Thursday, January 20, 2005


Keiru Jade

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 52


I really think we have a problem with the elves. You see we have about the Keiru and avatars think that they are to powerful and need to be toned down, the other half seems to think there fine as is. Now I don't really care either way but I think its importin that everyone in here is on the same page because I think it looks bad when we are all contradicting one anther.

In short I think it about time that jake or Gassman or Kriss sit down ether one by one or together and hash this thing out. Because the Elves have become major player in aeterna and i really don't think we can let it stand like this.

I hope no one is offended by this I'm just trying to get thing clear.


Keiru Opal

For major players, they sure aren't posting much... In any case, I'm putting my faith in AW, KC and hopefully KSp to make it known what their weaknesses are.

I am aware of two rather large ones already... Iron and Shadow. It seems that the mere touch of shadow to an Elwain has an immense effect and even more so if the Elwain in question is more pure.

While iron doesn't seem to be a big deal, imagine the effect of iron weapons. I'd imagine they might infect or even poison the Elwain that is struck by such a blade. (Correct me if I'm wrong AW)

A third limitation is the inability to use Terra magic, as pointed out by AW in Til's treatise. I would consider this a fairly large limitation since magic is such an important factor in Aeterna, and in my eyes Terra is the most favorable.

Keiru Cobalt

I'm going to be sorely disappointed if any bigwig declares that the Elwain can use Terra and Ki magic. Yeah, yeah, a lot of confusion has been created because of the lack of resources on the innate magical power of the Elwain, but, until now, it hasn't been a big deal at all. If I get permission, which, sometimes, I feel would be easier to obtain in a Roman senate than around here, I'd like to clear this up by finally writing on the subject. Just let me know what its going to be and who is going to do it. I fear that, unless I write it, theres going be another huge discrepency from what I had originally envisioned of the Elwain.

Avatar Worldmaker

Gassman, feel free to finalize/modify anything Til has written on the Elwain, other then the Magic system.. I shall discuss it with you first, and I believe we have discussed it before, but I wish to be tohe one to write the section on Nish'talle A'drion

Keiru Cobalt

I can remember Elven magic being one of the first things I had talked to you about concerning the Elwain.

You've done all the magic before, and you've done very well. You've completely cleared up all the old arguments about magic simply because you had the foresight to address the issues, this time around, before they even became problems.

I just think that you should give me a chance to propose what I had intended (its briefly elaborated upon in the treatise that you moved here, but you knew much of that already). As I see it, the Nish'talle A'drion should be an order that was formed by Elwain who saw the inherent capabilities in the nature of their power and, thereby, sought to master it.

At the very least, it would be something different. I can't help that what I (and you) had originally sought to develop on my own became something of such keen interest to many others on the forums. That's all the better, but is it reason do deny this request? I've already conceded so much to you and Chris concerning the Elves (Linfell, Ja'Shar, the concept of Elven age), and I haven't ever said tisk-tisk. That's because RA is all about collaboration, and to have said otherwise would have been hypocritical. Nothing anyone really writes is set in stone due to the nature of a story with infinite possibilities. Anyhow, just let me know. Obviously, if you do let me write it up, I'll do it soon because it seems like everyone needs any explanation on the forums as soon as possible.


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