten hurt, how perfect. By transmuting the glass into water, she left a small pool of water silently on the floor, and she floated easily through the window, supported by a cloud of warm moisture.

Scarlet turned suddenly, as she tossed in her sleep. Kaliva took her time and carefully while she floated in the air wove the water about her so that it refracted light around her, making her appear nearly invisible. Then she drew forth the bloodletter.

It was a knife nearly six inches long, with a glass handle made to take the blood of the victim into it. Kaliva needed Scarlet's blood. It was required by Linerin, for a ritual that would allow him to find both the air and water stones.

Kaliva let herself down, and drew another small stiletto from her boot. She could see where the bandage was on Indigo's leg, and the blood that was just barely soaking through displayed exactly where he had been hurt. How excellent.

In one swift smooth motion, in her cloak of water, the bloodletter slid through Scarlet's skin into an artery in her underarm and the stiletto was positioned. Scarlet screamed. As Indigo awoke, he bolted suddenly upward, and as he did, the stiletto slid right into the wound that had been made by a bullet in his leg. Scarlet frantically pulled the visible bloodletter, just over a quater full, from her arm, but instead of falling to the floor, it simply vanished into Kaliva's cloak.

Then she was gone, out the window, and taken to the sky, within an hour, she would be, by the waypoints, back to the Black Tower, and the ceremony would begin. Scarlet was not badly wounded, it was a small deep cut that was painful, but was easy to hold shut, and began to mysteriously clot very quickly. Indigo, however, was left with a stiletto in his already wounded leg, writhing on the floor with pain.

Engraved on the stiletto was a short message. "To he who loves my pain, Indigo"

Cue: Scarlet or Indigo, just for resolution of the situation. Kaliva's already gone.


-You say you want a revolution, Well you know, We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution, Well you know, We all want to change the world

Posted by Keiru Silver on 12-03-2001 11:44 PM

"Sadistic witch!" Indigo screamed.

"Indy, who was that?" Scarlet asked.

"Her name's Kaliva. She promised to help me find you, but I sent her away. I think she wanted to get to you for some other reason..." Indigo said through clenched teeth.

"But why...?"

"I don't know... quick, grab some bandages from my pack."

Scarlet did so, tying up the wound. "It looks clean. I don't think it was poisoned. I'm no expert, though."

"What does it say?"

"To he who loves my pain, Indigo. What does that mean?"

"I have no idea... she seemed to be into sadism. I think she liked to see me in pain, and when I sent her away, I think she was angry. ...No, I know she was angry. I think she wanted revenge. Maybe no one's ever said no to her before. I don't really care, as long as she doesn't come back." For the first time, he noticed Scarlet's wound.

"Did that happen just now?"

"Yeah, but it's healing fast. I don't understand."

"It could be your magic. I'm not to sure how that works... I never... uh... passed."

Scarlet didn't know what to say, so she just hugged him instead.

Of course, that's all Indigo wanted.
Welcome to my world...

Posted by Caliph Wyrdwyrm on 12-04-2001 06:59 AM

Caliph had done some thinking. One, he thought that he was different from most of the people that had been tied up in that quest, because they had all seemed to have some reason for participating, that now that it was over, they had dispersed. So he could only conclude that because Oroica was still with him, she didn't know what she was doing, either.

He wasn't any better off than where he started. His gathered intelligence on the Nylian escapades was nearly nonexistant. His purse had been depleated -- although that could be solved if he took care to it. He was now away from the woods without a cause. And to top it all off, he was left holding the bag, so to speak. Not that she was a bag, or that he was holding her, so that was pretty dead wrong. But it had something of a ring to it. Or so he thought. It was really pretty stupid.

He still had the horses, though. A lot of good that did him. He could now wander aimlessly at a faster clip.

They hadn't said much. He decided to change that.

"Well, Oroica, now that we've defeated the forces of evil, and been summarily left to our own devices, where do you plan on heading now?"

Cue: Oroica.

They say confession is good for the soul. But what if you don't have one?

Posted by Scarlet Rosenblade on 12-04-2001 11:46 AM

Scarlet had covered Indigo with her cloak as they entered Kenoblious. He was still a wanted man for the shooting of Xarou, and surely would’ve been blamed for his death. Orocia and Caliph helped distract the clerks at the front desk in the Platinum Ray while the couple snuck upstairs into Indigo’s room. Inside, Scarlet helped Indigo into the bed, and after a moment, joined him herself. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. She was familiar with the gesture and looked up at him questioningly.

“Indy, what about your leg? Shouldn’t we wai-“ His finger pressed over her mouth. She continued to look at him, waiting for him to speak, but he said nothing and replaced his fingers with his lips.

Nothing more was spoken between them, but their actions told everything…..

……That had been five days ago. Scarlet had said her goodbyes to Caliph, Orocia and Alexandros. He had returned to Fayre, and after giving her a sachel of money, instructions to an inn and the ring she had given him previously, had requested she do the same. She wondered of what importance she could have there.

Indigo was sleeping peacefully again, despite the pain he must still be feeling in his leg. Scarlet looked at her own wound to find it had completely healed, as if it never happened at all. Was this because of her magic? She shivered and pressed close to Indigo. More memories had returned but there were still more that were hazy. She found her mind wandering back to why she was wanted in Fayre.

….Maybe it has something to do with the invasion….

Her eyes flew open. The invasion!! New Dargent had been invaded by the Nylian Empire! Were they going to attack Fayre as well? She grabbed Indigo by the shoulders and shook him until he was conscious enough to talk.

“Indy! We have to go to Fayre!”


“Please Indy? It’s important!” he nodded and turned over to go back to sleep. Scarlet smiled and hugged him from behind.

“Thank you Indy.”


"When one forgets to put the emotions that overflow in her heart to rest, they burn the color of passion."

Posted by Alexandros Fatali on 12-04-2001 12:48 PM

Alexandros stood and clapped as the Council finallt made a decision. He was not the only person that had come to see the debate between the councilmembers, and many of the others stood and applauded as well, whereas some people simply stood and left. The vote to add extra security to the city and declare a state of "heightened security" was reached just moments ago by just over the required two thirds. It was a 17-7 vote.

Reserves were being called up and the city was to keep the walls sealed at night, and have guards ready to seal them during the day. The total number of troops in Fayre did not amount to a great number, and was far less than there were fifty years prior, when the great general Strutus had assulted the old Lunari capitol. However, with the council, and all of the people who spoke of the army were asked, including Alexandros, there was no real grasp of the numbers of the enemy.

Alex left the Council chambers happy. He had done part of what he was to do, and he had upheld the defense of the common man. He made his way back into the street outside the chambers, where he watched a unit of Lunari Elite Guard, about seven men, drilling in the great square. A larger man, (at least to Alexandros), was leading the drills. He looked as if he hadn't shaved in a while. Alexandros passed the guards by.

He made his way towards the Chora tree once again, and marveled at the giant tree, which had been somewhat hollowed out, and served as not only many peoples' homes, but also as government offices and shops. It was quite beautiful. It was in the park surrounding the tree that Alex sat down and began to work with his magics.

Not that he hadn't tried it before, but Balanians by nature are somewhat less inclined towards magic than most of the other people of Aeterna. He had been able to detect shadow magic once before, and he had known when a barmaid had lied to him and overcharged him for a glass of wine, but that was the extent of his magical usage to this point. He unpacked his backpack and removed a manual that he had taken from the demon's manor. It was entitled, "Magic Theory, and Basics of Weaving," It was lined with notes written in a small elegant hand, and Alex surmised the notes were Ezra's.

He sat and read for some time, nearly three hours, before he tried to attempt what the book made sound so simple. "Reach out and feel the mana of the earth all around you. Envision it pulling into your body, and then once you can feel it within you, manipulate it into the form you desire. Do this over and over. Practice practice, practice..." Alex drew in a small amount of mana and was able to shakily weave it into a small ball of light that winked out after a couple of seconds. It was one of the simplist Holy magic weaves displayed fully in the book.

He practiced making this ball of light for several hours, and when it began to grow dark, children began to run about Alexandros, dancing with the balls of light. By full darkness, he could create three or sometimes four balls of light that would exist for several minutes. At one point, a man in a robe symbolizing he was Magi stormed towards Alex, but when Alexandros raised his head, and the Magi saw the markings of the Creator on his face, he let him be. Holy Knights, as they were servants of the Creator, and there were so few of them, were one of the few exceptions to the Terra magic ban. Even the Magi smiled as he walked away and the children played amoung the balls of light.

Alex continued his practice long into the night, until he, and the children, were exhausted.

May the Creator shield you and light your path...

Posted by Aramus VanVehementi on 12-04-2001 02:21 PM


The Nylian forces were drawing very near now to there destination. Night had begun to set in just as the foreward scouts galloped back to the front line. They reported sighting Fayre just over the next hill. Onuess decided that he would give his men reprive. They would require all of the energy that they could muster if this was to be a successful campaign. After making sure that the city had no line of sight on the men, General Onuess gave orders for one hour's break. During this time the men were to remain silent and in their lines to gather there spent energy back in a meditative state. Even if Fayre were to find them, it would be futile. They would have no time to prepare. There would be no camp for the Nylian Invasionary Forces. Tonight they would sleep in a conquered city.

The hour passed without incident. With a mere hand signal from Onuess the men rose to their feet line by rigid line. "We move in fifteen minutes. Get prepared in mind and body. Glory to the Empire!" The men promptly began their callistenics to limber themselves. Twirling their arms in small circles to get their blood flowing. Some men practiced sword forms in anticipation of the battle to come.

Just as they were expecting the last signal from Onuess there came a dull noise from the rear flank. It sounded like.... like horses. Horses speeding towards them.. The noise grew as the army remained ready and silent. What could be nearing?

CUE: Linerin
"Unlike my fool of a father, I don't just talk of ambition... I realize it!"

Posted by Keiru Emerald on 12-04-2001 02:31 PM

Three groups of men rode towards the Imperial Nylian forces. One was a group of two-hundred heavy horse. they were all led by a Nylian man, nearly seven feet tall, within the heavy horse there were more than a few creatures that seemed to blend with the shadows that the clouds played out upon the ground.

The second group was nearly a thousand heavy infantry. They were all heavily armored in chain and plate, and carried large gothic looking weapons.

The third group was the Nylian's personal guard of twenty of the hooded cloaked horsemen.

"General Onuess? I am Ragash. Linerin has sent me to assist your efforts for the Nylian Empire," The man simply laughed as Onuess extended his hand, and he grasped it and shook heartily.

Linerin watched through the giant crystalline orb within the scrying chamber on the Black Tower. Everything was going as planned. Two more stones would shortly be his. Two more to add to the two he already has. He laughed for a short moment, and left to prepare for Ragash's arrival.

OOC: 1000 heavy infantry, 200 heavy horse, and a strong-magic using Leader, and his bodyguard of 20 vexes. As soon as the city is entered, Ragash, his bodyguard, and the heavy horse will attack the museum of magical artifacts, seeking the stones the Magi are keeping there.

-You say you want a revolution, Well you know, We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution, Well you know, We all want to change the world

Posted by Victor Dominic on 12-04-2001 09:51 PM

Victor hesitated to knock on the doors of the chamber. There were voices inside, and a little bit of eavesdropping wouldn't hurt. He realized that politics and military should be separate, but a little inside info would help.

"General Ormus is not a young man anymore. I want you to retire him and promote Colonel Dominic."

"Ormus is stubborn, and he does not wish to retire. He craves one last battle."

"And therein lies the problem. If this is to be his last battle, what assurance do we have of victory? I know the man. He wishes to die in combat, and will do so. Promote Dominic."

"Well, councilman, that's the problem. Dominic holds enormous respect for Ormus, and will not usurp his position."

"Then perhaps Ormus will have to be removed from position. An accident, perhaps?"

Dominic had heard enough. He stood up straight, put aside for the moment what he had just heard. He knocked on the chamber doors.


Victor entered the private chambers of Councilman Mikael. It was lushly adorned with tapestries and other items of fancy. Dominic cared little for it, especially in light of how he had likely acquired it. Mikael had a reputation, even among fellow council members, for outspokenness and deviancy.

"Uh... Colonel Dominic, at your service." He bowed in the formal court style.

"Senator, you are dismissed." The other man with whom Mikael had been speaking, bowed low, and exited, pulling the heavy oaken doors shut behind him.

Mikael motioned for Dominic to sit. He was comfortable enough standing, but he did not want to refuse the man at present.

"As you know, intelligence has begun leaking in from New Dargent. It is a bit insulting to our stealth soldiers that we have not learned of this sooner. It seems another war is brewing. A certain Lord Aramus VanVehementi is a bit of an imperialist. Wishes to revive the old Nyliam Empire. Starting with New Dargent."

"Like his father before him. New Dargent's always been a political hotspot."

"No, Aramus is much more dangerous than his father. The senior VanVehementi was simply ambitious. His son has the means, and the disposition to actually do it."

For the moment, Victor put aside his feelings and though tactically. "What of his alliances, troops, equipment? Is he outfitted to fight a war with Nylinus?"

"It gets worse, Colonel. He's begun training his soldiers."

"What? Just now? Then why does this worry the council so?"

"No, his soldiers are fully trained fighters. He's teaching them magic."

"Terra magic..." It wasn't a question.

"Colonel Dominic... You have proven yourself time and time again. With General Ormus' departure from the field of combat, the position of General is open to you."

"The General said nothing of leaving to me," Victor played along.

"He is no longer able to lead the men. He has little frontline experience. He's a relic, a holdover from a time of peace. We need someone who has seen combat firsthand. The elite guard sees more action in a day than Ormus has seen in a year."

"Sir, the General is a man of integrity and discipline."

"Silence! This is not a request, Dominic. This is an order. You are to assume the position of General."

"You snake. I heard you from the door. I'll have no part in it."

"Think about it, Dominic." Mikael reclined and smiled wickedly. "If you take the position, you could save Ormus' life. If you refuse, he dies, and you die. We'll find someone else."

"I would sooner die than be involved with something so... dishonest and hateful."

Mikael stood and slammed his fist into his desk. "Silence! I outrank you, Colonel, and I'll not be talked down to. This is for the good of our country. I know you would rather die. But would you sentence an old man to death as well? What say you?"

Victor's face was a mask of anger. "I... accept. On one condition! General Ormus is to be given a respectful, honorable discharge! No 'accidents'!"

"We shall see. See yourself from my chambers, General," he sneered.
You'd be better off turning a blind eye to your enemy and keeping your good one on politics. Enemies can't stab you in the back.

Posted by Kaori Aurora on 12-05-2001 10:53 AM


The harness on the horse jingles as Kaori reins in on a small rise revealing the capital city, Akaros. The mid-afternoon sun glint off the water of Lake Akar surrounding the city, the vaporising water from the lake causes the air to shimmer. Truly, the city was as beautiful, if not more so than the tales told of it. Kaori try to suppress her anticipation as she urge her mount towards the wide bridge that spans the lake and lead into the double gates of the city.

Upon entering the city, Kaori was met with the sight of buildings on either sides of wide canals. Instead of people walking on streets to travel from one building to another, people were travelling in barges and was disembarking onto small platforms in front of buildings.

Seeing Kaori's astonished expression, one of the guards that was on duty at the main gate of the city pointed to a building off to one side of the gate and told her that she could leave her horse there to be looked after whilst she's staying in the city, as most of the barges that ferry people around the city refuses to load a horse as well.

Thanking the guard, Kaori dismounted and led her horse to the building. Inside, Kaori paid for her mount's one night stay and organised to have her horse ferried to the southern main gate by the next morning.

Removing her pack and her staff before they led her horse away, Kaori decided to look for an inn first before exploring the city.

Kaori surmised that like most cities in Akaros, the inns would be located either near the main gates, the markets or the city center. Choosing the city center as the more livelier and convenient place to be staying near, Kaori began to look for a barge that might be willing her ferry her to her destination.

Standing at the edge of one of the platforms, Kaori was soon able to wave down a ferry to take her to one of the moderately priced inns near the city center.

It was on that trip that she found from the ferryman that in the city there wasn't really much of a market as she is familiar with, rather near the city center, there is a convergence of barges and boats that are laden with wares for sale. These barges could be connected together, so to access one you might have to cross several other barges, or you could look at the wares from bridges or some of the docks that exists for those purposes.

After paying for her room at an inn called The Junction, Kaori decides to explore the city and the "floating markets" as she heard some people call them.
'Tis strange - but true, for truth is always strange; stranger than fiction.'
~ Lord Byron

Kodoku no U
Her View

Posted by Kaori Aurora on 12-05-2001 11:48 AM

Wink Lord Adragaras?

Kaori examines a necklace that was on display from the vendor's barge. Kaori has already spent a few hours exploring the "streets" of Akaros, and was getting the hang of travelling by bridge and very small narrow roads that are jutting out of buildings over the canal. She has also gotten the hang of looking at the wares that vendors display on their floating shops, and - from looking at the other people - discovered how to call anyone one specific vendor over for more detail inspection.

The necklace was made of wood, and looking at the engravings decorating the piece, Kaori found herself thinking how her sister would have been able to make a piece just like that. Thinking of her sister, Kaori found that she deeply missed her family that are still back in Ioty, even though it's only been a few days since she left her family and the family wood carving business to persue her dream to become a Dedicated. Akaros was just a passing stop on the way to Sungan, from which she would take a ship that would take her to Noit and from there, travel to the temple where she was going to take the sacred test of Dedication.

Handing back the necklace to the vendor, Kaori notices a silver hair comb nestled between some handkerchiefs and some hair brushes. Pointing to the hair comb, Kaori waited whilst the vendor picks it up for her and hand it to her.
Examining it, Kaori discovers that although the comb was plain in comparison to some of the other trinkets Kaori has seen that day, it was very well made, and the designs and engraving, though sparse and not so elaborate, enhanced the gleaming whiteness of the silver. Seeing Kaori putting the comb in her hair, the vendor hurried grabbed a mirror and put it in front of Kaori's face.

"You certainly have good tastes, my lady." The vendor gushed, "The silver certainly compliments your dark coloured eyes, and brings out the light in your hair."

Ignoring the vendor, Kaori look in the mirror, it holds back her hair nicely and it does compliments her eyes. "Do you have another one? I would like a pair."

The vendor's smile split even wider. "Ofcourse, my lady, ofcourse!" Before hurriedly rummaging through the bottom of his barge, looking for the matching comb. Turning back to Kaori with the matching pair, the vendor says, "That would be 2 gold grans thanks!"

Kaori was taken aback, "I thought you said that none of the wares at the front of your barge was more than 1 gold gran!"

The vendor looks offended, "But my lady, that is an exquisite piece, how could it be only 1 gold gran? It was probably put there by mistake by the last patron."

Kaori didn't know what to do, although it was much dearer than anything she was willing to pay, she really did like the piece. She was about to succumb and pay the man, when a voice beside her said, "Vendor Groff, you're not cheating another customer are you?"

Turning around, Kaori saw a man standing over her, sunlight gleaming white off his black hair and flashing off the silver lining in his black cloak. He made a very imposing figure standing there his black eyes hard as they looked at the vendor in the canal beneath him.

" Lord Adragaras..." The vendor stammered, "I didn't know you were interested in small businesses such as myself..."

"I am interested in all things that effects the welfare of Akaros," The man's voice was as hard as his expression, "And the way you conduct your business is definately detrimental to the welfare of Akaros. I thought that you have already been warned once about the way you should manage your business. But it seems that something more permanent should be done..."

"No no, my lord, there has been a slight misunderstanding," The vendor was shaking now, "Two gold grans was just a starting price, I was going to bring it down, honest, just a little bit of honest haggling that's all." He handed the remaining hair comb to Kaori, "You see, I'm going to just collect my one gold gran..."

"I think you mean 5 silver grans..." The man trailed off.

The vendor's expression was pained as he agreed, "Yes, yes ofcourse, it is the least I could do." He looks at Kaori, "Five silver grans thanks."

Still astonished at what was happening, Kaori could only give the man his five silver grans speechless. Taking the five silver grans, the vendor did a quick bow to the man next to Kaori and said a quick, "Nice doing business with you." Before pushing his boat away down the canal.

After watching the vendor go, Kaori turned to say thanks to the man who - she thinks - helped her, only to find that the man was already crossing the bridge and disappeared around the building.

Kaori stands dumbfounded on the bridge, "Who is this... Lord Adragaras?"
'Tis strange - but true, for truth is always strange; stranger than fiction.'
~ Lord Byron

Kodoku no U
Her View

Posted by Scarlet Rosenblade on 12-05-2001 10:23 PM

King Eremon paced his chambers, while his wife Tiamat sat in silent grief. Her voice was hoarse and came out in a husky whisper.

“Are you sure about this Eremon?” He looked at her gravely and replied.

“What other choice do we have? We must close our ports to all Asherian ships. We must do everything to protect ourselves.”

“But what about Scarlet?! She’s still over there! What if Xarou finds her?” The king crossed the room to embrace his distressed wife.

“Scarlet is a lot stronger than what we give her credit for. She can take care of herself, and after this is over, she’ll return.” Tiamat looked up at him.

“I believe you’re right. Do as you must then.”

The next day a law was passed that no Asherian ships would be allowed into Ganian ports, indefinitely.

OOC: seems that Akaros is under this new law too....*edits*

[EDIT] seems that the Keiru's can't make up their minds. Akaros is NOT under this new law.

"When one forgets to put the emotions that overflow in her heart to rest, they burn the color of passion."

Posted by Aramus VanVehementi on 12-06-2001 12:50 AM

Post The Battle of Fayre

OOC: Here's a little theme music for ya. Right click and save target!

'So Linerin is good for his word after all...' Onuess stood contemplatively for a moment before shrugging and giving the last signal. Upon seeing it, the entire Nylian soldier company let out all of the tention that had been building in anticipation in one large collective scream as they bolted over the hill and began closing on the city.

"By the creator... what was that?" Fayre wall gaurds shot puzzled glances at eachother as they tried to figure out the source of the hauntingly disturbed screams. The men squinted their eyes looking for movement on the horizion. The night was well set in now and percieving anything at a distance was made difficult by the enveloping darkness. One guard couldn't help but think that on the other hand, it would be easy see the well lit city of Fayre from the plains.

Just then, movement caught the eyes of the westerm wall gaurds. No details could be seen but a large body occasionally shimmering in the starlight was rapidly approaching the wall. It was still 400 yards out but that distance was closing quickly. "SOUND THE ALARM!!!!!"

Bells began tolling throughout the entire city. The deafening callamity could even be heard in the inner chambers of the Councilate. "What could this be about?" The council members began nervously talking with one another.

"I don't know. I have never heard such a racket."

"Something must have spooked the wall guards."

"Fool, no alarm to this degree could be caused of a frightened guard. Something very real is dangering the city!"

"So that Alexandros character was right?"

"I don't know but I'm not taking any chances. Summon the Councilate Guard. Seal the doors!"

Alexandros Fatali jumped to his feet at the sound of the alarm. 'So its happening. Be with me Salamander. Ezra, guide my will!' He quickly darted to the nearest wall. As he hastily climbed the stairs to the northern city border he saw guards shifting to the western wall. Alexandros, with pistols unholstered immediately followed suite. He drew upon the wall just as the Nylian forces were no more than 70 yards out. "Creator's mercy.... Salamander, you were right. We are facing an army!" Without hesitation, Alexandros aimed both of his twin revolvers at the front lines of the enemy onslaught and let loose a torrent of his holy wrath. The blasts from his weapons sent blood streaming from 8 frontline soldiers who promplty fell to the Lunari soil dead on impact. Their bodies only served to trip those fallowing closely behind them. Following the cue of the Holy Knight on the wall, archers sent showers of arrows cascading into the crowd, committing their souls to the creators eternal judgments. Meanwhile, General Onuess remained 150 yards out with his company of magi.

"Damn... I didn't think the wall would be so fortified. Fayre had warning somehow. I will get to the bottom of this. First things first. I want those archers disposed of."

"As you command sir!" The magi began chanting the arcane scripts which they had been studying for about a month now. Singularly they were pathetic but linked together they had learned to accomplish some very real feats. As they stood speaking in unison, there bodies drew mana from the land and sent its ethereal powers into the spells craft. Within seconds their will was executed and a large ball of fire engulfed the western wall of Fayre.

Screams of pain eminated from the west border as the odor of burning flesh wafted into the air. Nearly the entire contigent of archers lay dead, dying, and/or writhing in pain as the flames bit at their skin and sinue. The flames wrapped all about Alexandros forcing him to leap from the wall onto a nearby roof. As he gathered his balance and wits he noticed that aside from some singed clothes, he was unscathed. Ezra was taking good care of his holy agent on Asheri. Alexandros quickly thanked the creator and finished reloading his pistols. His timing was impecable. Just then Ragash neared the great gates of the Western wall. Wispering the arane words of shadow magic he pulled his massive sword back and swung mightily bearing its huge blade to bare upon the wooden doors. Upon impact the hulking gates shattered as though a they were mere panes of glass. Pieces of the shrapnel landed all about Alexandros. He once more begged his guardians for protection and rose his revolvers into the air. As the Nylian forces began flooding the city streets engaging in combat with the sorely outnumbered Fayre guards, the young Fatali began dropping the invaders one after the other with muzzles flashing brilliantly in the evening air. As he spent his last rounds he reholstered his guns and drew the Redeemer. Alexandros soon found himself lost in the batte spray.

Ragash looked at the marvelous choas all about him.. He smiled as he spoke to the air. "I know you're watching this master Linerin. Isn't it beautiful my lord?" He promptly rode over to his massive contingent of hore riders. "Let us get what we came here for. Let the infantry remain fighting to keep Aramus appeased." With that, Ragash, his Vex guards and the whole entourage of mounted calvary untis made haste for the museum. As they arrived they found a most pleasing sight. Only the standard guard force of five dedicated magi stood in their way. They immediately charged the small unit. Seeing the the museum mages began drawing upon themselves. Just then, 3 of the horsemen froze in a larg block of ice, 10 more were electricuted by a deafening bolt of lightning that thundered from the sky, and 20 more simply burst into flames. While the individual and linked efforts of the mages were valiant, they were also, unfortunately, futile. The great number of remaining forces simply closed the remaining distance and slew the mages unmercifully. Once inside, it took no more than ten minutes of fanning out to find the two stones that linerin sought.

"Men, our job here is done. I grow tired of this place. Let us leave it now."

As the chaos in the streets ensued with blood staining swords, streets, and walls alike, the Ragash's company of mounted units stormed through the midsts and bolted out of the city, their prize in hand, only to disappear into the dark horizon. Onuess stood puzzled as the cavalcade sped past his company of mages. "Where in the hell are they going? We had better push up men. Let us aid our brothers. Draw your swords. The time has come to get our hands dirty!"

"The noise of battle is all around us. We should have listened to Alexandros sooner!!" The Nylinus Council paced in their chamber nervously. The guards they had sent for had yet to show up. They would never know that their elite guard lie wounded or dead in the war torn streets of Fayre. As they continued their anxious laments one of the cities dedicated mage soldiers bolted into the room.

"My Council, the Nylian Empire is on the rise again! I have seen the symbols of old painted on the shields and flown on the banners of the invading forces. We must get you out of Fayre. There is nothing further we can do. The city will fall regardless of your actions. We are hopelessly outnumbered. The Lunari state has one last chance under the Nylinus council." Just then the mage went into a tantric state, focusing his will and mana. A shimmering portal appeared in the center of the chamber. "Go through the portal quickly. It will take you to Balanum. There is no time! The Empires forces are on their way here as we speak!"

One by one, the council members shuffled through the portal. Suddenly the chamber doors flew open. Nylian troops ran into the chamber with blood spattered faces of determination. Knowing she was going to die, the Fayre mage quickly closed the portal. Better for some of the to council live, for if she were to perish without closing the gate, the Nylian forces could storm through and eliminate the other members. Committing themselves to their fate the council members and their would-be saviour mage took arms with anything they could find and rushed into the onslaught. The Nylians made short work of them. In mere moments the last ten remaining Council members on the continent resided in Balanum. The others lay lifeless on the floor of the chamber.

Onuess pulled his sword from the last remaining restistant soldier in his sight. He took his moment of pause to observe the catastrophic losses all about him. Everywhere he looked there were bodies slumped against buildings or lying in stagnant puddles in the streets. At least the peasants hadn't attempted to revolt as they had in New Dargent, or the loss of life would have been even more horrific. Anytime within the next hour or so, General Onuess would be expecting a status report and the Nylian Imperial Banners to fly over Fayre. The battle of Fayre took much longer than the Battle of New Dargent but the day, or more realistically, the night had been won for the Nylian Empire.

After the dust had settled and most of the bodies had been removed from the streets, the standard imperial proceedure was enacted. Treat the injured, whether they be foe or ally and imprison the those that surrendered until they swore alliegence to the Empire. After General Onuess had recieved his report he was most desparaged. "Bjorn will not like this... How many members survived?"

"We count 14 bodies sir... that means 10 survived."

"I'm bloody well aware of how to subtract soldier. Where did they go?"

"Those on site reported one of their mages opening a portal for them to cross through."

"Did they pursue the Council through the portal?"

"Negative sir, the mage closed the portal before our men could reach it."

"Do we know where the portal went to?"

"Not currently but our own mage team is investigating now. They are confident that with enough study they will be able to identify at least the region that the portal lead to."

"That is at least good news. Keep on it. In the mean time, scower the area for local talent. I'm not going to send the army to take on 10 council members. I want assasins. In the meantime, send word to Emperor VanVehementi of our success in taking Fayre. For the sake of General Bjorn, avoid mentioning the survival of the missing Council members."

"Right away sir."

CUE: Stefen Shatterstar and Victor Dominic, I have Fayre now... OPPOSE ME!!! Oh yeah, cue Alexandros too! Thanks for lettin' me use your character!

"Unlike my fool of a father, I don't just talk of ambition... I realize it!"

Posted by Alexandros Fatali on 12-06-2001 12:53 AM

Alexandros made his way back towards the inn in which he was staying, the Rouge Field. He was cloaked in a long grey cloak he had managed to acquire from an opponnent earlier in the night. Dawn was approaching, and after the battle had been lost, Alex had spent several hours meandering about the dark alleyways finding his way back to the Chora tree, which the Rouge Field was built right outside of. Alex passed through the doors of the Inn, and noticed all of the wounded that had taken refuge here. Most of them were not badly hurt, and those that were had healers tending to them.

Alex sadly passed by these men and women, and made his way to his rooms, where he cast off the cloak, and looked at himself in the mirror. Several light cuts had been made upon his face, several heavier ones on his body, and a small stab where a spear had cut through his defense was on his chest. His singed clothes were crusted with blood, Alex was very weak, as a result of blood loss, working his magics earlier, and fighting all night. He painfully stripped off his clothing and donned a robe of sorts. He layed on the bed, and examined his wounds. Three smaller cuts on his face, four small ones on his chest, a deep one on his right arm, a pair of light cuts on his left, and three stab wounds, two relatively small, and one quite deep. His legs had not escaped damage either, but before he had time to examine these wounds, he slumped backwards into unconciousness.

Alexandros awoke in the late afternoon, when the sun shone into his eyes. He was in almost unbearable pain. The soreness in his arms and legs was intense. He rose slowly, and donned a pair of pants. Putting a shirt on was not an option with the large scabs across his arms, and it was not nessecary, as far as he was concerned. He made his way downstairs, and with a ravenous hunger, slammed a Dralar piece onto the counter an asked politely for food. There were still many wounded men and women within the inn, but those that were going to die had likely already passed. Alexandros ate three large bowls of stew and nearly half a loaf of good Lunari bread, and drank four glasses of wine. When he was satiated, his pain subsided slightly, and he spoke with some of the people that were staying in the common room of the Inn. Aramus' forces had installed a regional governor for the city and surrounding areas, and an unsteady peacefulness had fallen, with the posting of guards about the old Nylinus Capitol. The council had been evacuated, by rumor, to Balanum, and as many of the Nylinus troops as could retreated towards that direction. The rest were arrested and released after a short while, or in the case of higher ranking military officials, held.

Alex went back up to his room after gathering this information, and rummaged through his pack of supplies. he drew out some medicinal herbs he had been carrying since his departure from Balanum, and he removed a bottle from his pouch of medical supplies. He withdrew a small amount of this into a syringe that he also purchased in Balanum, and injected it into his arm. Within a small time, a euphoric feeling came over him, and his pain was dulled so that it was no longer a hinderance, more of a annoyance. With the morphine having been introduced into his body, Alexandros felt a renewed sense of himself, and set out into the streets to assist those that he could.

Little did he know of the already spawning resistance to Aramus. His main concern in wandering the streets was to help those in need.

Cue: Anyone that would see me wandering the streets.

May the Creator shield you and light your path...

Posted by Victor Dominic on 12-06-2001 01:08 AM


Victor had spoken with General Ormus as soon as possible after his meeting with Mikael. The General had been understandably upset, but realized the need to resign.

"Well, then, I salute you, General Dominic. I wish these could have been more favorable circumstances."

"Honestly, sir, under your preference, you'd be dead on the field before you saw anyone assume your position."

"Ah, very true..." Ormus said wistfully.

"Ormus, sir. I have one last order for you. You are to ride with the front lines into battle. As a civilian officer."

"You mean..."

"I'm offering you the chance to die in battle. You needn't accept. I just wish to make the offer, for I know how you must feel."

"I will think about it..."

His offer had made assuming the position of General a bit easier, but he knew that he would be filled with sorrow when the final blow came to the old man, as it assuredly would.

Fayre had not been made in a day, but it had been taken in one. While Nylinus (Lunis?) was without a reliable General, war had been waged between a full army and Fayre's home guard. The had had little hope for victory without reinforcements, and none had been sent for. All available personnel had retreated to a camp several miles East of Fayre.

Outside of the camp, Victor paced back and forth. He was awaiting a very important message.

Finally, it arrived, in the form of Syran Melenth, the captain of the Stealth Ops. He was a bit shorter than Victor, and a bit more wiry. He was dressed entirely in black, close fitting garments. His short sword was his only unconcealed weapon, plated with a material that seemed to not reflect light. The garment that shrouded his face was drawn down so that Victor could see his face. Everything above his nose was painted black. At night, it was said, stealth soldiers were impossible to see, even if you looked right at them.

"We were partially successful, if you call many deaths, and completion of our secondary objective success. We failed to secure all of the artifacts, but we gathered all the Savils and Savillions as we could."

"The stones?"

Syran shook his head. "Already gone when we got there. Sorry."

"Talk to Lieutenant Garret about distributing whatever artifacts you have according to who can use them. Tomorrow, we retake our base of operations. Fayre shall not remain in their hands!"


"That we retreated under such duress is embarassing enough. I will not let my name go down in history as the General who Fled."

Syran nodded. "Here. Take this." He handed Victor a sword. "It's a savillion. It was pretty much drained of it's power, but in times like this, I think we can consider the ban on Terra magic lifted."

"Indeed." He examined the sword. It had an engraved blue hilt with small lines of dralar. Not enough to be truly expensive, but enough for the blade to have been coveted.

"Will this be the sword that leads us to victory?"

"Maybe, Syran." Victor held the sword out, and his eyes narrowed into slits. The blade began to change in shape, the air frosting onto the edge, making the sword grow in length and width. The edge changed slowly from a straight blade to a massive curved one. "Maybe..."
You'd be better off turning a blind eye to your enemy and keeping your good one on politics. Enemies can't stab you in the back.

Posted by Aramus VanVehementi on 12-07-2001 12:54 AM

Post Espiritus Imperius

Another peaceful day had begun in New Dargent. The suns first rays had touched the cities streets, awakening the merchants and farmers to their preparatory rituals. For the first time since the city had fallen to imperial forces, the plaza had begun to buzz once more with vibrant life. The peasantry and commoners had finally gained confidence that the violence they had encountered during the invasion had passed and they could now resume with their lives. Business was conducted as usual while repairs were made to the damaged portions of the township. Residents and soldiers alike worked to breath life back into the war torn landscape as a contingent of both Sarrofey’s and Nylian troops pounded nails and repainted walls. It had taken some time but the people of the city were beginning to trust their new emperor that resided in his renovated mansion. With his gold lining their pockets, they worked hard to appease him in hopes a similar situation would once again arise.

Aramus witnessed the bustling activity from his chamber window. As he drew the twin pains open to walk out onto his terrace, a warm breeze floated comfortably into his room stirring his hair as it wafted past. Though the new emperor had never truly taken a liking to the sun, there was something truly refreshing to his tired form within the busy streets below. This was, after all, his city now. As he stood gazing upon his accomplishment he found only scorn in his heart for his father. “You always were a pathetic windbag, old man!!” Lately, with his conquest growing, Aramus found himself talking to thin air, ranting insults at his long passed father. “You said I would never amount to anything. Well, look around FOOL! I have gone further and further still beyond your endeavors. Who amounted to nothing? YOU are nothing. You died a worthless imbecile!!! And another thin-“

“Who are you talking to?” Gregorynn had wandered into his master’s chambers.

“…” Aramus could only stand staring defiantly into the heavens. ‘We’ll continue this another time dad!’ A wicked grin crossed his lips as he remained there seething with contempt.

“Are you ok Aramus? You don’t look so well. Shall I have the cooks prepare your breakfast early?”

“Actually, I would very much appreciate it. I would also like you to join me this morning old friend. With our anticipation of sacking Fayre, we have much to celebrate. It shouldn’t be long now.”

“Of course sir.”

Meanwhile in Militus…

General Marcus Antridyus wasted no time. He knew with Aramus constantly pushing up his schedules, he would need loyal reinforcements soon. He had already begun his campaign in rabblerousing those still amorous of the old Empire within Militus. He had conducted several conferences with the aristocracy in VanVehementi’s absence. After he found that the considerable majority of such individuals were Imperialists themselves, he took the risk in creating a propaganda campaign. Posters and flyers were scattered all over the town, concentrated in regions known to be pro-empire. All of these events were in Aramus’ original plans, they had just been accordingly pushed ahead in scheduling. Today would push plans even further ahead. Today General Antridyus had gathered not only his own battalion of men, but also in addition, the entirety of the Militus home guard. Considering the proportions were nearly equal, he was confident that with an inspiring address, he could win the hearts and minds of Militus’ military presence as a whole.

Antridyus was not a nervous man, his own reputation within Militus had been long revered as one of a steadfast individual who faced opposition with an iron fist. Yet upon this day he paced back and forth within his office. He glanced to the clock standing in the corner. ‘Only ten more minutes…’ The time was drawing near. The military was probably already seated and sitting quietly waiting for their speaker. “Well,” Antridyus murmured to himself, “its now or never.”

The general slowly crossed the stage of the Militus Central Auditorium, soldiers standing and saluting at his presence. He couldn’t help but think of all the events he had witnessed in this place since his birth. Political addresses that his mother and father had forced him to attend, various Opera’s written by the greatest of Nylian composers, the Royal Nylian Symphony. All of these memories echoed to a time just before the old empire fell. He would see this time again. Although he had maintained a youthful exuberance, Antridyus had grown venerable in age. He was pushing 62 now and would be forced to retire very soon unless he had his way today. Only under valiant service had his requests to remain in active duty been granted. His extensions were running out. His life was started within Imperial rule and, by the creator he would see to it that he died under the same situation.

He had reached the podium. He cleared his throat and began to speak.
”At ease, you may be seated. Gentleman, I know most of you are very curious as to why I’ve assembled you today. I also know that, this being a day of rest, you would much rather be enjoying the company of your wives and husbands rather than listen to an old windbag like me.”

Shouts and hollers swelled up from the assembly with a hint of laughter. The men and women of the Militus guard had always enjoyed the company of their military commander. One of such individuals jokingly cried out amidst the foray, “Come on old timer, get to the point already!” Antridyus himself laughed. He too enjoyed their company in return. The military was his life.

”Well then, for purposes of brevity, lets skip the pleasantries, shall we? Let me just bite the big one and ask now. Do any of you remember the old Empire, or for my youngin’s, at least remember of it?”

The crowd fell silent. Marcus anticipated such a result. Mixed emotions had always been directly associated with any imperial mention.

”Ahhh, I see. Well, allow me to paint you a picture. Long, long, long, long ago I was born-“

“I thought you said you would be getting to the point!!” Laughter echoed throughout the chamber, Antridyus’ included.

”Ahhh youth… so impatient. You didn’t let me finish. I know how to shut you up. Long ago I was born under the Empire.......... AHA. I knew that would silence you. To further keep you quiet and curious I will add that this is the reason you have been gathered. When I was still young those ages ago, I grew up in a prosperous and booming world. One that knew what direction it was headed in. A land with order and a dream of unity. What do we have now? We have confusion, one big identity crisis. We are governed by the Nylinus council, an organization which tries to appease everyone. It tries to protect every peoples culture even though many of us today are such mutts we don’t even know where we came from. Such wasted time could have been used to further us and our goals, rather than annoy us with debate after long winded debate. Under the Empire, we would have access to wondrous technologies, greater than those in Balanum. We would have explored every inch of the surface and every cloud in the sky. Those were the times of my youth and the times I yearn for now. I have nursed you in the academy during your infancies and have seen you grow in my boot camp. The time of your adult initiation is at hand. The Empire is already reborn and needs your help to survive. We have already taken the first step in beginning our expansion. Your mission, if you are truly Nylian by birth, is to help me spread the word. I know your opinions of this ancient taboo have been suppressed, but let those feelings out now and we will not be stopped by any foe. Even as we speak, your brethren loyal to the Empire are confronting the Council. Their way is done. Now is our time. Join us. JOIN ME!!!”

Unlike the scenario in New Dargent, there was no awkward pause. Immediately the lost children of the Empire had been reunited and their cause was clear. They would follow Antridyus to their deaths unless he said otherwise. Shouts and cheers echoed through the auditorium. Marcus Antridyus left the podium with his hands outstretched to the ceiling and walked through the men and women of the ex-Militus guard. They followed him in what was soon to be a spontaneous fanfare through the streets. Men and women throughout the area peered through windows and through whatever paper they had to form a rain of confetti. Nearly the entire population of the Nyliam’s Military strong hold had yearned for the Empires return. Antridyus led his new additions to the Empire to their barracks where he issued orders to grab their equipment. They would march to a heroes welcome soon enough in the streets of Nyliam City.
"Unlike my fool of a father, I don't just talk of ambition... I realize it!"

Posted by Aramus VanVehementi on 12-07-2001 01:09 AM


"General, fortifications are %30 complete. Also, our forward scouts have sighted members of the Fayre resistance that retreated yesterday. They are in camp as we speak. They appear to be small in number and for the most part unprotected. Shall I dispatch a battalion to confront them?"

"Negative. All men are to remain focused on fortifying the city. On second thought..." Onuess paused for a moment deep in thought. "Strike that. All men except for the 157th are to remain working on the walls and gates. In the meantime, I want the our heaviest contingent, the 157th, to ride past these rogues in full combat armor. DO NOT ENGAGE THEM. Keep your distance but make sure you are seen."

"Sir, all appologies but I do not see the benefit in such actions. You wish for us to avoid confrontation, this I understand but wouldn't you be provoking them?"

"No Lieutenant, we are just sending them a message. We know they are there and we will be keeping Fayre. If your reports are accurate, we outnumber them significantly. This will show them our confidence in the situation. I want the 157th to ride to New Dargent. Only Bjorn and a hybrid of Nylian and Dargents home guard keep security. If they are out to decieve us and attack Dargent instead, we will be prepared."

"Very well, is that all General Sir?"

"One more thing. The magi are also exempt from fortifcations detail. They are to be well rested in the event of an attack."

"Permission to speak freely Sir?"

"Of course, granted."

"Just a moment ago you sounded so confident. Why are you speaking of caution now?"

"The first thing I learned in officer school under Antridyus was to NEVER underestimate an enemy. I don't know who is leading these men but I do know they are proud and bold enough to stick around so close to the city. They are either incredibly stupid or very cunning. Something about this situation wreaks of the latter."

"Shall I dispatch a spy Sir?"

"Are you confident he will return alive. If my men are to die, they will do so in open combat. Not in the shadow."

"Understood Sir, I will send my best."

"You do that Lieutenant. Dissmissed."

"Unlike my fool of a father, I don't just talk of ambition... I realize it!"

Posted by Scarlet Rosenblade on 12-07-2001 10:33 AM

Scarlet and Indigo arrived in Fayre two days following the invasion there. Though most of the bodies had been removed for burial, blood now maroon with age, stained the streets as if to point an accusatory finger at the soldiers milling about. A feeling of loathing washed over her and she found herself despising the Nylian Empire and the horror that it inflicted. Scarlet tried not to look at either the blood soaked stone or the soldiers, but instead forced herself to navigate their way to the inn. She had become so absorbed in this task that at one point Indigo had to pull her to the side to prevent her from plowing into a man with a rather unusual looking scar down the left side of his face.

“Oh! I’m sorry, Sir..” The man laughed softly. She noticed that his hair was ever so slightly pink at the ends, as if he dyed it red then tried to wash it out again.

“No harm done. Actually, I wonder if you would be able to assist me. My name is Adamas Tribune and I’m looking for a man, a Holy Knight rather, by the name of Alexandros Fatali.” Scarlet was taken aback for a moment. How did this man know about Alexandros? Or rather, how did he know to ask her about him? She glanced down and spied the symbol branded on the back of his left hand. Ah! So that’s why!……, she thought. This Adamas was also Dedicated to Air and therefore had powers of intuition.

Smiling now, she held up her left hand to show him the same symbol branded there.

“It seems we have share something in common, Sir.” Adamas nodded, and Scarlet continued.

“My name is Scarlet Rosenblade, and this is my companion Indigo Grei. We are also looking for Alexandros. May I inquire as to the nature of your business with him?” Adamas fell silent for a moment, debating whether or not he should tell this girl anything. But she did seem to know the whereabouts of Alexandros…..Out of the corner of his eye he saw a small battalion of soldiers. He shook his head.

“This isn’t the place to discuss such matters. I assure you my intentions are honorable. Please take me to Alexandros if you know where he is.” Scarlet had no reason to be suspicious of Adamas so she pulled out the piece of paper that Alex had given her with instructions to the inn he was staying at.

“If you know where we can find the Rouge Field, we’ll be happy to let you accompany us.” Adamas smiled.

“Follow me.”

CUE: Alexandros, Adamas or Indigo

"When one forgets to put the emotions that overflow in her heart to rest, they burn the color of passion."

Posted by Adamas Tribune on 12-07-2001 10:56 AM

Adamas made his way through the streets with Scarlet and Indigo following closely behind. He had been in Fayre for about a week, searching for Alexandros under the guidance of Salamander and Ezra. They had come to him again in his sleep, instructing him to aid the Holy Knight in his resistance to the Nylian Empire along with the Princess and her companion.

Making a right turn, he led them past the Chora Tree in a beeline toward the Rouge Field. On the sidewalk he noticed a young man giving medical aid to a wounded child. A small glint of silver could be seen from under his left eye. Was this the Holy Knight, Alexandros Fatali? Scarlet cried out from behind him, answering his question.


CUE: Alexandros

Pride without arrogance,
Independance without dishonor.

Posted by Akalah Shei on 12-07-2001 11:33 AM

The Lyre

Akalah and Sivan sat on the sand. The lyre in Akalah's hand looked up at them and looked surprised at the lack of an answer.

" name is Mur. Uh...are you guys going to just stare at me? I find it a bit unconfortable."

"We uh...never saw a talking instrument. Well, at least not me. Do you know where we are?"

"No, not really. I was just put in a box and the lid was slammed on. Beats me where they put me."


"Who? oh yes, a group of thieves. They stole me from a king somewhere. They must've been scared that someone was going to steal me. Thats what comes over most that take me, they become paranoid that they'll die because they hold me...but thats only because they aren't good at heart. Only a kind person who holds me will actually get my real power."

Akalah looked at the gold mermaid figure, who had disconnected her upper torsoe from the lyre frame.

"Listen...whats your name child?"


"what a lovely name. Would you like to hear a song?"

Akalah nodded, dumb with the still real shock that she was face-to-face with a lyre that talked. She set the lyre on it's base on the sand and the mermaid stretched out her arms and plucked at the strings and sang the most beautiful song.

As much as she wanted to believe this lyre was a good thing, she couldn't help but feel as though it was all an it wasn't good at all...
Keep your Friends near,
and your enemies nearer

Posted by Alexandros Fatali on 12-07-2001 12:26 PM

A plan

Alexandros rose shakily from the child, whom he had bandaged and adminishered some herbs to. The child squealed with delight as the ball chased him playfully. He turned to look towards the voice that had called him, and saw three people standing, looking at him. Scarlet, along with indigo smiled apprehensively as they saw his jacket fall open exposing his chest, as he had not worn a shirt for the past three days becasue of the pain of the large scabs. Blood still oozed down his chest in places, staining the jacket further. It was the same jacket he had worn the day of the battle, and it was torn and slashed up, but mended, and still functional, if not pretty.

Another man stood with them, with a strange scar about one of his eyes, and his hair was just a bit pink. An odd fellow, to be sure. Alex slowly made his way towards the three, limping from a larger wound upon one of his legs.

"Scarlet, Indigo, It's good to see you in better shape," Alex forced out a smile, and coughed raggedly, "Who's your friend?"

"Alexandros, this is Adamas Tribune, he says he's been looking for you," Scarlet reached out to Alexandros, who winced lightly when she layed her hand on his shoulder.

"Adamas," Alex looked into the man's eyes, "I have been trying to find you, but it seems as if I've failed. I was to warn Fayre before this happened, and to find you as well. I needed your support to make the council believe my words of warning. The remaining members have fled to Balanum,"

"I know. I've been able to gather much information from my contacts here," Adamas replied.

Indigo and Scarlet seemed concerned for Alexandros, but Alex passed it off, saying he'd been much badly wounded before, and while true in one respect, it was a falsity in many others. They made their way to the Rouge Field, where Alex secured a private dining room for them, and they all sat down to a meal of roast lamb, potatos, and wine.

Alex related his battle during the taking of the city, and of his small progresses with his Holy magic. Adamas seemed quite interested in Alex's use of Terra magic, but said nothing. Indigo spoke of what had happened to them in the past days, and of the incident with Kaliva. Scarlet listened paitently to all of what had happened, asking questions and adding comments from time to time.

"So, what do we do now?" Asked Indigo finally.

"I say we go to this encampment that's outside of the city, and convince them to fall back. They're too far outnumbered to be any good here. If we could get them to fall back to Balanum, we eould not onloy secure a base of operations, but also have a well defended stronghold if we needed it. We could gather support along the way," Alexandros spoke as he chewed a small amount of an anesthetic herb.

"I agree. With my influence, I should be able to convince General Ormus to take the army north. Plus, I have gathered that most of the old Nyliam is beginning to rally to the imperial cause. Pigeons have brought word secretly that Nyliam proper and Militus have already pledged support to VanVehementi, and Hillslay and Karakai don't seem far off. I see our best option as retreat and re-orginization," Adamas concluded with a sigh.

Indigo nodded, not being trained in either the art of war or politics, the plan sounded indeed as if it were the best course of action. Scarlet agreed as well, but had her own opinions under the surface that she did not wish to share just yet.

"Alright," Alex spoke softly, "Let's get some rest, it's getting late. Meet here at the strike of eight tomorrow morning, and we'll do our best to convince this Ormus to move north. Else all might be lost,"

Cue: Adamas, Indy, Or Scarlet

May the Creator shield you and light your path...

Posted by Kaori Aurora on 12-08-2001 12:14 PM

Question Ponderings

OOC: I'm sorry Scarlet, I didn't want to muddy up the story with the different royaly families in Gania and Akaros, I didn't realise...

As Kaori rode her horse on the road that would lead her to Sungan, the sky was filled with a dazzling white bright light as the sun crested the rise in the fairly flat land to the east. Looking back, she could see in the distance, the just waking city of Akaros. Truly the city was amazing and the experience would be the first of many wonders she would see on her journey to become Dedicated and beyond...

Unlike most of her family, she was not content to live her life away being a carpenter like her father, a sculpturer like her sister, or someone's house-wife like her mother. Kaori wanted to see the world, to make a name for herself and to become intangled in intrigue and adventure, and she believes that becoming Dedicated would be the first step that would lead her to live her dream. Her little run in in Akaros had already proven that...

Her thoughts led to the mysterious man that had helped her in Akaros. If what the vendor indentification of the man was true and he was Lord Adragaras then Kaori was even more mystified by their encounter than ever. It was widely known that Lord Adragaras, though far-seeing and has never led the royals astray in decision-making, was also a shady creature of court, even more shady than the mainstream ones. It was rumored that Lord Adragaras obtained the royals' trust through shadow magic and his black attire are a sign of his alliance to the shadows. Even the vendor's fear of the man seem to further support the image, surely the people who live the closest to the courth would know more of the characters within it. But if the rumors of Lord Adragaras was true, then why had he helped her? Did he enjoy seeing fear in the lower people? For most of the morning, Kaori pondered about the encounter with Lord Adragaras, that if anything, was not supposed to happen.

It was only the rumbling of her stomach that brought Kaori out of her pondering. The road she travelled on was well maintained and patrolled by the Royal Guards, so Kaori did not fear to stop by the side of the road to rest both her horse and herself, she was not used to travelling for so long in the saddle. For a girl that has not even visited Akaros, the thought of going to Noit that was on the other end of the island country was a trifle daunting.

But worries was far from Kaori's mind as she settled herself on the plain off to the side of the road to eat some of the food she brought from Akaros. Letting her horse graze, Kaori brought out the map of Akaros from her saddlebag. Kaori let her eyes roam over the precisely detailed depiction of Akaros as she planned out her remaining journey in her head.

Although there was an ancient temple just north of Ioty that used to be used for Dedication, it has long since been reduced to ruins and was rumored to be haunted by monsters and ghosts. This was same with the temple that was in the Desert of Niklew. So although Kaori wanted to be Dedicated and be trained in the use of magic and weaponry as soon as possible to set out to find adventures for herself, she had to admit to herself that there was no way that she could get herself pass the supposed guardian of those ancient temples. Therefore she was forced to travel to the southern end of the island, to Sungan, via Akaros and Bargra, to take a ship that would take her to Noit, where she could undertake the test and then...well she would see what was in store for her.

Looking at the map, Kaori could work out that it would take at least two days, by horse, to reach Bargra. That would mean that for tonight she would have to sleep out in the open. Thank the goddess that the weather seems to be holding fair these days, Kaori had not brought any camping out equipment with her, just a sleep-roll. But if Kaori didn't want to chance a third night in the open, she must be going. Packing her lunch, Kaori whistled to her horse, mounted and continued their way.

Feeling slightly restless after the rest, and bored of the plodding pace, Kaori sped up her mount and let the mare have her head. It seems that her mount was feeling just as restless as she was, for she first broke into a trot, and then into a canter. Though not a gallop, Kaori had to hold herself tighter in the seat.
'Tis strange - but true, for truth is always strange; stranger than fiction.'
~ Lord Byron

Kodoku no U
Her View

Posted by Leo Saotome on 12-08-2001 08:43 PM

The Trip

(OOCly: Whoo.. Okay, I'm back. Miss me?)

Leo awoke in his new quarters, a comfortable, almost homey cabin, to the sounds of merriment and singing above. Leo rolled off the cot he had slept on, and onto the floor. He stood, and fumbled around in the darkness for a match from his pack. Before he could even find it, the door into his cabin slammed open.

"Hey, wake up, Land Fish!" shouted an excited Arna.

"Land Fish? How many names is that for me now?" responded a groggily agitated Leo. Come to think of it, he thought, I've earned myself quite afew names by now, and this is only my third day on my own.As an afterthought, he added, Although I have had quite alot of assistance.

"Oh, four or five at the least.. No bother! Look!" And Arna lit the room by an oil lamp that stood on an empty dresser and a small fire seemingly kindled by her palm. "Now, come on while we leave the fjorn! It's always a sight to see!" With that, Arna grabbed Leo's wrist and pulled him off to the upper deck.

Leo craned his neck about while on deck, to see singing men securing items onboard as they raised the pale white sails. On either side, two men were raising the ship's anchors. It took Leo a while, but he noted they were all singing the same tune.

Stand, Pirates, out to sea
Fight our battle cry
We’ll never change our course
So vicious foe steer shy-y-y-y
Roll out the Balan powder
Anchors Aweigh
Sail on to victory and
Sink their bones to the Sphere Stones hooray!

Yo ho there shipmate
Take the fighting to the far off sea
Hear the wailing of the wild banshees
All hands, fire brands Let’s blast them as we go, so

Anchors Aweigh my boys
Anchors Aweigh
Farewell to floozie girlies
We sail at break of day day day day
Through our last night on shore
Drink to the foam
Until we meet once more
Here’s wishing you a happy voyage home!

Heave a ho there sailor
Everybody drink up while you may
Heave a ho there sailor
For your gonna sail a break of day
Drink away, Drink away,
For you sail at break of day, hey!

Anchors Aweigh my boys
Anchors Aweigh
Farewell to floozie girlies
We sail at break of day day day day
Through our last night on shore
Drink to the foam
Until we meet once more
Here’s wishing you a happy voyage home! *

Here, Leo noticed men climbing the masts to the areas intended for standing behind each sail, three to each pair. To men took to either restraint, and the third man secured the other two's wrists and ankles. The men being restrained helped out quite willingly, Leo saw.

The Captain himself took a position behind the wheel and Arna took Leo to the wall behind him, folding down two seats from them, and secured either of them in place. A dozen or so men took similar positions facing the water, and they too secured themselves. The Captain, apparently, was supplying his own bracing. Arna leaned over and began to explain each step in the process, as the third man on each mast curried down and below deck.

"Each of the men you see is Dedicated. My Pops is Dedicated to Earth, and so's Scurvy. He's the one that was in the Crow's Nest when you came, and he's down there secured to the central mast. The men below deck aren't Dedicated, are Dedicated to Fire or Earth, Cast, or the just aren't strong enough to join in the Symphonies. There are two of them. Scurvy's conducting the water Dedicated guys, the ones down facing the water, and my Pops is directing the Wind Dedicated, the ones held in place by the restraints. The Water Dedicated are pushing the ship backward and righting, then afterward they'll make the waters accomodating for the wind symphony. Once righted, the Wind symphony will direct its power to my Pops, who'll create a powerful wind that'll carry us about a day's journey. We'll be sent along at a good clip, which is why we need to be restrained. Oh! By the way, we're heading off to Bargra. Maybe you can hitch a group on the way to Sungan from there."

Leo looked slightly dismayed, "But what about the lives that depend on you? Can't I help?"

"No, you can't," she responded. She seemd like she wanted to change the subject, "So, my Pops tells me you're a silverblade. What're ya gonna study?"

"Oh, I don't know. Flat Art or maybe the skill of the dagger. I wonder if being Cast means I'm stuck to just one?" **

"Flat art? Oh, like painting or drawing? Think ya could-" Arna's query was cut chort by the tremendous noise of the summoned wind after the ship was righted.

Leo was propelled backward against the wall, as was anyone else seated. The men in restraints propelled toward the sails, beaten with the wind. The Captain and "Scurvy," oddly, remained unmoved, but it seemed as though consciousness was waning.. At the passing of half an hour, Scurvy and half the water Dedicated lost consciousness, followed soon by the Captain, half the Wind Dedicated, and the remaining Water Dedicated. The summoned wind quelled, as did the facilitating waters, but the ship kept going a while on its own momentum.

As if by clockwork, men from below deck began replacing the current crew, taking the Dedicate below deck. Leo noticed that the old man, Scurvy, was taken special care of. Arna leaned over to whisper in Leo's ear.

"Pops and Scurvy are gettin' old. Scurvy's teachin' some guy to take his place, but my Pops is as stubborn as a haggling hRittir." There was a hint of dismay in Arna's tone. "Maybe he'll teach me before he.. y'know, shoves off."

Leo only nodded. He didn't want to become involved in apparently deep-rooted matters. He changed the subject.

"Where are we?"

"Well, judging by the number of I.C.'s I was counting, soon as we were out of that creepy mist, about a days journey from Noit by sea." Arna and Leo set about removing the securing, and returned the seat to the upright and locked position. All of the men that had been below deck had taken charge of the ship in the stead of their counterparts, including Tavey Nelek, the Captain's left-hand man- or rather, ox.

"What's an I.C., and what are those men doing?"

"What are ya, dense? An I. C. is as far as yer eye can see. Pick a point on the horizon, off to the ship's right or left, follow it 'till it's beside you, then pick a new point. That's an I.C." Arna looked about her, "This is like a second crew. They'll be navigatin' the ship 'till the other wake up, then it's back to their mundane duties. Bucer, the ox, is filling in for my pops, and my job is Scurvy's at the moment, commandin' the men. When you get the chance, make a visit to Cookie. He's headin' th' mess hall, and I haven't seen ya eat since we met! Well, I've gotta go!" Arna went off, and turned about to wink at him, "See ya!"

"Hey, Furthermore! I've got a job for ya!" shouted Bucer as he came to the wheel.

* Anchors Aweigh, the U.S. Navy Anthem, Edited to fit the situation by Yours Truly.

** Leo's question (I wonder if being Cast means I'm stuck to just one art) is really a question from Yours Truly, as well.

~Leo Saotome

Intelligent, soft-spoken, and aggreeable.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Posted by Orocia Agua on 12-09-2001 09:18 PM

OOC:eeeee.... Yah. When was the last time I posted? *sweatdrop* Well, here goes. Hope I haven't rusted up too much!

Orocia was looking down at the sheen of her mare's mane. Her mare was a warm chestnut color, with a blaze of golden honey down its nose and speckled along with black elsewhere on its body. It was a beautiful, strong creature, and very loving. She petted it and it in turn nuzzled her hand affectionately. She was thinking of giving it a name, among all other things; the war in Asheri was pushed far to the rear of her mind like a foggy vision. She wasn't even thinking about Scarlet. She wasn't even really... thinking.

"Well, Oroica, now that we've defeated the forces of evil, and been summarily left to our own devices, where do you plan on heading now?"


Caliph looked annoyingly at Orocia. She was a little too quiet. He almost wondered if she was hiding something. "Orocia?"

Orocia thought she heard her name. It sounded like it was coming up out of the water, garbled and bubbling, and into reality--


Her head whipped back and she looked up to see Caliph giving her the most wide-eyed expression of wonder at her. What had happened? "..Yes?"

"Did you hear me?"

Orocia blushed softly. This wasn't a good impression on him at all, now, was it? Yeesh.. "Um...." Orocia gave up and sighed. "I'm sorry, no, I didn't..." She smiled uncomfortably.

She couldn't tell, but Caliph seemed either irritated or bothered or ..something. Orocia let it pass. Things up till now were tense, better not to push people. But now...?? It felt so strange. Like, ...what do we do now? Everything built up to... what? Orocia hadn't really wanted to come to Asheri, she didn't want to get involved, because she knew it would end up this way. Lost. Clueless.

Orocia frowned at herself. Why the hell was she thinking like this? She didn't need people to tell her what to do! But for this whole time, she was just 'there.' She didn't do anything she wanted to do; again, she felt like a marionette just tossed into the mess of things without a master. But the hell! She never needed a master. She survived hell and beyond as a child!

But it's coming back to haunt you..

No it's not! Not if I say so, damn it!

You're still lost. You're still that lost child, the orphan. No master to guide you, no loving parent to help you... No one cared.

And neither do I.


Gah!! Oh, man... I'm really drifting off... "..uh.. heh, Yeah?"

"Where to?"

Their horses continued to walk but already Orocia saw the fork in the road up ahead. Time soon to make a decision..

"You're asking me?" Orocia flashed an innocent, but teasing smile at Caliph.

Caliph mumbled to himself, "..Oh great.."

Orocia got more serious, and loosened up as she exhaled a slow breath. She stopped her horse. Her face was somber and she spoke in earnest.

"I know nothing about you, Caliph. And you have no godly idea, not the tiniest inkling of a thought about who I am."

"And your point is?"

And just as quickly Orocia smiled. "Well, before you go anywhere, you should have a reason. You're an idiot or totally insane if you're wandering about for no reason. Because I never knew of anyone who found a reason through wandering... Anyways, how about we discuss our thoughts someplace, far from some crazy war? Tell me who you are and what you want to do, and I'll do the same. And maybe we can figure out something from there. I'm thinking we should head to Helilal. Sounds good?"

CUE: Caliph

Posted by Orocia Agua on 12-09-2001 10:38 PM

Love Scarred heart, weeping softly..

Lieutenant Commander Aguas stood at the end of the boardwalk, dressed down to an unbuttoned and pulled out light blue Akarian Royal Navy standard dress shirt, exposing his white undershirt, his belt untightened, the rebel opposite of military dress code, a big no-no, but he wasn't one to follow rules. And he was greatly respected for being able to do so while getting even more respect from the higher ups. He was always cool and confident, the perfect textbook example. Even in anger his stare was icy, chilling down to the bone.

He stood silently on a foggy midday in Noit, the city of endless mist. In the background different ships rang their bells, a chorus of bells. It was so serene. ....the lapping of the waves..... the mourning cry of the sea gulls...... It stabbed his heart in a way to hear them cry. It gave him memories... But his heart was scarred enough. All those scars, hardened with age, became a sort of armor. But Rio still had a softness underneath the scars. The question was, had anyone ever seen it?

Lt. Jr. Grade Chevalier walked casually up to his fellow shark* and superior. In many ways they were equals, but in many he found himself looking up to his friend Rio. He was amazed they were friends, they seemed so different from each other, really. Lt. Comdr. Aguas turned, lazily, to greet his friend at the sound of his footsteps.

"What's shakin', Aerin?" Rio had a sly smirk on his face, hands in pockets.

"Not much, guy. But how's that promotion feelin'?"

Rio grinned broadly at the mention of his recent promotion. He had just busted a clandestine drug ring that was deeply rooted in the shipyards of Akaros, the fruit of two years of sweaty, bloody, ruthless investigation. Rio earned his rank and he was rightly proud.

"It's feelin' good, buddy. Now you've got two ranks to get promoted to, if you even want to think of getting up there alongside of me, heh heh heh.."

He was right. Damn, he was just a Lieutenant two weeks ago. Now, he's a Lieutenant Commander. He's almost a Commander! And here I am, still just a Lieutenant Junior Grade... , Aerin thought. But regardless, Aerin found himself smiling back at Rio. "No sweat, Rio. You'll be wishing I was still nipping at your heels when you see me getting promoted to Commander before you."

"Ha-HA! In your dreams, Aerin.." Rio sat himself down at the edge of the boardwalk, and again went back to gazing at the endless sea.

Aerin continued to stand up. He came for more than just to say "hi." A certain question was nagging at him for some time now...


"..Yeah? What is it? Is lunch almost over?"


"Well? What then? Is one of the big boys comin' down? It's alright, they wouldn't demote me for bein' out of uniform, buddy, they have too much respect for me to do that. They wouldn't dare think of how I'd lash out for that.. heh." Rio grinned. "I'm not that arrogant, but I know I'm damn good." He looked up at Aerin now and grinned but saw Aerin was a little more than distressed.

"Aerin, what's up, man? What's wrong? You're freakin' me out, buddy..."

Aerin felt uncomfortable asking. Last time he asked Rio about any family he got one of Rio's silent replies... but.. he had to ask, just in case, no matter how much it might hurt him. He seemed so scarred...

"Rio... do you have a sister named Orocia?"

*shark = a nickname for a maritime police officer.

Posted by Victor Dominic on 12-09-2001 11:09 PM


Victor Dominic was standing atop a hill, surveying the lands around Fayre. At his side was his new blade, which he had named "Destiny," and sworn to the army that it would be there to lead them to victory. The small band of troops were also inspired by the fact that General Ormus (Victor had allowed him to keep the title out of respect) would be riding with the infantry. At present, Ormus stood by Victor, discussing strategy.


"Oh, yes, forgive me. What is it?" A scout had returned from the fields, and was ready to deliver his message.

"Turn your telescope south by southwest. There is a band of fully armored imperialists riding towards us?"

"Towards us?"

"Well, it seems they're headed past us, but that may be a deception." He watched as General Dominic turned his scope in that direction.

"Shades," he cursed. "General Ormus, go ready the troops. We will not engage, but we will hold our position. It is far too fortuitous that we have not been chased further still."

Ormus nodded and jogged down to the encampment.

Victor motioned to the scout. "Do you remember the battle for the bridge of the Marquis?"

"Why yes. Although Salamander was flanked by an occupied Nevyel, he marched on the bridge and valiantly retook it."

"Did you know why he marched on the bridge?"

"No, sir, strategy is lost on me. I only follow orders."

"Well. First follow your heart, and if the orders coincide, do that. Always think for yourself. But I digress. Salamander attacked the bridge, instead of Nevyel, because he had a contingency plan for Nevyel. A brilliant plan that was never executed. A shame really, but it leaves us free to use it. Salamander has saved us again."

"Will we be attacking Fayre as planned?"

"No, soldier. I will tell the troops when ready. For now, we hold our position."

The scout rode down the hill, leaving Victor alone with his thoughts. Is this war really worth fighting? Or am I leading this small band of troops to their doom? No, this battle must be fought. A thought came unbidden to his mind. The Lunari will reign again. He dismissed it. This war was not about his own blood. It was a secret that Victor Dominic was full blooded Lunari, for his features belied it. Victor did not like secrets, but this one he kept. I wonder how Balanum feels about this... perhaps I should send a message. During the last war, Balanum was exploited at both ends for it's technology. Perhaps a change is in order. But what can I possibly offer to the nation from this position? He did not like wagering promises. Perhaps a promise of alliance, and not a request for technology. Yes, that will do. Maybe if I can persuade Balanum to simply side with us, and not with Nyliam, in time they will decide if they wish to... aid us.

The sun had descended to low above the horizon, turning the sky red and violet. Victor much preferred the blue sky. In the daylight, you could only face your enemy from the front. Sneak attacks came at night, and betrayals as well.

I suppose that at the very least, the council is for once free of corruption. Of course, that's because there is no council...

Aramus, if you decide to attack my position, please contact me via MSN so we can work something out, for I have a really good plan, that I came up with as Salamander Armada and never got to use.
You'd be better off turning a blind eye to your enemy and keeping your good one on politics. Enemies can't stab you in the back.

Posted by Scarlet Rosenblade on 12-09-2001 11:54 PM

The next morning the four of them, Adamas, Alex, Scarlet, and Indigo met and decided that the best thing to do was to travel to the encampment outside of Fayre and warn the General there of the threat from Nylian forces.

They took four horses from the inn’s stable, including the horses Indigo and Scarlet had brought from Kenoblious and headed southwest. After sometime, Scarlet allowed her horse to slow so that she now rode alongside Adamas.

“Excuse me, Sir?” He faced her and smiled.

“Yes?” Scarlet flustered for a moment, unsure of how to go about asking her question.

“Well, um….You’re Dedicated to Air, and so am I, but you seem to know a lot more about it than I do…So I was wondering if you could possibly teach me how to further use my powers.” She looked at him hopefully.

“I would be honored, Highness.,” he replied, bowing his head slightly. Scarlet beamed.

“Thank you!!!”

Alex’s voice cracked like a whip from ahead of them. “Quiet! There are Nylian soldiers nearby!”

She began to apologize, but after catching a glare from Alexandros, fell into silence as they neared the rebel encampment.

CUE: Alex


"When one forgets to put the emotions that overflow in her heart to rest, they burn the color of passion."

Posted by Alexandros Fatali on 12-10-2001 12:22 AM

New Friends for the General

They entered the small encampment and rode through with little effort. The soldiers noted Alex's markings and made way, and his companions faolowed until they found themselves near the center of the camp, where a large cabin tent was surrounded by several other larger tents. Alex dismounted, and was followed closely by Adamas. Scarlet and Indigo trailed behind slightly. Alexandros approached a soldier guarding the larger tent and gave the Holy Knight's salute.

"Revered Sir Alexandros Fatali, at your service. I have come with Ambassador Tribune to speak with the General," Alex declared in his newly developed regal tone.

"Which general did you want to speak with? General Ormus is out currently. But General Dominic is inside. You may speak with him if you wish," The soldier saluted and replied in a crisp manner.

"Thank you" Alex declared as he passed through the flaps of the tent.

The inside was furnished nicely, and a number of maps were rolled out on a large table within the center of the tent. A single man stood, dressed in formal Lunari colors, with many decorations hanging from his uniform, leaning over the table. Several other Lunari men and a woman also were present, some also staring at the maps, others shuffling to write letters and draw up new maps.

"General Dominic?" Alex asked ambiently.

The decorated man looked up, "I am he. To whom am I speaking?"

Alexandros made the Holy salute once again, then dropped into the rigid Lunari salute.

Dominic looked ever so slightly impressed by Alex's action, "Revered Sir Alexandros Fatali, Child of Darkness, Raised into Light, Son of the Prince of Lies. I've come to offer my assistance to you in the resistance. I have brought with me Ambassador Tribune, as well as the Princess of Gania and her *cough* bodyguard,"

At first Dominic studied Alexandros with absolute scrutiny, but suddenly his exporession changed, "Come into my tent,"

He led the four companions out of the larger tent and to the north to another well furnished tent, but this one, rather than being a strategy area, was Dominic's personal area. He sat in a chair and motioned for the others to take seats. They were one seat short, and Indigo chose to stand behind Scarlet.

"May I offer you a drink?" Dominic asked.

The three men accepted, and Scarlet declined. Alex was actually happy for the liquor, as he had quit the painkillers the day before, and his wounds ached. Victor poured each of them a sifter of Lunari Brandy. He proposed a toast, to the resistance, and then he settled back into his chair.

Alex spoke first, "General,"

Victor interrupted, "Please, just Victor. We don't have time to use titles every minute. For the men, it's a morale booster, but amoung ourselves, they are not nessecary. Do you all agree?"

The three men nodded, and Scarlet simply tossed her hair to the side. Alex spoke again, "For all of us but the Princess, I agree," Victor swished some brandy in his mouth, then nodded, "But let me cut to the point. I came here to try to convince you to pull your band north, to Balanum, where we can regroup and perhaps rally support against the imperialists along the way. The reaminder of the council, according to Adamas, has already convinced the Balan people to stand against the Nylians. We cannot make a difference here with so few men. But we must send word to the rest of Lunis, and to the rest of Asheri, that VanVehementi is on the rise, and will not stop anytime soon,"

Alex leaned back, and took a large drink. Victor contemplated his words, and then he spoke.

Cue: Victor Dominic

May the Creator shield you and light your path...

Posted by Linerin Gheral on 12-10-2001 01:01 AM

The city of Endroth never saw it's fate as it approached out of the Hollow Crags. It had enveloped the city and in less than a day, the city was under the control of the "Nylian Empire". The Ogres, shadowspawn, and men that had flowed from the mountains overran the cities defenses in less than an hour, and the arial bombardment of the city by the creatures, only known to the Servile and higher ranking members of the Shadow as Wyrmlings, ceased shortly thereafter. Civilian casualties were enourmous.

Fenix, Suedomsa and Marain had led the offensive against the city, which had been in the planning for nearly two weeks. Fenix commanded the undead and Shadowspawned creatures. Suedomsa was in charge of the men that they had gathered from all over Asheri into the Shadow's army. Marian was responsible for the Ogres, as well as the flying Shadowspawn. They had taken the city, and Fenix had been installed as Governor.

The new government was an absolute despotism, and many people had already been executed for attempting to leave the city. The will of Fenix, the law, was enforced by the Sevron men and women that were posted upon the walls of the city, and the Wyrmlings that scouted the nearby countryside from several inns that had been "refitted" into aviaries. Most people in Endroth teniously went on doing their daily deeds, with a sense of heaviness, and a continual cloudiness began to surround the city.

That was three days ago...

Fenix stood upon the highest tower of Ral'Endroth, the keep of the city, and Linerin stood at his side.

Linerin's hair flowed about his cloaked body in the winds. Fenix's clothes were eerily still. They stood silently watching the whole of the city go about it's business in the continual gloom. The energy was being siphoned off and sent for containment in the Black Tower, for the ritual that was nessecary to find the Air Stone.

"Everything is going as planned, their life energy is being siphoned by the spell. Shall we report our victory to this Aramus?" Fenix spoke in his raspy voice as his uncloaked form faced Linerin.

"Yes. Proceed as planned. I shall be returning to the Black Tower to recieve further instructions," Linerin's cloak flared about him as the wind gusted.

"Excellent," Replied Fenix, as he wrung his hands together, "My minions will flourish in the chaos to follow..."

The fields outside the city were filled with undead created from the dead from the battle. Fenix was most pleased, and so was Linerin.

And so was She...

OOC: Aramus, we've taken a city for you!!! *evil laugh* You should recieve word of it from a black cloaked messenger very soon...
As the Mistress of the Night wills it...

Posted by Caliph Wyrdwyrm on 12-10-2001 02:09 AM

"...far from some crazy war." Caliph looked skyward for just a second, then winced from the light trickling down, grimacing and turning away from the heavens once more.

Far from some crazy war, like the ones General Wyrdwyrm had lived for, the wars that the General had taught the son to survive, the wars that the son had spent years fighting to forstall, or end, or limit. He had seen the fields of battle, seen the dead carried off...

"So you're not interested, I see." Orocia said it deadpan -- he didn't know if she was insulted or teasing him.

"It's just... remembering. Sins of the fathers." Caliph let a small, pained smile cross his face, dim red on deathly white. He looked worse than he had when she first had seen him, on the road with Alexandros, in what seemed like years ago instead of days. "Yes, I think this once I will stay away from the crazy war."

"This once?" She eyed him cautiously, the lanky man, looking as near to the grave as one still could with smooth flesh and dark, ruffled hair.

"I went to my first when I was seven." He paused there. "My father... that is to say, although it wasn't really a war, just a seige..." He sighed, and stopped. He hadn't even mentioned the General since he had left Balanum, and even then only when asked, and normally it was more of a dodge than a reply. So why did he mention it to her? Questions. No answers. "It can wait until Helial."

She smiled at that. "Good, we should be there in a day. And we can share our stories when we get there."

Caliph shook his head, not in disagreement but in sadness. "And after that, we'll see if you're still as eager to hear me as you are now." He kicked his horse and started off once more.

Cue: Orocia

They say confession is good for the soul. But what if you don't have one?

Posted by Volsung on 12-10-2001 03:41 PM

OCC: boy its been along time since I posted. Oh well I'm back and ready to go.

IC:Volsung walked out of the plain limping, the last mouth had been very hard on him. To start with, early in the journey Ollis asked Volsung if he would like to along the Niklew desert or go further south in the grassy plain. Volsung decide that he would like to travel along the desert because he had never really spent much time around deserts in his life.

So, and that is the way they traveled and for the week, they traveled by night and slept by day. The cold nights gave Volsung many opportunities to use his fire magic to keep himself and Ollis warm. During the days before they would set out Volsung used this time to train in all the things that Met had taught him. He even worked on his flying, but always last, because he feared that he may pass out in the late day sun. Ollis had been very impressed with his companion even though he didn’t say anything. But this was Ollis nature, and he rarely said anything as they traveled even though Volsung could go on for hours, and that was part of this nature.

Then on the sixth day during the mid morning, Volsung was attacked by a large bear while he was sleeping. Volsung woke up quickly killing the bear in a great burst of flames. However, the bear had done its work ripping a large chunk of flesh from Volsung left leg. Volsung weep openly and there was nothing that he could do for himself never being taught how to heal, and Ollis wasn’t any help ether. All that he could is to keep that infecting out but this did little to make Volsung feel better. As the day went on it only got hotter, and with every degree, Volsung pain increased until he finally passed out.

When Volsung woke up it was sunset three days later, in a small cave. “What happen to me?” asked Volsung still feeling a little out of it.

“You passed out. I’m been doing my best to keep you body temperature down, but it has been very hard that is why I moved you down here. In was the only cool place that I could get you to.”

Volsung didn’t know what to say his life had been saved so many times, and thought for a long time but in the end all he could think of was, “Thank you for all you did for me I’m in your debt.”

“I know, and I will remember that you said this, but now come up here and eat because I’m not going to be awake much longer.” With that, Volsung sat up and ate his meal, and then Ollis fell a sleep. Volsung later found out that Ollis than kept watch over him for the past three days. Volsung knew that Ollis could have let him and no one would have thought less of him, but he stayed all the same. This stayed on Volsung mind for the next few weeks. But this left with Volsung one very big problem how was he going to move around. The first thing he tried was to use a walking stick, and this worked well, but it wasn’t going to cut it over the long run. Then seen flow a bird’s fly over head he remember, how he was trying to learn how to fly. But it had changed from a hobby, to the best way of saving this own life. So, he walked out in a clearing. There was a full moon out and Volsung could see for miles around, not that there is all that much to see at the edge of the deserts. He slowly began to lift himself up off the ground. Some how it came easier this time, maybe it was the fact that his life could very well depend on this or maybe the fact that he simply in a better state of mind. In any case Volsung could now move though the air up, and down, right, and left, forwards, and backwards, he still couldn’t fly any higher than 20 feet he was very happy with his control nun the us.

When the next day came, it was Volsung who was up with the sun making breakfast much as he had for his sister. After Volsung had finished making and eating his own breakfast, he decided that it was time to wake Ollis up. As he suspected Ollis didn’t like be woke up, and he let in be known, but after he was done he ate his breakfast, and even though Ollis didn’t show it much, Volsung could tell he was happy to his new friend moving around. Even more surprising to Ollis was the fact that Volsung was ready to go.

“How on earth are you ready to go?” Ollis asked with a puzzled espetion on this face.

“Watch,” and with that Volsung took off. Ollis could hardly believe this eyes, but he was quick to get over it and soon there after took flight to catch up with Volsung. This didn’t take long because Ollis a much better flyer than Volsung, not mention Volsung tried out quickly from this flight. So they were forcest to land and rest. All of this made for slow going, but after about a mouth Volsung and Ollis walked into Ciwa different people than when they walked into wilderness.


"Listen! I've traveled every road in this here land!"

Posted by Linerin Gheral on 12-10-2001 11:32 PM

Linerin looked into his orb, twirling the vile of Scarlet’s blood lazily in his left hand. The time was soon approaching when he would use it, but for now he contented himself to keep an eye on the war and-

An image shifted within the crystal, almost making him drop the vile in surprise. It was a woman with long black hair and misty grey eyes….A pulsing heat began to throb from his left hand. His eyes diverted to the blood that swirled in the vessel, then back toward the orb. It seemed that they were resonating in unison…Was there a connection between this woman and the blood? The girl was not the princess from which the blood had been…donated. The answer came to him a second later.


“I beg your pardon, my Lord?” Linerin smiled. An idea was forming in his mind. He called to a Sevron from over his shoulder.

“You there! Fetch Gravan. Tell him I have a mission for him.” The servant left to do as he was told, leaving Linerin behind to chuckle to himself.

“They say the bond between sisters is strong. Let’s test that theory..”

As the Mistress of the Night wills it...

Posted by Zander Kohen on 12-11-2001 12:48 AM

The Oath

Zander woke early that morning. He had departed late the day before from Gania's Capitol and made a point to camp far from the wolf trail on the way to Forestre; He didn't need his journey to end after it had barely begun.

Zander distinctly remembered the last time he had made the mistake of crossing the wolf trail at night and he didn't want to give them the chance to finish what they had started. The memory made him all the more determined to fulfill the oath he had made to himself two years prior. Those half wolf beasts had attacked he and his wife, but only he walked away with his life, just barely. That day he made a vow to return to the Holy arts and swordsmanship his father was teaching him, and one day become a Holy Knight. Never would he let anything happen to one of his loved ones again.

After two years of training, he was finally back to the shape he was in before he was married and deserted his father's teaching for his wife. He decided it was time he make the long jouney to Mt. Nyliam as his father had told him he should if he wanted to become a Holy Knight. He just had to figure out a way to Asheri.

This wouldn't be too difficult a task. He could very easily take a ship to Akaros and board another one from there to Asheri since Gania had closed all incoming and outgoing ships to Asheri. The difficult part was making it to Corner to hop a ship to Noit...

He dressed quickly and strapped on his armor, absent-mindedly wrapping his right arm with leather strapping. He ate breakfast to quell his hunger and give him strength for the journey ahead. Within an hour afterward he had his camp packed up and Malach, (his horse) was loaded with the burden.

It was a few hours before mid day when he neared the wolf trail and could see a small group of people sitting about the trail. He wondered what they could be doing. No one was dumb enough to mill about the wolf trail any time of day; they were liable to get harassed or even robbed by the same creatures that would gladly tear them limb from limb come nightfall.

As he neared, Zander realized that the "people" milling around weren't human. They were a pack of demi-wolves.

In a flood, the horror of what had happened to his wife overtook him, as well as his hate for all wolves. A great desire for revenge began to well up in him, but he forced himself to supress it.

In a moment, the wind changed and Zander realized that the pack was now downwind of him. To no surprise, every head turned immediately in Zander's direction. There was no point in trying to avoid them now...

Zander met up with the pack of humanoid wolves as he crossed the wolf trail and the pack, (Zander counted five) fanned out in front of him, blocking his way.

"You'll have to pay a toll if you want to cross," the wolf who appeared to be the leader said in a gruff voice; it almost sounded like a growl.

"I will pay no toll," Zander said, struggling to keep his voice steady. "Last I heard, this was the King's road and all travelers were allowed free passage."

"You have three choices," the wolf began again. "Turn back, pay, or die."

"Doesn't sound like much of a choice to me," Zander retorted. "What's it gonna cost me?"

"Well, last time it cost you your wife, this time it'll be your horse."

"What do you mean by that? How do you know about my wife?" Zander demanded, his hatred starting to boil over as he glared at the wolf and each of his comerads.

"You heard me boy. Horse meat is in high demand among us these days," the wolf said, returning Zander's glare.

"And what about my wife?"

"Oh, yes. I remember her," the wolf said, a grin beginning to spread across his face. "I was the one who killed her."

The rage could be seen swelling in Zander's eyes and he fought to keep it under control. For a long moment he didn't speak at all. Once he had calmed himself enough, he spoke again.

"Maybe I'll find another way..." he said sofly and turned, taking his horse's reins.

"Or maybe we'll take our toll forcefully!" the wolf growled, moving towards the horse.

In one swift motion, Zander unsheathed the sword strapped to his back and spun around, stopping just short of slicing through the wolf's neck. It hadn't even had the chance to lay one of his furry hands on Malach.

"Never will you harm my companion!" Zander said in a tone so threatening it made the wolf's hair stand on end. The rest of the pack backed up a few feet. Good, Zander thought, they won't attack with their leader in mortal danger.

"So, why not finish me off?" the wolf whispered harshly. "Why not avenge her death?" The blade of Zander's sword was still less than an inch from his throat and the wolf didn't move a muscle.

"It would bring her no honor by killing you today," Zander growled back. "Now let me through before I change my mind."

The wolf motioned for the pack to back off the road. They quickly complied and ran off with their tails between their legs.

"What's your name boy?" the wolf demanded.

"Zander Kohen."

"Well, Zander Kohen, " He began. "Pray we never meet again."

"I pray we do," Zander breathed, knowing that the wolf's excellent hearing would still be able to tell what he said, and motioned with his head for the wolf to follow the way his pack had gone.

With that, the wolf turned and ran like the others, but his tail was still held high and proud.


Ask, seek, knock...

Posted by Zander Kohen on 12-11-2001 11:00 AM

Swift Passage

The next morning, before light, Zander woke to prepare to move on the next leg of his journey. He must make it through Madain's Pass.

The day before had gone without event after the encounter with the pack of demi-wolves, save for his brief visit in Forestre, the logging city. The only thing of interest Zander had found there was food. He bought enough for the next few days and was soon on his way.

Now, he stood at the maw of Madain's Pass. The sun was just beginning to crest the horizon and it wouldn't be long before he would be able to see well enough to navigate through the pass and still be able to see enough of his surroundings to spot the Ogres that inhabited the Pass. If he was lucky he would make it before nightfall.

He still had time after packing up till it would be light enough to continue through the Pass, so Zander spent the time in prayer.

He thanked the Creator for delivering him this far and humbly asked for protection during the next leg of the journey.

When he rose from his knees and lifted his head it was light enough to, (in his opinion) enter the path. He set off, this time atop Malach, who was already burdened with Zander's supplies, but Zander packed light and the horse was refreshed.

For several hours they traveled without any sight or sound from the surrounding walls of the Pass. The pass itself was strewn with large boulders and sand that angled sharply up to the cliff faces that were scattered about with large cave openings, making the walls look like swiss cheese.

It was early afternoon and the sun was beating down on him when Zander reached down for his water jug. As his hand gripped around the leather handle he heard the only other sound other than himself and Malach that he had heard all day; sliding rocks. It sounded as though someone had shifted their weight, causing some rocks to come loose.

Zander froze in place, waiting to hear the sound again, and Malach followed suit below him. A few moments later he heard it again, coming from his right. In seconds Zander was on the ground facing the right wall of the Pass with his sword drawn, ready to face whatever the sound had been.

He didn't have to wait long... A large, lumbering ogre strode out from behind a very large boulder. He carried a club that looked much too small for the Ogre's enourmous arms, but as Zander saw, the club would easily be too large for any normal man.

Good God!, he thought, this guy's ugly! And he truly was. His off colored skin was almost a green hue. His face looked menacing with a ruff of thin hair on the top of it. His mouth hung slightly open with drool running out of it and a few rotted teeth. All he wore was a semi-tattered animal skin loincloth of some sort and he stunk of many things, the least of which, rotting flesh.

"Come one more step and I'll slice you, I swear!" Zander exclaimed, seriously doubting he could, but holding his sword out in front of him menacingly all the same.

What could only be described as a look of horror suddenly sprang upon the ogre's face.

"No! ...No, no no!!" The ogre almost screamed in his low, gutteral and broken english. "Me... uh... no hurt..."

Zander could tell that even those few words took a lot of hard thinking for the ogre. He looked it up and down, studying the ugly yet utterly frightened expression on the ogre's face and decided it meant him no harm. He lowered his weapon a little.

"What do you want ogre?" He asked, less threatening now.

The ogre seemed to relax a little and said, "Me, uh, Dug. Keep you... uh... safe. Come" The ogre motioned for Zander to follow and moved toward the road ahead of him.

Zander thought a moment, Is this the protection that I asked the creator for? A cowardly ogre? He shrugged and decided there was really no arguing with the ogre and as long as he wasn't intentionally doing harm, the only really negative part of the situation was the smell, and it seemed to be getting stronger.

A few seconds later the ogre suddenly stopped. He let out what must have been a laugh and motioned for something on the right side of the path to join them. Suddenly ten more ogres peeked out from behind large boulders and moved toward the road.

Suspecting the ogre had tricked him, Zander gripped his sword tighter, and prepared to make a run for it. Only then did he remember that ogres were very simple-minded and likely couldn't even concieve of deciet.

Sure enough, the ogres didn't attack him, but instead moved to flank him on all sides. To someone else, it might appear that he was their prisoner, but Zander knew better; the Creator had sent Her protection. But the stench grew ever stronger.

It was just after nightfall when Zander and his troop of smelly club-weilders reached the other side of Madain's Pass. He said his good-byes to the ogres and thanked Dug personally, but doubted that Dug fully comrehended his gratitude.

He was now faced with the easiest decision of his journey so far; right or left. Before him was a fork in the road, one lead to SouthDale the other to Corner. Zander had decided that Corner would be the best choice if he was to board a ship to Akaros, then to Asheri, so he stuck to the plan and headed left down the road to Corner.

When it was too dark to travel, Zander pulled Malach off the road to set up camp for the night. Before turning towards his saddlepacks holding his belongings he stopped and concentrated very hard. feeling the mana of the planet beneath him, then welling up inside him. He focused it into his right hand and wove it into a ball of holy light, bright enough for him to see by. He reached up as if to hang it in mid air and it stayed there, suspended in the dark, giving off a soft glow about the campsite. Zander smiled at the simple beauty of it. It reminded him of Amalia...

After a moment he shook himself back to reality and set about pitching his small tent and building a fire.

An hour or so later he was sitting by the fire, cooking himself something to eat before he turned in for the night. He had sent his ball of light bouncing down the road to Corner. it wouldn't last much longer anyway, and perhaps it might reach someone who would take delight in it.

As he cooked, he thought about the decreased amoung of travelers on his way. The few he had seen were much further north between Gania and Forestre. Very few people had taken to traveling the world since Gania had closed all of its docks to Asheri.

I wonder if they're all busying themselves with the...

His thoughts were cut short my the sound of coins rustling coming from the area where he had unloaded his belongings. A slight smile crossed Zander's face. This theif was an amateur; he had succeeded in sneaking up on Zander silently, but did not yet have the talent to quell the sounds of the clinking coins. By the sound of it, he was also unarmed, but Zander didn't want to take any chances.

The girl was so nervous, she kept looking back and forth from the young man to his money bag, almost full of coins. The only problem was she was making so much noise! Still, he didn't seem to notice, so she turned towards the bag again and began counting out the coins she wanted. This man was fairly well off, surely he wouldn't miss a few Gold Grans here and there.

As she knelt there, she counted out 5 Gold Grans before turning away again to check on the man; he was gone! The pan he had been cooking in lay on the sand next to his fire but she didn't see him in or near his tent. Suddenly she felt a small sharp blade at her throat.

Zander held his small, but sharp hunting knife at the thief's throat. He grabbed the thief's arm and pulled him up to his feet then turned him around, a small ball of holy light already in his other hand ready to illuminate the face of this criminal.

To his astonishment, he didn't find a teen boy as he has expected, but a startled young girl! She couldn't have been any older than 14 and still had the coins clutched in her hand. In his astonishment, Zander pulled the knife away and let go of her, which forced the girl, who was relying on his grip for balance, to fall to her knees.

He quickly regained his composure and told the girl to get up, "But don't run or I'll be forced to chase you down on poor old Malach," he gestured towards the horse, "and she's had enough adventuring for one day."

The girl almost smiled and stood up nervously. "I-I'm sorry sir..." She stuttered.

"No you're not, silly girl, you're just sorry you got caught," Zander grinned heartily at her. He was glad to finally be in the presence of a human being, ANY human being, after the stench of those ogres. "And with the racket you made it's no wonder."

Now the girl did smile, the man had read her like a book.

"Well, desprate times call for desprate measures," She said.

"So desprate you can't simply ask instead of stealing?"

Her face filled with rage. "I will NOT be reduced to a begger!!!" she screamed at him.

"But you would be reduced to a theif?" Zander raised an eyebrow. "Which is less honorable?"

Her head fell in shame. "Idon't know..."

Zander let out a small chuckle. "Come on, you can share my meal tonight, and go ahead and keep those coins you took."

She looked doen at the 5 Gold coins in her hand and suddenly she didn't want them at all. She tried to give them back.

"No, I don't want them anymore, they belong to you," she said.

"What will you ever learn if you choose the path of least remorse? You will feel the guilt stealing those coins has brought you, and you will learn from it."

She nodded and again closed her fingers around the coins that now seemed to burn her palm with guilt and shame. She wouldn't be so stupid again.

Zander motioned her over to the fireside where their dinner was still lying in the pan, getting cold.

"What's your name girl?" he asked, placing the pan over the fire again.

"Arkiri," She said, "I'm from Corner."

"Well, I'm on my way there, you can tag along if you like."

"No way, I NEVER want to go back there again!" she exclaimed.

Zander sensed it was a very personal subject, so he refrained from questioning further. "Well, I'll only be there long enough to pass through and hopefully board a ship to Akaros then to Asheri. If you want, you can come and I'll drop you off at either place."

She seemed to think it over for a while before finally asking, "Why would you do that for me?"

"Why not? As you can see, I have little company besides my horse, and I can't very well carry on a conversation with her." Zander said. "You're also someone in need, and since I have both the position and the means to help you out, I figure, why not?"

The answer satisfied her. "Alright, I'll accompany you to Asheri and decide where to go from there."

"Then let's get some rest, we have a long journey ahead of us," Zander smiled broadly, "And no more snooping around near my moneybag."

"Oh, you won't have to worry about that," She said. She had put the coins in her pocket, but they weighed on her heart as much as they did the cloth.

Shortly after they finished eating, they turned in for the night, Zander gave her his bed-roll and wrapped himself up in his cape next to the fire.

Ask, seek, knock...

Posted by Zander Kohen on 12-11-2001 05:50 PM

High Seas

After another two-day's journey with very little events except for the change from desert to lush tropics as they neared the tip of the long peninsula that Corner was situated in, the two entered the city of Corner.

Zander had several things he needed to do while he was in Corner, the least of which was getting rid of his clothes that were saturated in ogre stench, (he had since changed them for fresh ones). He also decided that Arkiri would need her own bedroll if she was going to be traveling with him. She had almost no belongings except for the clothes that she wore. Even those were little more than a tattered old tunic and a patched up pair of pants that only covered her down to the middle of her calves.

He'd learned much about the girl during the last two days that they had been traveling together. She had no family; her parents had been thrown in prison when she was 10, because a very drunk and very rich man in Corner wrongly accused them of thievery. When she was 12, she got word that they had died from a disease they contracted in the prison. No wonder she doesn't want to go back to Corner, he had thought.

Arkiri now sat upon Malach's saddle while Zander navigated them through the streets. He was happy to have the girl along, not was she a much-needed traveling companion, but she also proved to be a helpful guide in Corner.

“I feel like a Queen up here, and you’re my royal escort,” She giggled.

“Well you certainly don’t look like one,” Zander retorted, and she mocked taking offense at his words. “How bout we get you some new clothes?”

She almost screamed with excitement. “Really!?” She asked, hope filling her eyes. Zander nodded with a big grin on his face. Nothing made him happier than giving to someone who rarely received anything more than a dirty look.

While Arkiri continued babbling about feeling like royalty, Zander made his way toward where she had told him he’d find a good tailor. He laughed whenever she said something particularly humorous, but other than that, kept silent.

After the tailor took her measurements, Zander told Arkiri to pick out what she wanted from the tailor’s display clothing. She chose a rather low cut shirt that made Zander give her a funny look. She also picked out a pair of denims, boots and an off white robe that Zander thought made her look like a princess, and he told her so.

She giggled and blushed before taking the robe off. She handed it back to the tailor and looked at Zander expectantly.

“How much for the whole lot?” Zander asked. He watched the smile spread across her face.

“3 gold,” the tailor said. “I’ll even throw in an extra shirt.”

“Better make that an extra pair of denims as well.”

“3 gold and 4 silvers then, ya won’t find a better deal in all of Corner,” the tailor said, obviously grateful to have some business.

“It’s already getting dark, perhaps we should return for them in the morning then?” Zander asked.

“Yes, it will take me a few hours to get these done, by then it will be much too late.”

“Alright then, we’ll be back in the morning.”

Zander and Arkiri turned and left the tailor’s shop. Zander asked where they could find a decent inn while untying Malach.

“Right down there,” she said, pointing back the way they’d come and slightly to the right.

Zander saw the building she was pointing at. It was a large, but not very well kept, building with the word “Inn” painted on sloppily. Zander figured it was better than nothing and better than sleeping outside of town in his tent, so they made their way back down the narrow street to the inn.

Malach’s hooves made loud thuds on the wood planks of Corner’s docks. If one were to look back at the city they would see an astonishing view of the wealthy citizens homes above and surrounding the lower part of the city.

Arkiri had her new clothes on now and Zander bought her a bedroll before they left for the docks. They had enough food to last them the trip to Noit and beyond so they were more than ready to set sail as soon as they could find a good ship.

Zander spotted a fairly seaworthy vessel and asked a man working next to it where the ship was headed.

“Yeah, we’re headed to Noit, why?” the man asked looking up from the cargo he was loading onto the ship. “You looking to hop a ride with us?”

“That depends… Will I be able to board a ship to Asheri from there?”

“Well, We’ll be able to get you to Noit, for a price, but you’d have no guarantee of passage to Asheri,” The sailor said. “I have my suspicions that Akaros will have its docks closed soon now that Gania has closed all of hers to Asheri.”

Zander nodded and tried to think. If there were any chance he could make it to Asheri through Noit, he would have to take it. The only way to become a Holy Knight was to pass the test in the temple at the top of Mt. Nyliam.

“Alright,” Zander said. “We’ll come with you.”

“You’ll have to take that up with the Captain,” the sailor said.

“I can guarantee you passage to Asheri,” A deep voice said from behind Arkiri and Zander. The sailor looked beyond them at the figure standing there. Zander and Arkiri both turned to face the stranger.

He was a large, totally bald man who was at least a foot taller than Zander. Very muscular, he looked as though he could smash a man with one blow from the large sword he carried at his waist. He was dressed in a leather vest with loose cotton pants and a belt. Overall, he was an imposing figure, but his mischievous grin gave him away to be friendly, if a bit of a rule breaker.

This could get interesting… Zander thought. “How?” He asked.

“Follow me,” The man said, smiling more broadly. “I’ll show you.”

A few minutes and on the other side of the dock, Zander stood with his horse, Arkiri and the stranger amidst the private vessels owned by captains from all over Aterna, but mainly wealthy men who sailed for pleasure from Corner. They were standing in front of a large, private, ship the likes of which Zander hadn’t seen before.

It wasn’t a classy or expensive looking vessel like the wealthy merchants owned there in Corner, or as official and comfortable looking as the Ganian transports that shuttled people back and forth between Gania and Akaros. It was however sleek enough to be fast and it looked more than seaworthy.

“She’s not a purdy one, and she aint comfortable either,” The large sailor said. “But she’s mine and ye’ won’t find a tougher or faster ship in Corner.”

Zander thought a moment, then said, “How much?”

“Half as much as you’d pay to both Noit and Asheri,” The sailor said, but mind ye’, it won’t be as comfortable by far an’ you’ll have to give us a hand if we get into rough water.”

“Not a problem Captain,” Zander said and handed him the money.

The Captain smiled and said, “If you’ve got evrythin’ ye’ need, we can be on our way in about an hour.”

Zander turned to Arkiri who nodded and they turned to follow the captain up the large ramp to the ship. He allowed Malach to be taken below deck to a place where she would be secured for the journey; likely in one of the cargo holds that wasn’t filled with food.

“We won’t be makin’ a stop in Noit like the others, we’re goin’ straight to Asheri,” The Captain said, showing them to the one room cabin that Zander and Arkiri would have to share. “Here’s where you’ll be stayin’. Sorry about the sleepin’ arrangements.”

Zander saw that there was only one bed. “No need to worry about that, I’ll just sleep on the floor in my bed roll.” His neck suddenly remembered how sore it had been that morning from the “beds” at the inn and he wasn’t looking forward to the next week or two…


Ask, seek, knock...

Posted by Mavi Denn on 12-11-2001 07:41 PM

what now??

OOC: oh how i hate writer's block...

Kansivan and Mavi huddled together in the ring of fire that surrounded them, keeping off the shadows which brought imending doom for certain.

By daybreak, the injury on Mavi's leg began to show signs of infection and even a pultice did little for the spread of infection. As the day wore on, Mavi began to burn with fever, which brought the thought of two possible ways of dying to Mavi's mind.

As the shadows continued their slow march up the hill to Mavi and Kans' location on a ledge on the mountainside. From their vantage point, the ship they were on was barely visible, waiting in vain for the 2 other men that came with them. The shadows crept up the mountainside, sure and steady, unblocked and undaunted by rocky and steep mountain passes. Beside the lonely crack in the mountainside, the only excuse for a cave, Mavi and Kans awaited their shadowy doom, for any possible wood to burn had been burned in last nights panic struggle to survive.

Clinging to each other, the two friends sat in solemn wait for the creature lurking in the shadows to pounce with carnivorous verocity. As the sun sunk into the water, the shadows fell upon them as their eyes squinched shut to block out the horrific sight of the evil beast ready and waiting to pounce.

When the last inch of shadow fell on their heads, Mavi and Kans waited withough movement. Quietly, they whispered their goodbyes.

Oddly enough, instead of feeling the peircing touch of the monster's teeth, they felt a breeze wash over them and made them feel calm and relaxed. Mavi and Kansivan released their death grip on each other and layed down as the feeling of great weariness swept over them.

How odd...
God Bless America

Posted by Leo Saotome on 12-12-2001 03:48 PM

The Drunken Sailor

"It's Saotome. Leo Saotome." he responded, "What do you want?"

"Funny, that's not what you said last night. Trying to con us? Ah, no matter! You're wanted below deck to watch Scurvy, seein' as we're short on scrubbies. He gets squirrely when he's out of it, sometimes. Ya'll find 'm down in the Sick Bay."

"Where's that?" The Kulb chuckled at Leo's query, and responded heartily.

"You'll know, boy. You'll know. Just follow yer ears."

Leo nodded, and slipped below deck, quite inobtrusively. Below Deck, he heard Bucer, followed by the Starboard and then Port side of the ship break into song.

First Bucer, "Way, hey, up she rises!"
Then Starboard, "Way, hey, up she rises!"
Then Port, "Way, hey, up she rises!"
And all of them, "Ear-lye in the mornin'!"

Leo grinned partways, and followed his ears down a flight of stairs and down a corridor. What he heard, other than singing, was the anguished cries for help from men that unfortunately hadn't been knocked out by the Linking session. They were sore, wind beaten, and drained physically and mentally. Leo had the feeling the ones that were awake were delirious from the mental drain.

What shall we do with a drunken sailor?! Leo heard sung from above in triple, followed by another Ear-lye in the mornin'! He slipped into the door of the Sick Bay, and nodded to the only mobile person he saw.

The man was not much higher than the shop-keeper Hiroshi, and quite dark in the hair, eyes, and skin. He wore a long whitened coat, and beige-like pants. Also, he was not much thicker than the man called Scurvy. He was standing over a moaning man, applying a healing salve to him.

Put him in a long-boat till he's sober! Keep him there and make 'im bale 'er!Trice him up in a runnin' bowline, Ear-lye in the mornin'!

"You're Furthermore?"

"Yes. Well no-Saotome. I'm the one sent to look after Scurvy."

Tie him to the tasffrail when she's yard-arm under! Put him in the scuppers with a hose-pipe on him! Take 'im and shake 'im and try an' wake 'im, Ear-lye in the mornin' !

"Scurvy? Oh, right. Well, he's back there. If he's half awake, tell him the Good Doctor's on his way." the doctor gestured behind himself. He returned to his business, sealing opened wounds, internal and extrenal. When he extended his hands from his coat, Leo noticed that neither of the doctor's hands were marked for Dedication on either side.

Give 'im a dose of salt and water! Give 'im a taste of the bosun's rope-end! Stick on 'is back a mustard plaster, Ear-lye in the mornin'!

Leo shrugged it off, and slipped behind the curtain to look Scurvy over. He was a husk of a man, fallen limp but delirious, mumbling, and even speaking in tongues. "Doctor, Doctor! Give me the news, I got bad case of-"

Soak 'im in oil till he sprouts a flipper! Shave his belly with a rusty razor! Send 'im to the crow's nest 'till he falls over, Ear-lye in the mornin'!

"The- the good Doctor is on his way, Scruvy." Leo stammered. The skinny man seemed quite lanky, around the ox-man's height. Over un bound skin, Leo noticed old sores, rope burns, and long-unhealed wounds. Leo grimaced.

Put him in the scuppers with a hose-pipe on him! Turn him over and drive him windward! Put him in the scuffs until the horse bites on him, Ear-lye in the Mornin'!

"Scurvy! Ha ha! Ya know why I got that name?!" he paused for a response, and Leo said nothing. " 'Cause that's what I got half the time!" He laughed as if it were something hilariously amusing. "Ya knows what cause it?" He paused for another response. Leo really didn't want to know. "Bad diet! Ha ha! They say it's the girlies I sleeps with at all the ports, but I knows better! I saves money for eatin', and buy two, three, even four clean girlies all at the same time! It's great! The price is well worth it, I tell you. " Scurvy fell limp now, peacefully quiet.

Throw him in th' bilge and make him drink it!
Put him in his cabin and stop his liquour! Make 'im Kiss the Gunner's daughter, Ear-lye in the mornin!

Thus enlightened Leo grimaced again, and sat beside Scurvy, with nothing but pity for the man. Sitting next to him, Leo saw in the daylight, (for the sick man was stationed near a port hole, with his head toward and feet away) quite a scene for an aesthete such as himself to see. He grabbed his pack, and picked a sketchpad from it, as well as a small piece of charcoal that had been there as far back as he could remember it. He paused a moment to think of his past, and shook his head. He set to work.

Giv'm a look at the Cap'n's daughter! Make him kiss the Cap'n's daughter! Lock him up wi' the Cap'n's daughter, Ear-lye in the Mornin'!**

Lighting, shading, and giving form, Leo sketched and charcoaled the image of this now peaceful afternoon. When all was done, Leo looked it over satisfactorily. He wondered what he should call it, and thanked the sun it hadn't moved too much in the time it took to draw. He scrutinized it a moment as the Devil's Advocate, and thought aloud, "He looks almost... Dead." And it hit him. He checked the old man's pulse.

What to you do with a drunken soldier?! Put 'im in the Guard room 'till he's sober! That's what you do with a drunken sailor, Ear-lye in the mornin'!

"He's dead! Doctor, he's dead!" Leo shouted as he ran to the curtain. The doctor caught Leo, and tried to calm the boy.

The closing verse sounded quite somber, as if the men above knew what had just passed, Way, hey, up she rises, Way, hey, up she rises, Way, hey, up she rises, Ear-lye in the mornin'...

"Peace, Leo. It was only a matter of time. Conducting was too much for him. I couldn't help him.. I could only ease his pain. Thank you for watching over him in his final hours, Leo. He was lucky to have a caring soul like you, in the end. Here, I'm Doctor Hakim Babatunde. If you need to talk with me, I'll be right here on the ship." Leo nodded solemnly, and Hakim went about taking care of the body, moving it to a makeshift morgue for the time being. Leo shook his head pitifully, and back on deck, approached Bucer at the wheel.

"He's dead. I suppose we ought to send him out to sea?" Leo had heard of such feneral services out at sea.

"Not Scurvy. He liked being on dry land more. We'll bury him on the Tahr Beach somewhere. We'll be there by the end of the day. Can't leave the ship smelling like that man's bones. Oh, and.. if you want to go to Sungan from there, I'm sure the Cap'n wouldn't mind, if he wasn't awake when ya left."

Leo nodded, and went back below deck to his cabin. He found there a meal, sent most likely from the Mess, which he had yet to find on board. On it was a short note that read: "Cookie said you skipped breakfast and lunch. Don't want ya wastin' away on us!~ Arna :-)"

Leo ate heartily a meal of steak, slightly leather, but still good with Leo's hunger, rice which had gone partly stale and salty in storage, which also was a little on the crunchy side, and a salad whose lettuce had gone slightly brown on on one side. The meal was really mediocre, but a king's meal for an orphan gone sailor. He stayed a while in his cabin while night fell, and the ship came to a slow stop.

Leo didn't attend the digging of Scurvy's grave, nor the funeral (Which was attended by the rest of the crew, including the conscious half of the Symphonies, Scurvy's replacement, Arna, Tavey Nelek, and the Captain himself, but not Doctor Hakim). He did, however, visit Scurvy's grave when all was said and done. He saw an improvised tombstone which read: "Preruet 'Scurvy' Audric 1279-1329 He survived many a scrape, and died as he had always wished-in bed."

Leo looked down at the char coaling he had in his hands, and entitled it-Peaceful Passing of a Vibrant Man-1329 He sighed, and returned to the ship.

*The Gunner's Daughter is fastening a man to one of the cannons and firing it three or four times.

**The Captain's Daughter doesn't refer to Arna, but an equally cruel punishment: a variation on the cat-o-nine-tails. ^_^

~Leo Saotome

Intelligent, soft-spoken, and aggreeable.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Posted by Victor Dominic on 12-12-2001 03:55 PM

"We shall retreat to Helilal for now, then." Victor strode to the tent's entrance and spoke with one of the guards, who hurried off immediately after saluting.

"I am going to send word to all cities in Lunis and Farai. I know that the cities of Lunis are loyal to our cause, and at the very least, the cities of Farai are neutral."

A messenger stepped into the tent, panting. All four men and Scarlet turned to face him.

"Sir! A battalion from Fayre approaches!"

"Is the construct completed?"

"Yes, sir. It is ready. Shall I have the men attend their posts?"

Victor looked away for a second, then returned his gaze, his eyes ice cold. "Yes. And have the archers at the ready. Send the Elites to spread the oil. Report back when they are finished." The messenger departed, and Victor looked at the small company in the tent. "You will take cover at the rear of the camp. Have your horses ready to flee, if we appear endangered."

"I will remain here and fight, General," Alexandros said. Victor nodded.

"I'm not going anywhere either," Indigo protested.

"Why? You have no allegiance to Lunis, no reason to fight. Protect your lover if need be, but you need not involve yourself in this fight."

Adamas took him and Scarlet aside. "I will stay and fight in your place. I have more experience that either of you in actual battle. Scarlet, I will make good on my promise to teach you about your abilities. But now is not the time."

"But Adamas... I do wish to fight here, despite the fact that I was born elsewhere," Indigo said. Scarlet nodded, as if to say she would not leave his side.

Victor looked at the couple. "I'll not refuse you thrice, but I strongly advise you not to involve yourselves. Do you still wish to remain?"

Indigo nodded, and Scarlet put her arm around him.

"So be it. Men, and milady, we will defend this position today. I have a plan enacted that cannot fail. Here it is..."

Cue: Aramus. Remember the plan? I haven't changed anything. Alex. Sorry I spoke for you, but I assume you will assist us? Scarlet, you and Indigo may flee at anytime. Indigo will not let anything happen to you.
You'd be better off turning a blind eye to your enemy and keeping your good one on politics. Enemies can't stab you in the back.

Posted by Volsung on 12-12-2001 04:05 PM

OCC: I'm still a little rusty so please forgive any errors I may have missed.

IC:Volsung and Ollis found there way to an inn on the edge of town named the Silk Line. There was a small bar in the front filled with workers. “This place will do. I have stayed here a few times in the past, and I know the innkeeper. So, sit tight and I will get us a room.”

With that, Ollis walked off leaving Volsung to leaning on his staff in a room full of angry drunks. Volsung watched several on the men as he waited for Ollis to get back. Volsung had a feeling someone was going to try something but he wasn’t sure witch one. Then from this back side a large worker came at him. Volsung quickly put his ora all around him but he kept it at level where it wouldn’t kill the man, “Just teach him a lessen.” Volsung thought to himself. The man hit the ora, and was intently thrown back against the wall. Just then Ollis came back to see the man lying on the ground.

“What did you do?”

“He attacked me, and all I did was stand here. Now, lets get to are room I’m in no mode to stand around he any longer.” With Volsung and Ollis went to there room.

_____________________________________ _________________

After they had settled in and rested for a little bit, Ollis told Volsung that he had to check a few things out, and that he would be back in a few hours.

After Ollis left Volsung found himself unable to go to sleep so he decided to see if he could find some new pants or at least some fabric, its not like he had anything else to do. Therefore, Volsung went down to the markets to see if any one had any dark green silks, and as he had guessed, it was a very uncommon color. Volsung looked at stands full of red and blue, and purple, but no dark green. Still he looked knowing if he could find some he would he able to repair his own cloths. Then about three hours after he had left the inn Volsung found want he was looking for a stand packed full of dark green fabric. Volsung walked up to the small woman who was manning the stand, “Hello miss, I was wondering how much you were asking for that Fabric?”

“Well, for five yards it would cost you One Gold Gran.”

“One? That can’t be right let me look at that.” Sensing Volsung desire to buy the fabric rushed to gab a small piece that was lying in the back of the stand. When she came back, she handed Volsung, which he took and spent about ten minutes looking at it. Then he spoke up. Miss you are a liar this is not worth the price you are changing.” Then the woman started weeping. “Its worth twice your price. Now I would like to know why you are not charging.”

The Woman looked up in surprise not saying a word. Then after about a minute she wiped the tears from her eyes and started talking, “Well good sir, no one was buying are fabric and so we cut the price in order to make it more competitive, so it wouldn’t be a complete lose.”

“That’s it! Damn I was hopping for some evil merchants forcing prices down or maybe you were being scared into lowing your prices.”

“Sorry just a lack of interest.”

“Well I’m interested and therefore I would like to see you stay open so here is three gold Grans for that 5 yards of fabric.” The woman smile as she took Volsung money and quickly cut the fabric and made it into a roll, and then putting into a paper cylinder. At the day of Volsung was very happy to walk home with his roll of dark green fabric. “Now I just have to work on my sowing.” Volsung thought to himself.


"Listen! I've traveled every road in this here land!"

Posted by Claudia Stromguard on 12-12-2001 04:42 PM

Claudia walked slowly towards her window within Dargent Keep. Her apprentices had been housed in smaller quarters a couple of floors below, and she was grateful for the time she had now for herself. Looking skyward, all of the clock towers of the city flew the Imperial banners. a smile crossed her lips, thinking of her own great-uncle who had ruled Nyliam during the Great War. Claudia herself had no real interest in this war, but she did hope that Aramus would win, or at least hold power in Nyliam, if simply for the fact that he had already legalized Terra Magic within Imperial domain.

There was a knock at her door, and she walked slowly to the door, brushing her hair to hide the scar upon her forehead. She glanced in the miror for a split second to see that everything was in place, before she opened the door. A man stood in the doorway, dressed in Imperial dress uniform. He eyed her for a moment.

"Mistress Stromguard, I am Dorian Yevin, Leiutenant under General Antridyus. I have come to deliver this letter," He handed over a small envelope, bowed, and left.

She looked over this plain white envelope for some time, forgeting it for a while to read out of one of her manuals for some time. Her and Antridyus had known each other before she had left for Akaros, and she had been quite fond of him for awhile. She picked it up as the sun was beginning to set, and summoning several balls of light to set her at ease, she read the letter.

Mistress Stromguard,

Let me be the first Imperial man to welcome you home to your new country. I was happy to hear of the return of one that has been so missed in the past ten years. I'm sure that it was the legalization of the old magic that convinced you to finally return. As a matter of fact, I was wondering if you could help me out, in that respect. We are in need of teachers for mages within our forces. You would be well paid, and would have first sccess to any artifacts that our forces would find during our reclamation. Please come find me, I am staying within Dargent Keep, in the old Lord's wing. Just ask a servant for directions. Even if you were to choose not to I would like to see you again.

General M. Antridyus

Claudia smiled for just a moment, and extinguished the balls of light that were floating about her. This was her chance to renew the magic of Asheri, and her chance to become an even better Summoner. For the most remembered Summoners in history always lkived during wars. Summoning is an art of war, more than most other Terra magics. Not that it does not have peaceful applications, but the most powerful summons were purely destructive. Claudia frowned for a moment in her thoughts, and then conjured some ethereal music and fell into her bed, giggling like a little girl again.
The power of an army is insignifigant in comparison to the power of the will...

Posted by Mavi Denn on 12-12-2001 10:43 PM

The Mystery

Thoughts swept through Mavi's mind as she began to wake. The pain in her leg suddenly became evident as she tried to move, the seering pain waking her fully. Opening her eyes, she found herself in a dark room laying on a cot.

Where am I? What am I doing here? Why aren't I dead? Where's Kans?

Lifting her head slowly, Mavi saw nothing in the darkness. She sat up and blinked her eyes into adjustment.

"Kans? Kans where are you?"

When there was no answer, Mavi felt the panic rise up.

Don't panic...mustn't panic

Even with the pep talk, she felt the tears well up as her head swept from side to side rapidly in search of anything familiar to her.

The room remained dark for what seemed like hours until a door opened across from where she was sitting. With the sudden light, Mavi could see that she was in a cave room, shelves lined the walls filled with books, pictures beautifully drawn of the landscape ordained the roughly hewn walls of granite.

" 'ello little one! My name is Keyra!"

The jubulant voice came from a portly old woman standing in the doorway. She held a torch that illuminated the small room.

Mavi blinked and her eyes adjusted to the sudden light. She glanced around the room quickly and found no sign of Kansivan.

"Uh...where am I and where is Kans?"

(font color="red")"Oh! Are you meaning the young boy that was with you? He's in another room near here, he's awake, just gettin' dressed.(/font)

The stout woman smiled happily and walked further in and hung the torch in a hole burrowed in the stone and pulled a plain brown tunic and pants from a chest of drawers to the right of the cot. She set them neatly on the end and stood up, brushing invisible dirt from her skirt.

The woman's snowy white hair was pulled into a loose bun and strands fell onto her shoulders. She wore a deep green tunic that hung past her hips and overlapped a simple brown skirt that reached her ankles. Keyra's hands were worn and wrinkled from age but her face still looked young and joyfull. Her eyes were an amazing amber-red that seemed to dance with joy. Mavi concluded that Keyra was a lonely woman who like the company of the few guests that brave the island.

"Keyra? Where am I?"

"Oh deary, you are in a cave near the top of the mountain, near the crator where its warm so I don't have ta keep this place warm."

With that, Keyra waved her arms irradically gesturing to the whole of the cave.

Keyra soon left Mavi to sit on the cot, her leg still throbbing but not infected anymore, for a pultice was spread and wrapped around her leg. She stood up and undressed and gratefully put on the new clothing.

Dressed, Mavi exited the cozy room and walked into an immense stone room, stalactites hanging from the stone ceiling like gray or milky white chandaliers. On the floor, the stalagmites were masterfully hewned into chairs, benches, tables or torch holders. To her immediate right, the kitchen was cut off from the main room by long stone slabs resting on an "L" of stalagmites. Shelves and cubboards lined the wall behind the counter lined with cracked and worn dishes and glasses.

Walking in slowly, filled with awe at the masterfully crafted home in the rocks, Mavi moved silently over to a bench cusioned by ratty, old, but confortable pillows and fresh, thick leaves. Keyra soon emerged from a doorway opposite the kitchen area holding onto a pile of towels and rags.

"Oh 'ello there! Glad you found a chair."

"This place...its...magnifisant!

"Oh you really think so? Me and my late husband Jespa worked on this place for years."Keyra paused before continuing, her usually joyfull expression vanished, giving way to a pained one of bygone memories. "He...died of the mysterious shadowed monster."

Mavi felt terrible for the old Keyra, late in years and lonely as a woman can get. Before she could speak her condolances, Kans came out from his assigned room wearing clothes very similar to hers, although very much larger than he was.

Keyra returned to her jubulance when he emerged and walked quickly to the kitchen and turned back around and presented them with a plate of pancakes ladened with purple and red berries floating in a thick syrup lavishly poured over the golden brown cakes. The delicious aroma filled Mavi's nostrils and reminded her of her hunger.

After eating, Mavi and Kans walked outside with Keyra. Overlooking the larger half of the island, the ledge leading into the cave slopped down gently and eventually led to the jungle below.

As Mavi, Kansivan and Keyra reached the jungle, they kept out of the darkest shadows, Keyra keeping a torch lit to help as they picked the berries that were in the delicious pancakes.

Suddenly, Mavi could feel her senses arise and the hairs on the back of her neck do the same.

Somethings watching us...
God Bless America

Posted by Victor Dominic on 12-12-2001 11:09 PM

"Sir, if I may?" A soldier entered Victor's tent. He peered up from the map.

"Is it important?"

"Uh... perhaps. It depends on your answer."

"Well, then, let's have it. Out with it now, I'm quite busy."

"The guys in the 14th unit are wondering what your views on Terra magic are."

Victor removed his reading glasses and motioned for the soldier to sit down. He did as instructed.

"What is your name?"

"Private Marron."

"Not your title, your name. All of it."

"Geran Tinas Marron the second."

"Geran, if you were faced with a powerful foe, would you hesitate to use a weapon at your disposal because of a law prohibiting it?"

"I suppose not, sir."

"Law of man has no place in battle. Only self preservation. Your weapons are not evenly matched with the opponents, so you must use everything to your advantage, or forfeit. And confrontation between two parties construes an unwritten contract. That each party agrees to surrender their life to the obligations of battle. 'Till death do us part."

"So you support it?"

"Let us not feign naivete. I know that you men practice it, some of you are quite fluent. It matters not to me what you do in the heat of battle, but I pray you use your discretion on the homefront. Remember that terra magic steals the life of the earth, and nothing stolen is without penalty."

"Yes, sir."

"You are dismissed."
You'd be better off turning a blind eye to your enemy and keeping your good one on politics. Enemies can't stab you in the back.

Posted by Zander Kohen on 12-13-2001 11:12 AM


It was the beginning of the fourth day that Zander and Arkiri had been on the ship headed for Asheri. They had encountered nothing but calm seas and a fair wind and Zander was beginning to go mad from boredom. He spent much of his time in prayer and with the rest, he almost obsessively polished his sword. If he shined it anymore it might blind someone, so he was left with nothing to do. Since Arkiri had busied herself exploring the ship and it’s rigging, he didn’t even have someone to talk with.

Since they had been on the ship, Zander had dressed only in his tunic and pants, not being able to maneuver about the ship with his armor on and a sword strapped to his back. He felt almost naked without it all, but it was nice to be able to have a change for once.

He had no idea what the off-duty crew did with their time, but he was hoping to find out, if only to give him an idea of something to do. So, Zander left his cabin to see if he could find anyone to talk to and was surprised to find the Captain on deck as well, staring out across the waves.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” Zander said, approaching the daydreaming Captain who tore his eyes away from the waves when he heard Zander speaking. “Why were you willing to risk crossing to Asheri right away? If you’d been caught by Gania, you’d have your ship confiscated, at least.”

“There are some things worth bein’ caught for,” The Captain began. “The Resistance is one of ‘em.”

“But when you return…” Zander started, but was cut off.

“We won’t be returnin’,” the Captain said, turning back to the open ocean. “My crew and I are sailing to Balanum to join the resistance which is based there. I suspected that you were on your way there for the same reason.”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I have no interest in joining either side of this war,” Zander said.

“Why else would ye’ be goin’ to Asheri then?” the Captain asked, turning all the way around to face Zander for the first time.

Now it was Zander’s turn to stare out at the rolling waters. He thought of his wife, how she’d died, and the oath he’d made to the Creator, promising to become a Holy Knight and never let harm come to another of his loved ones again.

“I have personal reasons…” Zander said.

The Captain shrugged, he could tell that he shouldn’t press any further about Zander’s motives. “And the girl?”

“Oh, she’s a thief I caught trying to steal from me,” Zander said, a smile starting to form on his face. “She doesn’t have anyone else to take care of her, so I invited her to come with me till we can find someone willing to take her in. To tell the truth, she’s becoming more and more like a little sister to me.”

“You’re a strange one, Zander Kohen,” The Captain said chuckling. “Takin’ in a thief who tried to steal your own money. Might as well be givin’ her your money.”

“I am.”

“Well then, you’re even crazier than I thought,” the Captain joked. “Speakin’ of crazy, you’d better keep that crazy girl close to you. A ship filled with lonely men is the last place that a young girl should go exploring, if you know what I mean.”

Zander nodded. “Do you know where she is?”

“I know where everything is on this ship,” the Captain said with a smile. “She’s sneaking around in the cargo hold that we put your horse in.” He tilted his head towards the ladder leading below deck.

Zander chuckled softly. “She loves that horse.” He crossed the deck and descended the ladder. Climbing down past the galley where a few crewmen were laughing and drinking, Zander made his way to the bottom of the ladder and into the cargo hold. He made his way around the trunks and bundles to where the ship’s crew had roped off an area for Malach.

Sure enough, Arkiri was there, patting and comforting the horse. Malach looked about as bored as Zander felt. She was also very well groomed and her white mane was even combed out. All the knots that had developed over their journey were gone. She was restored to her full beauty. Her deep brown body almost gleamed, even in the low candlelight that was radiating from a small candle sitting next to Malach’s saddle.

Arkiri saw him approaching and greeted him with a smile. “I was just coming down to check on her for you,” she said.

“Obviously she’s being very well kept,” Zander said. “I appreciate your concern for her, but perhaps you should stay near me.”

“Oh God, don’t get all parental on me now,” Arkiri said, rolling her eyes at him. “Why should I stay with you all the time anyway?”

“Because… ships are dangerous places, you might get hurt,” Zander said. It was the truth, partially. She could very well get hurt by one or more of the crew trying to have their way with her, of course, they’d be hurting a lot more if Zander ever found out they did. But he highly doubted Arkiri would be easily hurt by anything else aboard the ship.

“I’m smarter than you think, ya know,” Arkiri retorted. “You’re afraid those men might do something to me, well don’t worry, I can take care of myself.”

“Well then, I guess I will just leave you in Balanum then,” Zander teased. “I was thinking about having you come along the rest of the way to Mt. Nyliam, but since you can take care of yourself…”

“Alright, alright, I’ll stay close to you,” She gave in. “But don’t treat me like a baby just because I’m 14.”

“Agreed,” Zander said. “Now come on, let’s go back to the cabin.”

The next week and a half of sailing was fairly uneventful, to Zander’s dismay, except for a while when the winds picked up dangerously and the sails had to be taken in for fear of breaking one of the masts. They sailed into Balanum just before sundown just over 2 weeks after they’d left Corner.

“You’re welcome to stay on board tonight,” the Captain told Zander and Arkiri.

“That won’t be necessary Captain,” Zander said. “We’re all packed, and I’ve been looking forward to a real bed.” He rubbed his neck, which was stiff from so many nights of sleeping on the hard floor of his cabin.

The Captain just laughed and they said their good-byes. Zander and Arkiri strolled down the ramp leading to the dock and were met by one of the ship’s crewmen holding the reins to Malach who now had her saddle on and was beautifully groomed.

They were finally in Balanum. Zander reminded himself to refrain from using Terra magic unless the circumstances were dire. He was sure they would have legalized Terra magic for those fighting in the war, but he wasn’t sure if such a pardon had been extended to wandering warriors as well.


Ask, seek, knock...

Posted by Volsung on 12-13-2001 03:11 PM

Volsung was very tiered because he had spent most of the night sowing his pants and did not get much sleep. So, when Ollis came back and said, “Its time to go we have to be in Akaros in three days.” Volsung was a little out of it.

But, he sat up and still a little sleepily said, “Its 5 o’clock in the morning can’t this wait until after lunch?”

“No get dressed now and gather your things we are leaving at day break.” Volsung didn’t know what to think, but he did what he was told even though he should have been the one giving orders. As Volsung was getting all of his fabric rolled back up he seen a strip of green fabric that he cut for his pant, but since he didn’t need it any more he tied it around his head making it into a head band witch he thought went very well with his blond hair. After putting his new headband on Volsung was ready to go in a matter of minutes, Volsung was ready to go.

“I’m ready. Now can you please tell me what is going on?”

“Not now after we get on the road maybe, but not here and not now.” Volsung could tell that something was up because even in the wilderness he never seen Ollis this distracted.

“Fine, we will do it your way but I do expect to get some answers before we get to Akaros.”

“If that is what you want, but the sun is rising and we most go.” The pair left the money for the inn on the table and a note on the door and left. Moving quickly down the empty streets of Ciwa the pair made great time, even with Volsung limp he could move quickly on good streets with no traffic. However, they quickly left the brick streets of Ciwa and for the dirt roads witch are between all the major cities. Then Volsung spoke up. “Why don’t we take flight? We can make much better time that way.”

“NO are you mad then they would know we are coming for sure. No we must stay on the ground for now.”

“Well can you tell me now what this is all about? Like why we are going to Akaros in a hurry, but we can’t fly?”

“Yes I guess so. You see yesterday I meet with the Regional gild master in Ciwa to check in was all gild members do when ever they get to a city. He told me that the man I was guiding around was wanted by the King of Akaros for about three weeks, and that about a week ago the royal guard issued a warrant for my arrest, because they beveled you died and me the killer.”

“What could the King of Akaros want with me?”

“I don’t know but its important or they would go to these lengths.”

“And now I see why we can’t fly or we would be seen and you would be killed.”

“Yes my only chance to clear all of this up is to get you to the king with you at my side. Witch could be hard because there are four roads into the city, and guards at everyone.”

“So could we fly in?”

“We could, and we may have to. But that’s is not how most people get into the city so it would attract a little attention.”

“Well I think I have a plan to get in without using bridges, but we must leave the main road in order to make better time or this may not work.”

“Fine. I will lend you to the bank of Lake Akar.” With that, Volsung and Ollis turned off the main road with a new sense of purpose.


"Listen! I've traveled every road in this here land!"

The time now is 03:30 PM.

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